Greenhighlander grows


Smell : Strong chem with musk on the backend and something else I can’t put my finger on.

Taste : Sour Chem . This is another delicious tasting one .

Effect : This is another creeper. Once it sets in it is a very enjoyable hybrid effect. Over indulgence almost feels like a dry drunk . A very happy dry drunk , not an angry alcoholic type lol Very very potent and long lasting .

Jar Appeal : 9/10 Beautiful solid crystal coated buds. If it had some purpling to it I would give it a 10/10

This is another top notch smoke and another one I really wish I could run again.


Dude, that was epic, lmao


Agreed . It legit made me ROFL


Yeah, I actually LOL’ed at that one haha.

@anon60559124 It seems like you got a pretty good ratio of keeper-type plants to non-keepers from this run, no?


It is way better then I expected. I usually find one maybe two possible keepers per pack . I still haven’t done a smoke report on the rest , but #18 was the first of the final plants that were standouts to me and I think we are at 3 maybe 4 possible keepers with 6-7 plants to go out of 20.
Based on this experience it is going to be very hard for me to want to pop anything else I have lol



Smell : A toned down version of the same smell it had at chop.

Taste : Sweet chem . It is quite tasty

Effect : Instant relaxation accompanied by very heavy eyes and a shit eating grin . This is night cap smoke and I really regret smoking it at 6;45 am lol Potent and long lasting.

Jar Appeal : 7/10

If you are a fan of indica effect this is your plant. If I was a fan I would run it again.

I also noticed this while busting up this smoke report doobie.

So it looks like a nanner was in fact fertile. Giving the seeds maturity I have a feeling it may of been one of the many early nanners on the 2 I culled around week 4 . I am going to grow it out for shits and giggles.



Smell : Chem with some fuel like smell

Taste : Chem with a touch of peat on the backend

Effect : Very calming with an immediate feeling in the eyes. Made me want to go back to bed. Not super potent like some of the others . But still good . Very effective for nerve pain and sleeping .

Jar Appeal : 7/10

If I was looking for a classic indica effect I would run this one again.



Smell : Chem with just a touch of skunk

Taste : Benign skunk

Effect : This one mashes your brain . Hits fast and hard to the head and body . The combo works well together and it is a very long lasting enjoyable high . After smoking it a few times now , it seems like this one has no ceiling and the more you smoke the higher you get .

Jar Appeal : 8/10 because it almost has a blue sheen to it in person that I can’t seem to get in a picture.

I would run this again .



Smell : Very complex loud smell . Chem , fuel , skunk , and even something like leather

Taste : Skunk on inhale , chem aftertaste.

Effect : This is yet another really potent one . You can feel it relax everything right away but the full effect takes a bit to kick in . Another really enjoyable hybrid effect that leans to the sativa side. Long lasting .

Jar Appeal : 7/10 because the buds are pretty but not very dense.

I would run this one again.


Over 3 hours later I can still very much feel the effect of #4 . I am mentioning this because that is a very longtime for me.


Damn brother!! How many keepers have you found? Seems like quite a few!!


Well there are two tiers of keepers it seems. Those that are good enough to run again and those that are amazing and need to be run again .
Without scrolling up and looking I believe I am at 3 that are in the amazing category , #9 , #19 , and #4 , and I think 3 or 4 in the other category of keepers.
There are only 2 or 3 out of the 18 that finished that I wasn’t happy with or impressed by the smoke.


This is why I am sitting on these beans until I learn how to clone!!


Great thread, great photos, great info. I’m late to the party but I read threw your entire thread today. I’m very glad you stayed on OG to able to provide this awesome journal thanks,

After reading this I belive you have changed my plans @anon60559124 I have been running a custom nutrient mix and use to do AN and was about to do remo next. Now I think I should just so screw it and switch to your gaia mix. Sounds like way less of a headache and what your producing is top notch. Quality is way more important than quantity in my opinion as well.

My question to you is how much percent approx less do you yeild with gaia vs being on the nutrient bottle. I know you stated it’s less but it’s better, but approx how much less. 10, 25, 50 percent ? I won’t hold you to any numbers just would really appreciate you taking a guess, thanks so much for hosting an awesome journal and thanks in advance for reading this over and answering :slight_smile: have a great day,
Happy Growing :fire: :rose:


BOOM! There it is! That’s a good place to be.




I wish I could even take a guess at your question . They are very different set ups , strains , and 15 years between the two.
My last cash cropping set up was 3k of flowering light and I was running the full AN recipe. I was pulling right around 5 1/2 lbs per 3k light set up every two months except for July and August. This Wolfpack F2 run filled 35 jars of 30g+ from 2k of light.
So if I had to guess I would say the difference between those two methods is about 50% . But again there is a lot more different between the two methods other then what I fed them and with it being totally different strains it is not really a decent comparison .
So it turns out I can take a guess at it lol



Smell : Chem cleaner

Taste : Very distinct chem cleaner taste with an almost metallic aftertaste.

Effect : Another nice and potent one. Hits fast and slowly builds up for the first 15-20 min to an enjoyable hybrid high . Leans slightly to indica but not enough to actually make you tired. Long lasting and has the strongest burnout of the bunch , and that will make you feel very tired.

Jar Appeal : 8/10

This is another worth running again .


Burnout, is that when you start coming down from the high and get tired?


Yes it is and it is something I rarely if ever notice anymore , which is why I made it part of the smoke report .


Thanks man, I learn something new every day. Does it seem to be more strain specific, or if you get too much amber?