Greenhighlander grows

There is much more to showing respect then a quick , clean kill . Driving around shitfaced looking for something to shoot from your truck is not respect. Setting up bear bait barrels 30 ft from the road , is not respect. Shooting a moose just for the rack or hind quarters , is not respect. Our " conservation " officers also run outfitter companies and guarantee a moose for 3k . These are the same experts that actually bragged to me about using a 410 to shoot a bear because he didn’t have his 12 ga in the truck. With a shit eating grin on his face he said " When I got to the live trap there was a raccoon inside and a bear on top . I shot the bear and I know I hit it because there was blood on the ground , but I didn’t bother to try and track it down ." I said thanks for the wounded bear and told him to gtfo my property. I honestly don’t even know how to explain to those who do not know , just how unbelievably unethical it is to shoot a bear with a 410. And that was our government paid DNR “conservation” officer.
That is the type of shit I am talking about and I have no doubt that there is lots of it going on in America as well . Don’t even get me going on the American industry of hunting raised game animals on farm or ranch land . That one is lame as fuck . Raising your own to eat is a different story . But actually paying money to go shoot basically hand fed animals is pathetic.

I am loving the Wolfpack F2 smoke still . They are my go to jars and are sadly getting quite low lol Come on fall so I can fire up the lights


Since I don’t drink, put bait barrels 30’ from the road, or road hunt, I know you aren’t talking to me. Also, when you generalize any group, you are showing others in that group a great disrespect. Most people call that stereotyping.

If you are gonna go that route, at least specify “city hunters”. We avoid those idiots also.

Maybe we should also specify " fair chase" hunting, and separate that from “high fence” ventures which I do not consider hunting. The only 2 idiots I know that have participated in the latter are the same 2 idiots I mentioned previously.

Like I said, me and mine are all about ethical hunting. Please don’t characterize all of us together. That’s just being ignorant.

And by the way I’ve only killed 2 racked deer in my life and neither was a trophy. I have killed numerous does, for the meat (to eat).


You are so right. I find at least one deer every year that was shot and comes onto my property to die.
On the other side I raised cattle and/or hogs most of my life.
:green_heart: :seedling:


That right there sir, will get you ALL the respect in the world from me :+1::+1::+1:


Awesome, didn’t know you were from N.S. as well, cool!!! :love_you_gesture::love_you_gesture::love_you_gesture:


@anon60559124 thanks for the wolf pack! Any pheno info?


Read the thread from the beginning. GHL grew out a bunch of the Wolfpack F2 and did full growlogs with pics and details and smoke report for like a dozen females. All the info you’re looking for is in here! :slight_smile:


I must have missed that…I will go back though again


We are in agreement :slight_smile:


Yes sir we are :grin:


The seed from Wolfpack F2 #1 . It stinks unbelievably already . Classic Skunk/weed smell but on a whole other level for the size of it. It also is sporting almost all 3 fingered leaves on its lower branches . Looking forward to seeing this gal flower indoors.




Nice! Aren’t three-fingered leaves supposed to be a tell-tale sign of some strain? I feel like I read a thread about Skywalker OG a few years ago, where three-fingered leaves were an indicator that it’s legit Skywalker or whatever. Kind of interesting that the Wolfpack f2 is doing the same thing.

I’ve been meaning to ask, how come you have all that cardboard on top of the soil that the Koko is growing in? Something trying to dig in there at night?


Yes it is an OG trait. One that my Skywalker OG has. My cut came from a local dispensary (HDR) and I have had her for over four years now.


The SH also has the trait .


The SH has it on the odd branch but the Wolfpack F2 #1 seed ( that I desperately need to come up with a name for lol ) has it on every branch pretty much , just not the top of the plant.


That’s really interesting. To me, anyway. I keep thinking,”Alright, Geisel x Appalachia…” I guess we’d have to assume that OG/Chem/MSS etc are all related. I mean, we know that already, but it’s still pretty cool to see it happening in real time with your plant.

What’s the deal with the cardboard? I’m not criticizing, just curious.


I agree I also find it pretty cool to see.
The carboard is in place of mulch. I have just been too lazy to do it to the others yet lol


Haha! Okay. I get that.


Decided to take some bud shots while I was rollin my doobies for the day this am.

Wolfpack F2 #18

Wolfpack F2 #7


Mother’s Milk #31 x PU F3 #5


Love the colors!!!