If any growmies are going through it, just know we’re going through it together. It’s been a rough week with no breaks

So this is probably chalking up to be in the running for worst December of my life so far. It started off with my grandpa testing positive for Covid last week and my gf and I having to get an Airbnb to get out of the house. I’ve been having to charge everything to credit because I haven’t been able to build any savings up since the last time we had Covid and it was horrible, I was down and out for 5 months from March to August and couldn’t work. Burnt through all of my savings then and haven’t been able to save since. So now we’re staying out, the Airbnb’s $389 for a 2 night stay, we gotta check out on a Friday but thankfully my cousin Louis lets us sleep over at his apartment. Saturday we find out that were negative for Covid and so we leave the Airbnb to go to a friend’s Christmas party to try and cheer ourselves up and my mom texts that my grandma had to be taken to the hospital and is unresponsive, it turns out that her kidneys had failed and she had sepsis and to our surprise late stage renal cancer. So, we go to the party and try to have a good time and thankfully I had the best time that I could. So we come back to the apartment and crash, wake up Sunday and get ready to go to the hospital. I call my manager and let her know that I’m unsure if I can make it in because my grandma is dying and I get hit with “if I give you an hour can you still come in?” So I give a hard no and I ask if my PTO has been approved for the week and she lets me know that the PTO hasn’t been approved and that they probably won’t approve it until after she passes. So now I’m considering leaving this job because they won’t even allow me the time to see and grieve with my family. I’m a wreck at this point and we leave the hospital to go back to my cousin’s apartment and I’m like trying to cheer up because I know he was gonna get stuff for hot pot. We get back and he’s cleaned the whole apartment for us but he’s taken a copious amount of mushrooms and has smoked almost his whole Oz of weed and I notice that the liquid death box I’ve been storing my bong, banger, dabs, grinder and torch are missing like $500 worth of stuff and I’m pretty sure in his very altered state he tossed it thinking he was doing us a favor getting rid of all our trash. He can’t remember at all if he did it or not. To cap it all off, my mom calls me right after I search the whole apartment and try and find somebody to let me into the trash room to try and find it and the maintenance guy goes “he dropped it down the chute from the 18th floor, I don’t think it survived.” And the text from my mom reads “hey you might have to stay out longer stepdad’s mom and stepdad’s son caught Covid from pop because they refused to wear masks in the house” so now I’m panic booking another Airbnb for $400 on credit because my cousin’s mom flies in Tuesday night for her hip surgery here on O’ahu and she needs to stay with him. So now I’m down my only bong, all my dabs, my only torch, my grandma is dying, my job won’t give me time off to be with her, I’m up about $900 on my credit card, and I haven’t been home in a week. Thankfully, I am safe, I don’t have to worry about anyone bombing my home, the world I get to wake up to every day isn’t horrific on every level, and I have the pleasure of being a member of this site. So if anyone on here is going through it, just know that we’re going through it together and we’ll get out to the other side, hopefully stoned to the bone and ready to roll. Love you growmies.


I am all out of weed though


That’s fuxored. That does not sound like a good place to work for.

Sorry to hear this, what you’re going through is tough. It comes in three’s (or thereabouts) as has been my experience. Hang in there.


That whole story sounds pretty shitty for ya bro.
Sorry to hear you are going through this.
I hope things get better for ya quickly.

If per chance you are near Detroit I have some extra smoke laying round I would be happy to gift ya.

To a better tomorrow for you brother.
Keep your head up!



Thanks Shag I’m out in Hawai’i though lol

I will be right there to drop it off…LOL
I might need a month of down time there before I return from such a long trip. :sunglasses:
My tan could use some work too…


Sorry to hear that… when it rains it pours. :frowning: And without weed, you don’t even have an umbrella. If I could pack a bowl for you over the internet, I would, but since I can’t I’ll dedicate this next hit to you. Hang in there!


I will do the same…smoke signals coming your way.


I definitely feel the love from the OG’ers all over!


My cousin did grab us some bud cuz he felt bad but I’ll have to wait until my next paycheck to grab another piece and my own supply again


Sending some :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart: your way. My last week was a wreck, but it’s mostly in my head because my head is often a wreck. That’s a definite sh**storm you’re having, and I wish I could tangibly help.
Good for you for seeking support where you can, and putting one foot in front of the other.


My grandmother passed at 2:47 Pacific Standard time at the age of 91. She joins her husband, her sisters, brothers, her oldest daughter and her beloved parents.


Condolences, my best to you and yours.
May your grandmothers memory always bring you peace.


Thank you, I appreciate it a lot.

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May she rest in peace brother :bowing_man:t2:‍♂ So Sorry For Your Loss. Hope for only better days ahead for you and your family. :green_heart:


fuk… ya man, I feel your pain. As I said to another friend here the other day… Misery loves company and I’ll hang out with ya :wink:

Attention Brother and Sister OG’s… if you are in Hawaii … sodapop could use a bag of OG goodness. Somebody hook the brother up!


I think she left in peace, I put on her favorite episode of Wheel of Fortune so she could watch her show again.


Once I’m on the up SHSC I’ll have to grab some beans man! Thank you for putting that out for me

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Condolence @Sodapop :black_heart:

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Sorry for your loss, man…but holy smokes, 91! Wow! Imagine all the stuff she saw in her lifetime! Amazing.