Greenhighlander grows

yes I added extra fishbone meal and alfalfa meal and I will be top dressing the two largest with the same soil mix they are in today. Other then that they will get hit with neptunes harvest if they look like they need it before week 5.
#6 is absolutely about to get the main fans taken off as they are indeed shading the shit out of its branches. The rest all have great spacing and structure.
As for 70 days that is def not going to happen. I am already 2+ weeks behind my schedule and simply cannot let them flower that long as I need to be shutdown by the end of May. They will flower long enough for me to decide which cuts are being kept around of it.

#4 speaks to me but #3 is my favorite atm.


DS F2 #1 , #2 , and #3 are all showing alot of purple coloring in the stalks. The 3 shorter ones have none.


#1 also has this funky little extra branch happening where it was topped. Each one of the DS F2 also bled black when topped . No idea what that is about but you can see the remains of it ( the dark spec ) in this pic

DS F2 #6 had a buncha leaves removed today to let light in to her branches.

#6 sure has " shoulders " where it was topped.

One of the first 2 SH I transplanted

The 6 DS F2 will be under the far light and the 4 Koko , 3 SH , and runt Wolfpack F2 will be under the other.


When they bleed black it is because they have a very high level of anthocyanines (the item that makes certain veggies purple).


In all my years growing this is the first time I have seen it .


The alfalfa meal will help them put on a better stretch which could help the overall yield. The different phenos are pretty easy to identify. Those crinkly, waxy, almost droopy bubba-esque leaves are the Affie leaners, same Affie mom that was used in LA Confidential if I’m not mistaken.

I had dark red or black sap from some of the DS as well, but not a lot of striped or dark stems. Only one plant from the F1 had dark stems - the #2 male in the front left here:

I guess you’re just brixing your ass off. lol

All that stupid hype speak aside, they look great. DS are brick shithouses, stout with strong stems as long as they get good air movement in veg. Rest of the garden is looking right, too. :slight_smile: Ready to watch you pump out another great run. :+1:


I always thought green crack had durban in the line


Nah, it’s some kind of Skunk hybrid, from everything I’ve read about it. I’ve always assumed (and maybe even read somewhere) that it was from a Dutch Skunk line, when they were selecting for the sweeter, fruitier phenos and ignoring (or not working, anyway) the skunky ones.

Never understood that. Why would you take a Skunk line and work it away from its defining characteristic? Doesn’t make any sense to me…



Anthocyanin Benefits the Brain, Eyes & Immune System - Dr. Axe


I usually trim the lowers at flip and again ( if needed ) post stretch .
I was trimming #1 and #4 this am . Trimmed about a dozen branches off each . #1 smelled really fruity like fruit loops cereal. #4 smelled absolutely putrid like pissy skunk .


13 days after taking them I am happy to report all but the cuts of DS F2 #1 have roots


I top dressed DS F2 #1 with the same mix it is in plus roughly 1/4 cup of Alfalfa meal . Also the cuts of DS F2 #1 are showing roots. So the cuts from all 6 of the DS F2 have now rooted.

DS F2 #6 is still pushing out the fat leaves

Ended up with the usual 100% germ rate with the Granola Funk x Goji OG and the Wolfpack F2. A couple runts and a couple mutants showing in the Wolfpack F2


Figured I would show off my massive seed collection lol

Peak gear including the c99 from before he was selling it and the remaining Kush x c99 testers. The latest BB breeding stock was from 3 maybe 4 years ago now. I have grown almost everything he offers other then his latest and can say if you don’t have peak gear or haven’t grown it , you need to.

Some stuff Schwaggy sent me for free. I grew out his ( Chem91skva x c99 ) x Chocolate Trip F4 and it was really great.

These were sent to me by a member on another forum . They also made the Granola Funk x Goji OG I just popped .

These were made by the Notorious @Torontoke . I grew out the Grandmaster Tahoe x Roadkill Unicorn and More Cowbell x Lucky Charms and all plants of both were kickass . One of the GMT x RKU even had purple trichs and one of the MC x LC smelled and tasted so much like the marsh mellows in Lucky Charms cereal that I figured that is where Bodhi got the name until a kind Bodhi head informed me otherwise. It is also thanks to the notorious one that I have the DS F2 made by @nube that are now in flower.

I have no idea who these are from but the word on the street is he is one helluva a sexy bastard haha

Couple randoms

And a bunch of breeders trash I refuse to mention or show pictures of. ( not even sure why I still have them lol )

As someone who mostly grew cuts this is a crazy seed collection to have lol I am amazed at the collections most people have .


Yeah, dude, honestly, I’m kind of embarrassed about my seed collection. It’s way too many seeds; they’ll never all get grown out.

Have you ever grown that Peak C99 or any of the crosses? How’d they turn out, if you have? I’ve always been interested in C99, but everybody always describes it as “racy,” which I don’t really dig. I’ve grown Apollo 11 a couple times, which is from the same gene pool, and I never found it to be racy. It was almost too chill, actually.

Those Lucky Charms f3 look interesting, too.

Thanks for posting those TK x I f2’s from He Who will Not Be Named (@nube), reminded me that those were supposed to be included in the seeds I just got. But they weren’t… Having said that, if I didn’t even remember that they were supposed to get sent until you posted that pic, it obviously didn’t matter to me that much haha!


Yes I have grown out his first batch of c99 and the kush x c99 testers. The c99 is def the original c99 and yes it can be racy , especially if taken early and especially if it is the pineapple pheno . The grapefruit pheno not so much.


Im actually getting ready to pop some c99 beans i got from peak last year. I also have a pack of the NL x C99 which he suggested to me himself. I originally contacted him after you told me about his c99 and its legitimacy.


I have zero doubt he is working with the original c99 . MikeJ is the most underrated breeder by far . He has killer genetics he actually spends a ridiculous amount of time and space working them into his own lines and is honest and not greedy. I have told him for years his low keyness and straight out the year 2000 website turns people off lol
But ya the genetics speak for themselves and there is a reason he has been around so long and it is so hard to find anyone hating him online. Really great gear.


Right on man. I seriously suggest anyone interested in his lines to email him and talk to him. His site is a blast from the past for sure. And, he does not update it with his current offerings.


Ya man he is very open to any questions and always has a few different things he is working with that aren’t listed on his site , including just his c99 .

IMHO MikeJ is what a breeder is suppose to be .


That’s the Pineapple pheno man. I was gonna buy 2 packs of those. I emailed him, he said he had 'em, then he just disappeared. If you make any seeds of those…


I checked it out, and I was shocked that Northern berry was still available. Those are the only beans I ever bought. I grew a pack out back in the early 2000’s. It seems like they were nice, uniform plants with nice, dense buds.

Thanks man, that was a blast from the past. Too bad the deer got all my Skunk 1 freebies. :joy:

Edit: maybe he just hasn’t updated his site since then. Lol