Got MOLD outdoors

30 years of growing and can’t fight the mold until now

Check out Dragon Flame Genetics

Growing in New England with rapid climate change and vigorous fall weather with high RH and rains

I discovered Dragons Flame and they are the dank of the dank and consistently mold free so trimming is a dream


Got any pix?


Not yet @PhilCuisine not until fall unfortunately
I picked up their genetics for this upcoming season

I tried 20/20 genetics last year which touted some pretty heavy resistance however still couldn’t handle the New England fall weather

They faired well however not totally impervious to grey mold in late September-mid October

Phil check out @dragonsflamegenetics website as they have some killer strains to try especially if you get racked in the fall


I’ve got a DVG cross with Mass Medical Strains. Might be interesting. Goid luck. Genus Seeds has some strains for sloppy conditions. Check 'em out @ Great Lakes Genetics. Great prices too.


DFG were in hawaii right but it did not work out?

I believe they were based in Hawaii and Oregon @Argulini

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Oh cool good to know as I been wondering. Scored a pack or 2 from them in Hawaii but was talking to a buddy not too long ago who said he hear some podcast that it did not work out in Hawaii for them…ive been curious as I know they went all in on their patch of land there and put in mad work building shelter and of course their grows. Hope the best for them! Great genetics this post reminded me i need to source some more!


Yea, we ended up moving back from Hawaii. Was a very hard choice, but in the end, its what was best for us. My grandfather’s health went downhill fast and has very rapid Alzheimer’s. Being 3500 miles out in the ocean, and for 18 months of it we couldn’t fly at all because of covid, and my Wifes parents are aging, and she had some health issues we couldn’t get resolved in Hawaii. I would have killed to be able to take our homestead there and move it to the mainland, but unfortunately that’s not how it works. Sucks to be homeowners, even if it was just a little sugar shack, to being back in a rental, but family needs called us home. And to be honest, we are very happy to be back. Hawaii is beautiful - but it’s also literally the most expensive state to live, and if you don’t 110% love it, there are cheaper places to live. Tons of racism, poverty, and meth on the island sadly, and being the white dude that moved over to their rock…thats exactly what they hate. I experienced quite a bit of harsh realities, from strangers throwing beers thru my truck window leaving the post office, to endless shoulder checks, guys waiting for me at my truck, endless racial slurs etc etc. So yea, we are back in Oregon, and the show goes on!


Sorry to hear about some of the negative stuff that went on. Glad you hung on and had fun while you did. You still marketing your brand and selling seeds or on hold while you get situated? Best of luck moving forward!


yep we are growing still indoors now, seeds are still going out / being made. releasing a new line next week actually, the haole moonshine.


Very cool! Glad you are still rocking. You going to announce the drop here?

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I was told not to advertise on here, so wasn’t planning on making any big announcements or anything

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That makes sense I guess as they need advertisements to finance the site so shout outs are discouraged. I will google around then next week to find some. Appreciate your updates and look forward to some new mainland projects

Just got my new killer mold resistant strains for the upcoming outdoor season

Thanks @dragonsflamegenetics for the commitment you put into your work


Looks like some fun times!!! What all did you get?


Dragons Flame hooked me up with

Dragon Stash
Garlic Stash 13/21
Love Stash
Bubba Stash
Orange Stash
Santa Cruz Dragon
Zamal Dreams(F)
Adrenaline Dragon
Flame Spitter
Icey Hot

Can only run about 20 plants per year outdoors In Massachusetts so I’m hunting down strains that can handle the high RH and rain during fall flowering

Definitely going to pick up their new releases next week as well


Welcome home, bro… And, welcome to OG. I sure hope things get back on track for you guys. Once you get back on your feet, think about becoming a sponsor. I don’t know what the terms are as I’m a new mod and sort of been out of pocket for the last 4 mos. @LemonadeJoe is the owner of the site and would be the one to discuss it with.

Any chance you have a website? I’d love to look at your work. Hope you hang around with us. We have a pretty good community and we try and keep it pretty clean. If you ever need any help just give a shout anytime. Looking forward to checking out your gear. peace


I’m going to grow a slew of @dragonsflamegenetics dragon flame genetics this year. I hope you get the opportunity to as well especially if you’re growing outdoor check out their website dragons flame genetics.


Beautiful line up!!! I am sure you will find 20 no problem. Curious to what you will choose. Please keep us posted


cheers my friend ty for supporting DFG and happy hutning