Greenhouse recommendations and cultivation license help

Greeting friends,

Not sure this is the right subforum for this post, mods please move if there is a better location.

Longtime lurker but not a frequent poster. For some background on me, I started growing in college in the early 2000’s and was on the original OG forum, what a time that was! I used Gypsy Nirvana for my genetics and grew all the big names back then, AK47 and 48, white widow, chrystal, etc. Growing up in South Florida, that Triangle was my favorite but back then, I didn’t know it was called that.

I have been cultivating ever since with only a couple breaks here and there. I now reside in the Caribbean and my area just legalized cultivation and recreational adult use.

For years now, I have grown outdoors and my practices are regenerative. I use biochar, Jadam and KNF solutions, and recycle my soil. I am quite pleased with this system but always open minded to new techniques.

The reason for this post is I would like to get my ducks in a row to apply for a cultivation license. I have never lived or even visited a legal state so I am quite a virgin when it comes to the new world of legalized cannabis.

One of the requirements is I need to have a secure, fenced in site. So I am thinking I would like to do a greenhouse with open sides. Doe anyone have recommendations of good quality greenhouses that can be purchased that are suited to tropical locations?

Also, as I formulate the business plan and try to check all the boxes before applying, I would like to hire someone to help me create the best possible plan. The licenses are going to be based on a scoring system so the better my business plan is, the more likely I will be granted a license. Does anyone have recommendations on people or businesses that help with this kind of thing? I see there are a lot of templates online and this is one way I will go, but I’m sure there are people quite experienced at this who could take it to the next level.

I’m pretty excited at the opportunity to be a legal grower. I have good financial backing, own my own property and my wife is my business partner and chuffs harder than I do(I think they give extra points to female owned businesses). We already have a landscaping and water treatment businesses along with a tropical fruit and native plant nursery. Adding cannabis cultivation (and possibly a manufacturing license) into the business portfolio would be a dream come true.

Thanks for any advice or input you have. As this develops, I look forward to becoming a more frequent poster here.

Love and Light to you all,