Greenhighlander grows

I am totally just stoned as shit and buggin ya man.
I just thought it was different to come into a thread and just randomly start an off topic conversation . So I decided to try to be funny about it.
Love to you and the Mrs :slight_smile:


One thing I thought of during today info wise is I have not seen any intersex at all from any of the F2 I have run. I also have not seen it mentioned by the other couple of people who have grown them.
When I did the seed run I did cull one , maybe even two , I can’t remember right off hand , mothers for sporting nanners. If my current foggy memory is correct it would of been in the 21-28 days from flip . Again it would all be in the log on Breedbay . Just not sure if I can link it here or not.

So ya given how common nuts and such seem to be with a lot of gear nowadays , I am happy I haven’t seen any yet. I will be shocked if it doesn’t happen at some point though lol


No, like I said in my post, I do that every grow, three times a year, and have never had an issue until my dog started coming into the room.

Anyway, back to greenhighlander’s grow.


You can link it here. Please do, actually, I’d like to take a look at it. And for some reason, I can never find anything on Breedbay when I search for it. I’ll see if I can find it, too, though.


Ok well if it is against the rules it is yofault lol It also turns out it was 2 females culled. One for nuts and one for nanners.


Sweet, I’m gonna read it after lunch. BB’s such a good resource, I used to always check it out for info about seeds I was interested in, but then they shut down for like a year and now I always forget about it.


I went back and did some more reading and the F2 you found look great overall. Loving how you found those sour looking phenos


Off the top of my head #7 and #18 . I think #7 was the grape tight budded one and #18 was just an absolute beauty. Can’t remember its terps lol . Also if I remember right #9 and one other were big fugly sour ones I liked.


Alright, just read that thread. I didn’t realize you hit your SH with the Wolfpack pollen. Was it successful? I don’t recall seeing you grow that cross in this thread. Anyway, I’m really glad I have some of the WP f2’s. Or whatever you wanna call them haha. Probably plant six or so next run.


Nice Grow Green!

I think think these must have come from you @anon60559124 they are Wolfpack F2s from here at OG! :smile:

They are only 10 days into flower. How long do you flower them for? The only time I did they were small and according to my notes it was for 50 days only.
She had a citrisy smell to her and very potent! She is quickly becoming one of my favorites. :slight_smile:
Hope you dont mind the pics but I thought if you tolerated some guy talkin bout his wifes crotch crickets :rofl: (Sorry I was skim reading :wink: ) :v: :sunglasses:


I think I have had plants go anywhere from 7 weeks to almost 10. I don’t recall having a citrus smelling one yet , so that’s cool .
Happy to see them being grown out :slight_smile:


I hit everything I had going in the flower tent with the pollen I saved. DS F2 , SH , Koko , and some other Wolfpack F2 I think . None of the pollen I collected and used worked. Coywolf, the lone seed from Wolfpack F2 #1 , was the only seed I found lol


Ahhhhh, okay. Yeah, I remember something about some pollen not taking a while back, didn’t realize that the Coywolf was a SH/Wolfpack cross. I thought it was just a random seed you found in that nug.


No Coywolf is not a SH x WP cross lol It is a seed I found in Wolfpack F2 #1 lol


Haha! Okay, got it.


I am tossing the runt Wolfpack F2 . Hard to believe this is the same age as the 3 in the flowering tent lol

A couple more male Wolfpack F2 have shown. The remaining 5 c99 cuts all are showing roots . The 4 mystery beans are all super lanky beanpoles with little to no branching .

The flower tent is chuggin along . All the gals are happy and doing their thing

I don’t wanna jinx it , but this is the happiest I have seen an SH plant. For whatever reason she has never seemed content indoors.


Every so often throughout flowering , I will rub my finger and thumb on a frosty leaf and smell it. Today the only way I can describe Coywolf is it smells like the rectangle white erasers from school lol


These are what the two tops from the split stalk on the Coywolf look like at day 25


Check out the contrast between the cuts and the Wolfpack F2 . Some of it is from the camera setting , but it is also very obvious in person. The weird part is SH , Koko , and Coywolf are all in different mixes with Coywolf being the strongest , Koko got her usual , and SH got her light mix. Koko almost has a blue ness to her leaves I can’t pick up on camera.

These couple of leaf blades slightly pointing down on a Koko is the only thing that looks off other then how dark they all are

Anyway just thought it was interesting . Other then that I moved the plants all around to better use the space and have room to add 2-3 more.


Day 28 from flip for the cuts . Day 20 for the 3 c99 and day 18 for the 3 WP F2.

2 Koko along the left side with SH in the back left corner. Koko to the right of SH . Coywolf with the split stalk in the middle . And 3 Wolfpack F2 are the 3 plants closest to the camera. They have been in absolute beast mode and look surprisingly similar. The one to the left of the temp gauge is the one that had its leaves shading tf out of its branches.

3 c99 along the back with 2 Coywolf cuts in front of them.
