Greenhighlander grows

Nanners are usually pretty easy to catch before they open. Unlike balls hidden deep down in the plant. I also find sometimes nanners are not fertile.
They are very common with chem and from what I have read they usually do not happen when growing clones instead of plants from seed.



Smell : Skunky chem with a sweet dough like smell on the backend.

Taste : The taste seems to be the smell reversed. Tastes very cookie like with skunky chem as the after taste.

Effect : Very body and mind relaxing yet doesn’t make you tired . Just really stoned. Seems great for nerve pain.

Bag Appeal : 8/10

This is great smoke and I would consider running it again just for the flavor profile. If you need to be stealthy when you smoke do not smoke this . It stinks the place out with a very obvious skunk type smell .


@ Greenhighlander, beautiful work mate, just caught up on this thread and it’s great to see some pride and dedication, absolute perfection well done :+1:


I agree with the other growers in here, just magnificent work on all levels of your grow and reporting.


Thanks for all the kind words.

I really truly cannot stress enough just how little I actually do other then water and turn down, or up , fans lol This is as simple as I have been able to make the KISS method.
I like keeping track online because it is a quick and easy reference for myself and to show others the strains .
I won’t win any yield contests , but I would put my buds up against anyone else’s of the same genetics ,confidently . As I said before quality is #1 to me and I have found what works for me.

I wish I could pass around a doobie of each with all of you


My Friend you have a great thread here and your work looks outstanding

thank you for your reports on each one :slight_smile:also thanks for putting it all up

for us to follow along as you grow

all the best and be safe



I’m not surprised, there is definitely something about that method. I was told last night that top shelf is anything above 22 % - 25%. I had to tell him that was a load of crap, and that I didn’t care what his percentage was, it wasn’t top shelf. There’s much more to it, or not much to it as you pointed out! :joy:

The lack of understanding is atrocious.

I too enjoy and appreciate your smoke reports greatly.


I can’t really comment on percentages as I can count on 2 maybe 3 fingers how many times I have consumed weed knowing that.

IMHO those numbers try to over simplify an extremely complex thing. I always think back to the many attempts at synthetic THC . 25 years ago I knew a guy with Lupus who was given a prescription for Miranol ( not sure on spelling ) He tried it a few times and said it was horrible. Not only did it not give him the relief he needed but it made him absolutely useless for anything other then laying comatose on the couch .
He stuck with the White Widow he was growing at the time , for his medical needs , as it more then met those and allowed him to function and even play with his kids.

I would also like to point out that weed is so complex that not only do the numbers not matter , but it is such an individual experience that one strain that someone loves or finds perfect , the next person may very well not feel the same about it. Consumption and tolerance is a big part of it , but individual strains effect different people different.

And because I am super high and feel like continuing my rant lol I do not care what grow method is being used , the VAST majority of grower pump their plants with far more nutrients and other shit then they should or need to. In fact I have seen a lot of strains actually do better when fed less and again there is no comparing the quality difference.


I imagine the flavor is much better as well I’ve smoked too much that just tasted like nutes. Mess me up or not, I don’t consider that top shelf at all.

Edit : you are spot on though with everything you said.


If I reply to this does it somehow fast link you folks to the chop post ?


Yep, works like charm.



K sweet. I will reply to the pre chop post with my smoke reports from now on . Ain’t techknomology grand lol



Smell : Chemberry

Taste : Just like it smells . A delicious mix of chem and berry . The taste lingers for quite some time after exhaling . The after taste is identical to Haskap berries. ( I have no idea where the berry comes from in the lineage but it is delicious )

Effect : This one is more of a creeper . Starts off in the head and makes your eyes feel heavy but your mind is racing. It settles into a very long lasting general good feeling high that is better suited to chilling then activities . Even though the effect is mostly in the head this one does also seem to offer good nerve pain aid and is a great PTSD med.

Bag Appeal : 7/10

I would also consider running this one again.


Those buds do look pretty :slight_smile: and sounds like good smoke

thanks for the detailed reports

all the best and be well




Smell : Chem with a touch of soapy on the back end.

Taste : Chem . It almost tastes like some kind of cleaner.

Effect : Another creeper . Comes on slow and is almost entirely headie . Very sativa in effect with a clear , focused , and motivated high . With just a bit of a body tingle. This would be great daytime smoke for getting things done.

Bag Appeal : 6/10

I would not run this again


Finally got the 6 starving and neglected Dank Sinatra F2 transplanted. I will veg them and the cuts of Koko and Strawberry Headband until the end of the month.


After a fair amount of google research I think I know where the fast flowering Wolfpack F2 phenos come from. I have read in a number of places that Giesel is a 7 weeker and also that Green Crack ( part of the appy dad ) is known to be sub 8 weeks .

I have not grown either so I can’t really say for sure but I have come across the above info from several different people across several different platforms.



Smell : The smell is still the same greasy berry smell as at chop . But if you squeeze a bud or bust some up it actually smells like the 2 stroke mix for my chainsaws with just a touch of berry. Yes I did go out to my garage and smell the jug to make sure lol

Taste : Fuel on the inhale tastes just like Blueberry on the exhale and that taste lingers for quite some time.

Effect : Very even head body that gives a feeling of general well being in both. Very motivational , potent , and very long lasting.

Jar Appeal ( I don’t do bags and it feels weird to write it lol ) 8/10

I would def run this again


The grow looks great!



Smell : This one is all Chem .

Taste : Very benign , almost non existent.

Effect : This one is a destroyer lol It hits very fast and very hard immediately behind the eyes . Makes you smile while you fight to keep your now unbelievably heavy eyes open. Very long lasting. Do not smoke if you have anything productive to do . Good for pain , anxiety , sleeping.

Jar Appeal : 8/10

I would run this again but in limited numbers as I do not need to consume day wrecker weed very much.