Gpaw's New grow (#5),CBD photoperiod (CLOSED)

Hi @green_raver, welcome and pull up a chair. Any questions come to mind - lob away!
Bear with me a little, I’m still sorting out ‘how to do this’ but there is some interesting tidbits coming.


Feb 27

15 days old

Time for the family photo… Smile everyone and say “Exodus Cheese!”

Stems are thickening up, Doc 1 is greater than 0.25".
Doc 1 (right side) has the widest fan leaves - they are still growing.

At this point I’m starting to think I might have gone a little overboard on the nitrogen.


They look ok from here, you could get them a bit darker if you wanted to :wink:

Mar 1

18 days old
(some more blurple)

Doc 3 looking fresh and frisky

Doc 1 looking like a Sumo wrestler - those fans are still growing

Doc 2

Closeup of Doc 2 (aka the 2nd Groot shot)

The second you stop looking - it will start to dance…


Mar 3

20 days old

inter-nodal distance is still short
Since HST is out, I’ve decided to ‘let the plant decide’ on basic shape and just keep them ‘trimmed up’.

Doc 3 - lots of new growth on lateral branches

Doc 1 - new growth on branches is a little odd

Doc 2 she isn’t thirsty - I checked

and the group shot

Its like these plants are built out of spare parts left over from other plants
removed 1st and 2nd leaves for air flow
cotyledons are still fresh and hanging on

Mar 7

24 days old

12" high and dominating the 7 Gal. pots
trimming off 3rd node fans - they need air circulation.

Doc 2 - showing inter-nodal spacing and neat striping on main stem. The white, green and red striping really stands out under the ‘blurple’ but the camera can’t really capture that feature.

Doc 3 - That ‘floppy’ new leaf never perked up, the large fans have finally stopped growing

Doc 2 - I love the way the new leaves explode upwards, it reminds me of the old 30’s B/W movies of the synchronized swimmers. I have named this pheno “silver dancer”

To my mind, this fan is way too large to be attached to a 24 day old plant

These plants are ‘different’ and unlike anything I’ve grown before.
It is like they are really large plants but inflicted with dwarfism.

Mar 10

27 days old

Doc 2

structure looks good, just short and squat.

Side Project

Explore the differences between the camera and ‘Mark 1 eyeball’ under various wavelengths of light.

With the Mk1 eyeball I can discern a strong and symmetrical pattern running up the main stem of Doc 2 and 3. This pattern consists of dark red, green & white striping and is most noticeable under ‘blurple’. The pattern is very subdued under CFLs only.

Doc 2 close-up of stem

Still trying to capture the dark red, white and green striping on the plant’s stem. The colour to the eyeball is 10 times sharper than the camera captures, this is the best shot I managed to take so far.

Mar 11

28 days old

28 days

FIMed Doc 2, (test to see how well she handles it)

Heavy leaf clean-up/prune and let them rest while slowly adjusting the light cycle to switch to flower next week.

Doc 2

28 days

Best shots yet! Still nowhere close to what you see in person.

Without flash

With flash

Full spectrum flash changes the CCD’s response significantly in relation to ‘blurple’. The Mk1 eyeball registers a similar response but the eye is notably more sensitive to the stripped pattern under regular light than the CCD.


yeah you can see it just harder under burple light, and as for the short internode distance i think that will all change once in flower and in their stretch phase.

also should fix the date on your camera or turn off that setting, and maybe have the file naming be the date instead of the base “DSC___”


but healthy looking plants


Played with one of your photos above inorder to see the red stripping on the stems a bit more.


Mar 13

30 days old (transitioning to Flower)

Stem Rub

Doc 1 - strong flowery/woodsy
Doc 2 - medium weak, similar to Doc 1
Doc 3 - weak, mostly similar to Doc 1

Followup trim (getting the bits I missed last pass)

Doc 3

Doc 1

Doc 2

The lateral branches are overtaking the main stems

FIMed Doc 1 & 3 (FIM seems to be working OK on Doc 2)
The idea being stop growth and maximize bud sites.


Love it!
Definitely “more better!” thanks, I’m only semi-competent with the camera and post processing.



doing a fine job plants and photos

Mar 17

34 days old

They have transitioned from 20/4 Veg to 12/12 Flower (shifting 2 hours per day)
Top dressing with around stem with base soil mix plus 1 Tbsp of powdered eggshell and 1 Tbsp of Gaia Green mineralized Phosphate (0-13-1) & watered in.

Time for some weed porn

I wasn’t satisfied with the top dressing, there are gaps around the outside against the soft pot so I added more.

Top dressed around the outside of the pots with base soil plus 1 Tbsp of eggshell & 1.5 Tbsp of Gaia Green (2-8-4) Power bloom.
Now I’m happy.

{Full disclosure: I admit, I have a ‘thing’ for bud shots… sorry}


Now for something completely different…

Mar 13 through Apr 2

Side Project
Bud Shots
What I am trying to do is document the transition from veg to flower

I find this transition veg growth tip to the early flower ‘dandelion’ head fascinating.


Yes that’s the best part for me too, with the end of flowering and the cut :slight_smile:

Very nice pics, thanks !


You are right, now I get it!
Previous grows I had lots of photos I couldn’t line up with my log so I turned the time/date stamp on. It annoyed me but ‘it worked’.

Now I have ‘tuned in’ that the date is presented in Windows with the photo (prior to editing). So, I’ve turned that annoying T/D stamp off.

Now I need to simplify this overly complicated procedure I’m using (2 computers & sneaker net) to process photos but not in the middle of the grow… next time…

Thanx & Cheers


Time to look at the structure of these girls.

As a recap,they were all FIMed by Mar 13 (Doc 2 was a couple days earlier). At that point growth was slowing to a crawl.

Doc 2 - 2 weeks after FIM, The lateral branches form a convex ‘mushroom shaped’ canopy with the apex 8" above the FIM point. The FIM point is at node 9.

Doc 3 - FIMed a couple days later, is at node 12 & has a similar canopy 3" above the FIM

Doc 1 - A different pheno, is also FIMed at node 12 but it’s canopy apex is only 3/4" above the FIM

OK, normally I adjust the laterals to properly fill in the canopy and trim out most leaves below the ‘half way’ point.
I didn’t do that because these plants were of a different structure so I gave them more ‘freedom of expression’ to see what they preferred.

Doc 2

It is interesting to see the (more or less) cruciform layout of the canopy buds show through.

Here’s the family photo


We have a problem Huston

While hunting for ‘naners’ I found some curious yellowing on some leaves. On closer examination you could see that the preference was on the lower overlap of the leaflet (the part that is closely covered by the other leaflet). On further examination I found numerous leaves showing brown patches and crispy spots. All three plants were showing the symptoms. Areas affected - lower leaves and interior under-story.

This has to be my fault:

  • I have been misting occasionally
  • I have not cleaned out the under-story of plants as I normally do

remedial actions

  • ruthless clean-out of under-story (anything that hinted at infection & a couple low branches that were not going to amount to anything useful)
  • circulation fan now on 24/7 (was following exhaust fan with multiple cycling)
  • exhaust fan ‘on cycles’ increased (hopefully to minimize spore counts)

These were the worst

Primary Suspect

That needs to be cleaned out with a bleach solution

Doc 2

Well, now you can see the structure

After the clean-out, I found something interesting on Doc 1

You can see significant damage to the super-cropping sites. The forward stem shows two gaping wounds and you can see further damage on the two behind and to the right of the main stem. I think this could also be the potential infection source.

I went through the usual ‘diagnose your sick plant’ guides but they all point at mineral deficiencies (no). The closest was bud rot (probably the same opportunistic organism).

I’m throwing the floor open for comments and suggestions at this point