Greenhighlander grows

I now have to question your opinion on everything lol


Day 21 from flip for the cuts

I believe the c99 are at day 13 and the Wolfpack F2 are at day 11

I like the structure of the Wolfpack F2 . With the middle one being my favorite atm






This mornings tune is dedicated to that fella who said he loves preachy shit lol


Would you mind answering some questions I have about your experience with the WP F2s ?

How many have you grown? What terps/smells/flavors have you encountered? Was it an open pollination? Targeted F2? Do they lean more towards Giesel or Appalachia?
Or any other general info for someone who’s planning to pop those or is on the fence perhaps?
Thank you :pray::green_heart:


Not really sure how many atm . I flowered out 20 I think it was , last year. Plus Coywolf , and what ever is on the go now. However many I have grown of the F2 I have logged in this thread.

Terps / smells , flavor have been all over the place. But I did include it in each smoke report. Was an open pollination I logged over on BB . To my non expert eye I would say it seems to be an even mix of parent leaning with a few fairly even mixes of both in there. There have also been some real gems I would say don’t seem like either parent .

I haven’t seen a non branching plant yet and they seem to respond well to topping. Moderate to slightly heavy feeders. None have seemed finicky at all and all have had good potency with some being exceptional in that department.

I have seen enough at this point that I want to see more and have little plans of popping anything else other then to make seeds at the end of the indoor season.


Yes! I love black star! Such a good track! At least it let you post that one. :crazy_face:


Does this mean your gonna do some selections to take it to F3? Or are you making some c99 that your running. I’m still super hyped on this one. Wish I wouldn’t have killed so many. Always looking lush over here!


As of now my plan is to do an open pollination of c99 at the end of this season . If any of the c99 I have going now turns out to be what I am looking for then cuts of that would also be included. But other then that I will be popping 20 or more and letting them do their thing .


I didn’t say I love preachy shit… haha!

How many times did you top those Wolfpacks? They do look good, nice and bushy.

Edit: btw, “Kokomo” was an answer (question) on Jeopardy last night. I can’t escape that fucking song…


Yeah those aphids would have gotten me depressed too! I agree when you are faced with disaster you learn to be proactive, I will be if I face it. I hope for the best with your grow. As a point of interest my wife wants to bring in some flowering plants now and I steadfastly refuse, I don’t care what you do if you bring in plants for the winter you bring in trouble even if your growing area is down a flight. These little critters travel. I dump my pro-mix from the harvested plants into my compost maker and wash the fabric pots out well and leave them out to dry well


I actually veg my plants outside, until the sun starts setting, then I bring them inside and put them under one of the lights. Never had an issue (knock on wood). The aphids showed up, I think, because I was letting my dog hang out with me in the grow room. Never done that before this last grow. He loves eating weed leaves and was getting bolder and bolder. Last time I let him in there, I was watering, turned around and he was halfway in the tent, chewing on some Black Triangle leaves.

He’s not allowed in there anymore.


Oh You think they came in on the dog? They could have, I have gotten ticks on me that have come in on the dog. He is medicated monthly and they drop off dead but fresh ones will move easily to us. I am a freaking tick magnet, had another one pulled off last week. Dog has had lyme disease, I do not want it and as I am aging I have lost enthusiasm for my outdoor garden because of the ticks. I got a tick on me when I was mowing, I am up on a Kubota 4 wheel drive, not like on the ground. So I can see how any of these critters get in


Ya I know . That was the joke … lol
They were topped just the once.


I mean, the only thing that was different about this last grow as opposed to every other grow is that my dog was in the room with me pretty much every time I watered. First time he’s ever even wanted to go in the room, so I let him. I just love him too much haha.

Yeah, I got it. Sorry, I had just woken up. I need to make it a point to wait maybe an hour or two before I log on to OG. Or anywhere else, for that matter.


I also hate ticks, but I don’t worry about them too much. If they are first instar, you have no worries of getting a disease. After that, as long as you get them off within the first 48 hours, they are very little risk. It’s when they are done feeding that they “vomit” into you and will distribute the pathogens they have collected along their life journey. But on your Kubota, anytime you drive by grass or other vegetation that rubs against you, you will probably collect a few questing ticks. They’re pretty amazing creatures although I hate them. But this should probably be in another thread. Lol :neutral_face: sorry @anon60559124 . :green_heart::seedling:


the other variable is that you put vegging plants in and out and could bring them in so no dog no in and out = maybe no pests ?


My wife just took another tick off of me, same area, waist, I think this may confirm your thinking, I do recall when going up above on my property on a pathway I did have to lean away from brush so you are right. They are amazing but I have a grand kid, a dog, and other friends and relatives with Lyme so I am cautious, get em out clean and hope to not get sick. Yeah we could put this on a tick thread


I think any other thread is a great spot for conversing about all things I am not growing lol Good luck with the bugs in your wife’s bush , Those crotch crickets are no joke . Or whatever it was… :stuck_out_tongue:

All cuts of Wolfpack F2 have been transplanted along with one c99 . If I remember right c99 can be a bit difficult to get rooted sometimes.


yep no joke, anywhere