Grateful Dead/JGB Tape Traders Forum

It doesn’t always work with this forum software to grab the URL from the address field of your web browser. Below the video window on YouTube is a “SHARE” button. Click that, copy the link, then paste that here.


@BarefootAndBlazed, thank you so much for that tip! Now all I have to do is remember that the “share” button is there. HA!

And, as it turns out, One More Saturday Night is my favorite song from the 4/17 Tivoli show. Such an excellent choice!



@CrunchBerries OMFG! LMFAO… :joy::rofl::sob::metal::fire:


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I worked security for the decadence concert. My tee shirt looks new because I only wore it the day of the concert. My security job was to protect a driveway that leads from a public road onto the OCF site, midnight to 6 am. I slept in the middle of the driveway. It was a very good day!


Super cool!! Love the OCF! Hallowed ground!


@CrunchBerries, totally agree! There really is nothing like it anywhere.

I ran a security crew from 1980 until 1995. Handed crew leadership to a friend (audience right in the top photo) on my crew who remained crew leader until my son was old enough to take over. He totally looks like the responsible sort, doncha’ think?! My son now carries the radio for Watergate 10-2. Prime shift at a prime spot, away from the crowd.

Just past the Watergate where the public is not allowed. Me and the kid. I worked on his crew in 2015. Fun as shit not being fucking crew leader!

Fair Ends Here @500

A Fair friend gave me this pipe that year. Sadly, he has since died. Patrick was such a lovely person. The light colored material is elephant ivory, the two darker slices are mammoth ivory. I like to hit it once in a while just because the pipe is a federal offense. Honestly, I don’t like being overly legal. Makes me feel kind of creepy.


@mota You’ve probably seen this before, but just in case. The interwebs provides:


This picture and the music were all I had to go on for many years until YouTubez.


That was a real fun trip down memory lane! Thank you!

I just watched the video (I recognized lots of staff in those first maybe 5 minutes!) and honestly I’m not sure if I’ve seen it before. I have a video of the event somewhere, but it’s been at least 15 or 20 years since I watched it. One thing I can say for certain is I remember NOT seeing myself in the video I have and I didn’t see myself in this video. It does seem to me the one I have is longer (not a dick joke! HA!), but I could just be making that shit up. Mine is on an old drive in moderately deep storage. I’ll have to dig it out.

For a few years, maybe 1981 until 1984, there was an unbelievable amount of coke at the Fair, much of it originating in Security Camp, which I was a part of. The joke was the best drugs at the Fair are in Security Camp. That was likely accurate. I had a seriously sore tooth at the concert and that tooth would have ruined the entire event for me but for the fact that there was a staff only free beer garden, and general event security was Fair security. I don’t drink, and even when I did it was in tiny amounts, and I have (brace yourself!) always hated beer! So how did the beer garden save the event for me? I spent much of my time there, bumming blow from staff friends and acquaintances and horning it! No shit!

I remember I was also really broke. I was living here in the Bay Area and didn’t have enough money for gas to get home. The next day I went to visit a Fair friend and, low and behold, there was a little poker game going on. Now, I had enough cash to get into the game, but not enough to get home. A few hours later, much to my friends’ chagrin, I quit playing, having, I thought, won enough to get home. No food, just gas. As I recall it was around $60. I was pretty much running on fumes when I pulled into the driveway, but the engine was still running, and the next day I made it to the closest gas station! That same trip today would be at least $150.

Here are a couple of pictures of crews of mine from the past -

I’m wearing the piano hat in the background. That shot was in front of Main Stage.

In this one I’m the taller guy in the back. That shot is at the bulge in the path where Main Stage is.

The different shirt colors designated which camp you belonged to (Security, Traffic, Main Camp, Recycling, etc.) as well as what year the shirt was for. It was always a big secret what colors “this year’s” shirts would be. I never wore any of my staff shirts after that year’s fair. I gave all of my Fair memorabilia to my son a few years ago.


i figure this might catch your interest you grateful dead people. i saw this yesterday:


Reminds me of the time I met a very cool dude with a similar van at a Phil and Friends show at Terrapin Crossroads pre pandemic, and he drove me to Berkeley Shakedown Street Festival, where I played my first Alembic guitar while dosed out of my mind and on the drive there he fully introduced me to Phish and their music for the first time, man I miss those days, life changing experiences with very good people around me, makes me miss California, as I’m in the Deep South in NW FL now but one day I’ll go back I’m sure…



Yes it has!


Jerry played the Tiger guitar. It is so beautiful!


I used to have an Alembic guitar modeled after Jerry’s Wolf Guitar before financial ruin hit me and I was forced to sell it sadly…




Love that show!! Thanks for the good vibes this morning! @CrunchBerries


Jerry playing acoustic is perfect morning music!