Got the Letter (surprise)

any importation of any seeds should have a permit / license
same with any plant material
therefore they send you that letter so that you can legalize the importation if you want to or can


I ordered from Overseas in my earlier days, specifically from Seedsman. Had a +$500 Order ā€œconfiscatedā€!! Emailed a copy (word for word of the enclosed Letter), received a duplicate Order shipped more stealthy. Iā€™ll go further and advise the OUTSTANDING Breeders/Seed sources RIGHT HERE ON OG!!! I do hope your source reships. Do take care, stay safe, and be wellā€¦mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: SPECIAL NOTE: Check the Member/Breeder A-B-O-V-E :arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up:!!!


Yes seeds can be legally bought. BUT they cannot be legally transported over state lines or sent via the US mail.


Itā€™s the Agriculture Department that confiscates seeds from OUTSIDE THE U.S. Itā€™s truly ā€œluck of the drawā€, how well it packed, Sender/Reverse Address utilized, previous confiscations from Country of Origin, etcā€¦nothing personal!! Itā€™s disconcerting, but quite normal. The FIRST time you experience receiving ā€œthe Letterā€, it can be a ā€œpuckering experienceā€, but the feeling abates, rest assured. Let the ā€œOGniverseā€ know what you were after, it just might be here amongst us!! SS/BWā€¦mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I bought the seeds from Herbies. I bought a couple of packets from them over the last couple of months without an issue. This last order was the motherload and maybe being greedy is what caught up to meā€¦No big deal. I had already emailed them about the delay and they were ready to honor my claim when the tracking showed it moving again. I had suspicions.

No going to let it ruin my weekend. I dropped plan B after I posted yesterday. Just something else to check off the old frick it list.

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The pioneers with ā€œballsā€ did all the work, updated themselves, filed the PPQ 587 and 225 forms and lobby against their competitors. Thatā€™s what makes narcing cool these days. Adapt or die. Otherwise Ryan Lee, Rc Clarke Watson Jodrey etc would be behind bars, not sipping expensive wine in the middle of giant cannabis operations while skunk growers continue to get busted every time they send in some seeds to one of those guys.

Interesting take on our cannabis icons.
Ryan Lee, Rc Clarke Watson Jodrey all in the same category as snitches.
It is refreshing to hear another suggest this sorta thing.
Most want to bow down and kiss the feet of these so called iconsā€¦
I would love to hear more of your thoughts on this topic.


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That is a bummer. So far, Canada and Mexico to USA have not had an issue. Contents listed as ā€˜puzzle piecesā€™ā€¦?

Ah ohā€¦ Everyone, I need the 5000 seeds back I gifted out last yearā€¦

sowwyā€¦ hehe.

hey, Iā€™m a funnyman, itā€™s what I doā€¦ but yeah, letā€™s be safe peopleā€¦


I got one todayā€¦ :cry: :cry: :cry:

:green_heart: :seedling:


Oh no!
Is there no karma in the world?



Incoming or outgoing?

Coming into US from CA

:green_heart: :seedling:

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I hate snitches. You always know who they are. Those that get busted ( Dave Watson)and miraculously donā€™t make the paper, donā€™t need a $25,000 lawyer and do no time/ get no probation. If an acquaintance of yours gets busted and tells you " they let me go", keep your distance. Lots of it.


Ive been warned by local law inforcement to be very cautious sending any seeds. They said i could send them within the state but apparently they are upping their efforts. Here is missouri we have to buy from a vendor who has a licence from the state. Sensi Seeds obtained a missouri medical licence among the very few that were availableā€¦ This doesnt sit right with me. Thereā€™s missouri breeders who should of been recognized but weā€™re left in the cold and muscled out.
As far as i know Sensi Seeds are the only legal seed sellers in missouri at the moment.
See where this is going dont we? Monopoly via legality. Lottery process my ass.
@G-paS I am sorry to hear about the bad news. IRS has guns now. Everythings always changing, unfortunatly not for the better.
We will be legal in a few weeks here. But it wont change the shipping stuff and any of us missouri growers could very well get a similar letter.
Iā€™m very happy I can grow my own made seeds more then ever and with things tighting up makes it all really worth the time i spent to make them. Hope things get better for everyone.

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The letter says it was a class one violation. Seeds should be included should they.

This was written by an attorney in michigan.
It defines seeds as legal, but does not speak of shipping across state lines.

Section 3(g) ā€œMarihuana accessoriesā€ means any equipment, product, material, or combination of equipment, products, or materials, that is specifically designed for use in planting, propagating, cultivating, growing, harvesting, manufacturing, compounding, converting, producing, processing, preparing, testing, analyzing, packaging, repackaging, storing, containing, ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing marihuana into the human body.

Section (5)(2). Notwithstanding any other law or provision of this act, except as otherwise provided in section 4 of this act, the use, manufacture, possession, and purchase of marihuana accessories by a person 21 years of age or older and the distribution or sale of marihuana accessories to a person 21 years of age or older is authorized, is not unlawful, is not an offense, is not grounds for seizing or forfeiting property, is not grounds for arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner, and is not grounds to deny any other right or privilege.

Seeds are the only part of the plant defined as marijuana that are not regulated under the rules. I believe in Michigan, ungerminated seeds can be legally sold because nowhere in the rules or statutes are their retail sale prohibited to adults 21 and older. They are as legal as hash pipes. Any other result stands in the way of the statutory right to home cultivation by prohibiting the most obvious means of propagating marijuana. I wonder if someone has an opinion otherwise. Any attorneyā€™s? If it is a state crime to sell seed, please provide me the details.

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