Greenhighlander grows

This is a bud of Gorilla Ghani #1 the super pinesol pheno that was a total knockout indica. I still have 8 jars of it that are going to get made into butter because of how unbelievably harsh the smoke is. This was one of those phenos that is impossible to smoke without hacking your lungs out.

And some buds of Mother’s Milk #31 x PU F3 #5 . It is the final jar from that tester run and was jarred on April 22 of last year.


Really can’t thank you enough for the detailed smoke reports. Had no clue that the different pheno types would have that type of range for the effects.


Great job man, all those look killer. :1st_place_medal:


Well, these are f2’s, so it stands to reason that there’d be pretty decent variation amongst the plants, especially since @anon60559124 grew so many of them. F1’s, in my mind, there really aren’t usually so many wildly different phenotypes. But it makes sense with these plants.


Totally agree. People get seeds and think they should produce uniform plants, but that’s not the case with F2. With F2 you unlock the genetic treasure chest of recessive traits from grandparents and beyond (lots of phenos), and with open pollination F2 (multiple males and/or females) you get even MORE phenos.

With open pollination F2 like the Wolfpack and Pura Vida we sent out, there may be lots of keepers and lots of not so great plants, but either way you’ll want to pop a couple dozen seeds at least to find the pheno(s) that suit you. As a general rule, don’t pop onesey twoseys of F2. That’s why we sent a couple dozen+ seeds in each pack. :green_heart:


I very much expected Pandoras box to be opened with these and from what I can tell that is very much what has happened.
The vast majority of what we buy as F1 nowadays is simply a poly clone only knocked up with pollen from a different poly. That in itself is already opening the box and one should expect a fair amount of variation from those , good and bad . Doing an open pollination like I did with the Wolfpack I would expect that opening of the box to be X times more . Good and Bad .
What I ended up with out of such a small number like 20 is a very positive sign of the possibilities from these seeds . But that is a very small number of plants for such a wide open box hahahaha I might pop another 100 and have them all be fucked up trash. From my understanding it usually will take many more open pollinated F2 seeds to find gems , then in the F1. Again because the gene pool is being opened further, even further then the original poly mash up .


Very nice work!


I assume you’ve smoked the Wolfpack. What’s it like?


Couldn’t agree more. I think you’re more likely to find good plants than bad, but there’s gonna be a lot lot lot of variety. Folks should pop many seeds and grow them well before judging the strain. There’s no guarantee what you’ll find, but it’ll probably be something cool.


Cant really give a smoke report on the plants I made the seeds with. As for these Wolfpack F2 feel free to scroll up and see the smoke reports on them .



Smell : Sour , Sour Diesel

Taste : Very full flavored sour.

Effect : Fast hitting , but doesn’t fully set in for 20min or so . This one is very potent , stoney , and long lasting. A really great feel good get shit done smoke . Not racey at all but very up sativa like high but one that puts you at ease , not feeling strung out lol

Jar Appeal : I am going to give this one 9/10 because I really like the odd look of it.

If this was the only decent plant I found I would be happy . It is my favorite type of smoke and I really wish I could run it again


Those up there :point_up_2: that’s something I would love to have in my grow tent and in my jars !!!

Well done @anon60559124 well done :+1: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::pray:


Thanks . I am really happy with how they turned out.

The last time I can remember growing something this good was about 15 years ago . It was a strain called Armageddon . That tray of cuts came with an outlandish story about how someone paid 1200 euro or something for the beans lol No idea if it was true or not , ( classic weedlore stuff ) but that strain was absolutely killer and always fetched top dollar. Ran it exclusively for almost 5 years before I left the cash cropping life.
Ahhh good memories lol


I’ve been checking all the reports @anon60559124 and have to say, even those that you don’t want to run again… I would love to run all of them haha :laughing:!! They all look insanely good and your grow report’s are :100: :fire:

Never heard of that strain before and those 1200 euros :laughing: yeah you never know !

The last dummy isn’t born yet :blush: :grin:


Funny thing is I wouldn’t even hesitate to pay that for that strain again . 1200 euros is a tiny fraction of what that strain made me and others in those 5 years lol


Priceless :grin::pray:

Do you have pictures of them girls @anon60559124 !!

Anyway you’re doing a wonderful job with your girls mr !!


LOL pics from a large very illegal grow from 15 years ago ? Nah sorry dude nobody with half a brain took pics back then . I didn’t start taking pictures of my plants or visiting anything weed related online until I got my license 5 years ago .
I was always overly cautious to the point of paranoia . I also have never been in trouble for weed , so make of that what you will lol


I hear you there stopped back in 1997 worked outside would have never thought to take a

photo of anything the guy at Fotomat would tell :slight_smile:

Back than the plant I grew was call Pot I had no idea what it was other than it grew well

outside here in New York guerrilla growing

we did work with the same stuff year after year so sad it is gone

Oh well we have lot of stuff to work with now

after living thru them I agree :slight_smile: but it could get dicey so I do not miss it

Nice growing love your work and your smoke reports are the best

be safe and stay free



Safety first @anon60559124

I could just imagine how that was 15 years ago :laughing: :star_struck:!!

With that said brother!



Reaper would post unreal grows