Seeds & Legality

Attention US Growers! This has been if effect for some time and has been brought up here before BUT WELL WORTH MENTIONING AGAIN.

Previously, shipping marijuana seeds has been restricted to within the state of their production, but the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has effectively acknowledged cannabis seeds are generally uncontrolled and, therefore legal , regardless of how much THC might end up being produced if those seeds were to be …Jun 28, 2022

“DEA recently carried out a review of federal statute and implementing regulations in response to an inquiry from attorney Shane Pennington regarding the legality of cannabis seeds, tissue culture and “other genetic material” containing no more than 0.3 percent THC.

The agency affirmed that while it used to be the case that marijuana seeds were controlled—full stop—that’s no longer the case because of the federal legalization of hemp, as Pennington discussed in an edition of his On Drugs newsletter on Substack on Monday.”


Go forth and Overgrow!


Now if only someone would tell the USPS and customs!


You can put a disclaimer in your US packages with the DEA notice along with a note that says failure to deliver this package will be considered breech of contact and you will be pressing for legal compensation at maximum current market prices. Your package WILL be delivered👍🏼 As long as you’re not blatantly advertising the contents you DO have legal recourse. Paying for stealth shipping is NOT required! The seeds ARE LEGAL and US Customs no longer tosses cannabis seeds as a matter of course.

Policies and laws vary widely by country which CAN consider seeds illegal and impede their distribution.
Update 11.01.22 Thanks to @DougDawson and others for filling in missing details and pointing out errors and assumptions


Recourse against the USPS has to take place in federal court…good luck with that, lol :smiley:


What about phytosanitary paperwork?(stupid shit I know) even though its legal if the shipping is from out of the country, how do you avoid that?


Thanks to Trump in 2019, yeah, its all legal until it reaches more than 0.3% THC

But, federal agencies always go rogue, USPS being paramount among them on this issue.
I once got threatened by the post master just for smelling like weed in the lobby, all while I was a legal MMJ patient.

I declare seeds to be jewelry so that if it gets x-rayed, it will have a matching alibi.

I know of people in OR, CA, and OK using private mail (DHL, FedEx) to ship clones to other states and they dont have problems.
International shipping will be resolved around election time


Bird food seed does not need a photo cert because there is no intention for it to be germinated, stupid because I get weird stuff growing under the bird feeder quite often.
What I want to know is what about California that has its own regulation stating that any sales of hemp and or cannabis products requires a permit. If your not in a county that will allow you to get one or there are non available your still screwed if wanting to be fully compliant :rage: it’s just a plant , I hate all the greed and regulation that is just there to keep money flowing in a specific direction


I have the worst mail service I have ever seen in my life at my current location. It varies from mail being delivered to my house number but a different street to mail just being dropped in the middle of the yard, to the entire streets mail being off by a house if one person didn’t happen to get any mail that day. It’s crazy. My wife called the post master general on them to complain. I’m not sure what she said, but for a while there, our mail was so tidy, it looked like it was steam pressed and starched before being carefully placed into our mailbox.


I got in a argument with the lady at the post office for the same reason , she gave me a dirty look and said your package reeks of weed and it will probably get sent to the postal inspector, I laughed and told her it was me that reeked of weed and not the package and she could open it on the spot but had to supply the repacking material free of charge she refused and asked several times for me not to send it , it got sent , nothing came of it and ironically there was nothing in it was actually just sending normal mail for normal reasons.


Damn, I gotta learn how to do that. Ha!


I seriously doubt that any case regarding shipping and the USPS would ever make it to court. It would be settled out of court. The government knows it looks stupid and contradictory enough as it is without calling attention to it in court. No matter which political party currently sits in the out house. :wink:

Ain’t that the truth!

“The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is inefficiency.” Eugene McCarthy

Thanks for that catch.
I edited it, and, well, I cant figure out how I mistook “t” for “p” on my keyboard. I must’ve had to shit at the moment


If ever there was a time to say “smell my finger” :rofl: :point_up_2:



lol…my mail sucks overall. Many crazy stories with the post office folks, but luckily all the beans have made it here so far. But the mail service sucks enough that there is anxiety when a package is inbound. :slight_smile:


I need help finding the official information to included in the letter to customs. Can any body help. I need the parts of the law that are apply. I just got my first letter. Damn, Fed Ex. showed it made it thru and then back to customs.


This may not be exactly what you need but I didn’t check all the links and could be of use:

Unfortunately I think you will find that no actual law has been changed concerning marijuana seed. Even though the DEA has made a statement concerning the Source Rule, that doesn’t make it legal to transport seed from state to state or country to country.


I’ve never had any issues, even received some seeds and colognes from outside the US, back when mailing both were no-no’s (mailing colognes is still prohibited from what i know).

You just have to mask your package with grains of rice or dry beans, something small to rattle around inside. As far as seeds, there’s a ton of ways to secure those, ye olde CD case being a tried-true method.

I mean seriously can you guys not smoke weed for like 10 friggin seconds so as to not draw suspicion when mailing stuff, lol. Maybe get yourself mailed some cologne, perhaps :wink::man_shrugging:t2::rofl::rofl:


Marijuana is federally illegal. Cannabis is not federally illegal as of 2018 (cannabis under .03% THC). Wording is everything in this article. If it was a article about cannabis seeds it would say that it is perfectly legal to send seeds. To sell seeds legally a hemp licence is required. No licence caps and only 750$ per year (MO). In fact if the seeds come from another state into missouri to sell, we dont even require that the sender has a licence. Just the retailer who received the seeds in the state has to be licenced.

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My answer was directed to G-pas who is a medical patient and not a business selling seeds or cannabis.
Please show me a LAW that states marijuana seed is legal to send via the US mail!


It depends on your state laws but the post office issued a statement regarding hemp products as did the courts. If you meet all state requirements it’s fine but each state has there own laws around hemp, if they don’t you get a hemp license straight from the usda , but most states have there own specific hemp laws and licensing requirements.
For example Machine guns are federally legal but I wouldn’t go mailing them or bringing them into California.