Grateful Dead/JGB Tape Traders Forum

Welcome to the party @Josh_Blue !! Glad to have you with us!


Dig the pics, brings back memories 🀌


Thanks brother.


It was special memory lane stuff for me. In 95’ I was 17. Went to LS Ayres at the mall to get in the lottery line. I was #42 and they started with #43, so I was dead last and not going to get tickets. A fellow school friend was 9th in line and only getting 2 first night tickets. He got the other 2 first nights and 4 second nights for me. (Jerry bless you eric mellor! If we run into each other again you will never have to buy cannabis again my friend. I got you.)

We got to the show late and it was so packed that we had to park along the road up to the parking lot. We got in and they were playing here comes sunshine. First time I had heard that song. We partied it up back then, enjoying acid, pills, and mainly cannabis. This show, we only had joints of some we grew od last year. Im glad as my memory is sharp as ever on the whole event. We got to the back of the venue right up by the fence. It was staggered, or picket, to where you could look out thru the gaps. Now its more solid fence. I saw the first person flop over the top and land on his neck and head. I thought he broke his neck, yet he jumped up hooting n hollering. I looked in amazement as swarms of people ran sacked one side of the venues fence. The cops came over on horseback and tear gassed the crowd. They disipated and formed on the othed side of the fence and charged again. This went back n forth until the cops stopped trying, and there was a 4’ hole in the fence you could just walk right in. This was also the show that jerry got a death threat and they played dire wolf, :laughing:. I ended up back at pine lakes tripping running around and ran into my older friend from high school who traded me a nug of blueberry for my 2 extra second night tickets. At 2:30am we heard on the radio the show was canceled. Great memories going back to the old home town venue and campgrounds. From there on I pursued the loves of my life, blueberry cannabis and the grateful dead.


My first Grateful Dead concert was free in either Elysian or Griffith Park in Los Angeles in summer or fall of 1966, I believe. It was a love-in or be-in or something. There must have been other bands who played too, but I don’t remember who they were. That was about a year after I fell in love for the first time. With weed. In my parents garage with a kid whose name I have forgotten. I owe him a serious debt of gratitude! allhail Pot leaf hopper


Gate crashers suck!


Keller has a few good ones like this. I did feel this way for a while. And Im not condoning what they did. But after hearing some stories I try not to judge them. The human mob mentality is a real condition we need to learn to let go of maybe. Not good to just follow without individual thought? I had a friend tell me her story of the evening. She was tripping and walking along the back of Deer Creek, and saw commotion and something happening, and walked towards it. Before she knew it she had walked right in the show thru the fence. I think I would have probably done the same. Hell I might have been ignorant enough to be one of the yahoos that jumped over. Lack of experience and wisdom, coupled with youth and the follow others mob mentality may have gotten the better of me. So I try to not judge and see both sides of it. But like all of us, sure woulda liked to see the 2nd show. :laughing:


My first Dead show was 33 years ago, today!


Best $19.50 ever spent!!!


A great extra reason to celebrate!


It was a good week in Red Rocks,


I saw this version in person (Phish @ Alpine Valley, Wisconsin, 7/8/00)


Summertime is for dancing and the Dead :wink:

Great little tape here :slight_smile:

Was born mabe a 1/4 mile from this paviliion, and a few moons later. parents were not aware of woodstock until the 90’s :open_mouth:


Almost forgot!


@Cartwright really enjoy that 78 Dead!Thanks


The Estimated> Other One> Eyes from 7/8/78 is my favorite half hour they ever played.

I’m really looking to seeing my first Red Rocks show in a few weeks! It has been on my bucket list for years.


Never heard silver thread n golden needle before. Sounds familiar though.


Who are you seeing there?