Good vibes for OG'ERS and every resident of Maui

Hey just wanted to shout to the people dealing with this horrible fire in Maui. I know there is some Hawaiian folk on here and we know people everywhere so this has and will touch many lives. This is just a post putting good vibes and positive energy to these people at some of the worst times if their lives.


Amen…. Crazy fires world wide this year, getting out of control. Sending positive vibes as well :pray:t3:


I’m on O’ahu but a lot of my friends and my Ho’e family on Maui were affected, the community is coming together to help though and there’s lots of funds, donations, and emergency services responding as quickly and efficiently as possible! It’s just disgusting because even in the aftermath of this horrible event caused by mismanagement and lack of concern the State is still prioritizing tourists over locals 🤦🏾 they’ve gone so far as to redirect flights off island to O’ahu and Kauai for tourists that they’ve bussed to the airports over locals who are still stuck with nowhere to go. Local orgs and kind individuals have even begun buying plane tickets for locals to get off island and to stay with family.


That is so sad. I am glad so many are reaching out to help. It is about community.

:green_heart: :seedling:


I’m crying inside thinking about that Banayan tree and how I feel so blessed I got to sit under it during my lifetime.



My son is a Union carpenter, anyone here have a contact with Local 745 on Maui?

He was saying he might like to go out and help rebuild. Obviously he can volunteer through his union here but that creates issue with him and job sites as he’s typically in a supervisory position.

In our thoughts and prayers out here.


The entire town of 12,000 people just gone have you all seen the pics? Truly devistating can’t show the destruction because it’s all just gone not like tornado or hurricane. It really puts shit in perspective to see a whole town erased from the earth.


I finally got ahold of my friends on Maui and they were luckily not directly affected.
Dude! Ditto! That was one of the first things I asked my buddy was wether that tree was still there. So sad!!!


Sounds like everywhere in the united states is like this same shit different state. Glad you are ok. It’s good to hear that the community is coming together and helping out. It is kinda sad that it takes a disaster to really pull people together. At least there is some humanity left.


You know I like to think that I believe in and trust humanity still, everyday you see kindness and good but it’s getting rarer every day.


My heart goes out to you guys there.
:pray: positive vibes


Terrible what’s going on sending my good vibes and prayers


So reddit post.


Hope dudes wrong but I’m hearing from a Hawaiian the deathtoll is much, much higher then initially reported.
I really hope they can recover with speed. :pray:


@cannabissequoia lives there. The dick knows I’m praying for him. Get the fuck outa there buddy.


It’s looking to be in the hundreds rn but the hope is that as the days go on people are found, that they had gotten out and we’re just unable to make contact. I haven’t been able to go but people are doing their best to boat supplies in, setup food and water stops on surrounding roads and parking lots outside of Lahaina, some people have taken radio banks and starlink wifi systems in so people can get connected because phone lines and towers are still down. Right now the counts at 86 confirmed deaths but there’s a lot of combing they still need to do.


I wanted to post this because since yesterday there’s been nonstop support for Maui through the Native Hawaiian and local community to get supplies there. People have been taking their boats and private vehicles to a shore front property to be distributed amongst people. Yesterday, I helped organize and prep palettes to be taken on air cargo and dropped off with some O’ahu folk who were able to get big rigs and shipping trucks to take them close enough to the disaster zone for people to receive supplies.


Wrong island but right archipelago :world_map: but all the calls I got are appreciated. :blush: It was weird to watch it all go down live(I’m a news junkie)…it was just a local story at first…for like a day. Then I wake up next day & see news & they mention Oprah :thinking: has over a 1000 acres near Lahaina. :thinking: Ah. I see.

It rains so much where I am I think the only fires are people burning out squatters next to them…

In my district (Puna, known as the poor trashy meth heads) we get the :volcano: lava inundations. The 2019 eruption in Leilani is still inaccessible; some lots are 90 ft higher than before it, all fresh lava. which stays warm :sweat_smile: for quite a while.

Bravo :call_me_hand: braddah @Sodapop - you know you got dank genetics coming your way pretty soon. :mailbox: :seedling:



Gotta show up for my people! Good to hear you’re making the best of being out in Puna with the Punatics, hope there’s more good days than bad.

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Glad people aren’t waiting on our broken system to help and jumping in and getting actual help needed.