Grow Getter (Elev8 Seeds Test)

Greetings Overgrow,

First & foremost, I’d like to request lenience from the Court as this is my first forum, first grow diary & first time as @RasGandharva. As best I can, I will attempt to weave my simple thread into the tapestry of this network in the hopes that it will support a healthy communal experience.

As a bit of a perfectionist / idealist, I like the idea of “The Best” & I am continually seeking for greater quality. In my search for improvement, I’ve tried sifting through the web looking for “The Best” cannabis genetics I could find. As a layman it’s a daunting task to say the least. Just to clarify, I understand “The Best” is conceptual & a relative term still I feel that in seeking “The Best” I become better which is good. :wink:

So I ended up choosing Elev8 Seeds in my search to elevate my game (punny marketing). I will be attempting two runs of their “gear” I guess you’d say. Three plants of each strain, 9 plants per tent. I’m looking for a few lovely ladies to play with for a while.

Tent: Fusion Hut 4 x 4

Genetics: Elev8 Seeds

3x - Cake & Ice Cream (Wedding Cake x Gelato)
3x - Sunday Punch (Sunday Driver x Purple Punch)
3x - Huckleberry Punch (Platinum Huckleberry Cookies x Purple Punch)

3x - Cherry Cake (Cherry Pie x Wedding Cake)
3x - Runtz (Gelato x Zkittles)
3x - Runtz of Eden (Runtz x Forbidden Fruit)

Containers: 9x - #5 (5 Gallon) Fabric Smart Pots

Planting Medium: Homade Mix (One Batch = One #5 Fabric Pot)

10 L - Promix HP
03 L - Worm Castings
02 L - Top Soil / Black Earth
01 L - Manure (Cow / Sheep / Seafood)
02 L - Coarse Perlite
50 ml - UCANN Herb Thrive
90 ml - Pulverised Lime

Light: Optic LED - Optic 650S

Exhaust Fan: Vortex S Line 6 inch + Dial-A-Temp Solid State Fan Controller

Filter: Can-Lite Filter Mini 6″ x 16″ 420 CFM

Fans: 2x - Secret Jardin Monkey Fan 16W

Environmental Monitoring: Lacrosse Wireless Weather Station

Environmental Control: Old Air Conditioner with dehumidifier & fan + Small Humidifier (for clones & drying)

Fertiliser: Botanicare & UCANN

Botanicare - Pure Blend Pro (Grow & Bloom 4 Soil)
UCAAN Organics - Herb Thrive & Abundant Bloom

Extras: Wholesome Organic Molasses, Enzymes Komplete, Nemaknights

Instruments: Nutri+ pH & TDS

Water: Municipal (Near 125 ppm & 7.0 pH)

Training: Topping, LST, Tie Down, ScrOG or SOG, Selective Defoliation, Thinning, Leaf Tucking

Alrighty Then! :sweat:

:seedling: So here are the Huckleberry Punch, Cake & Ice Cream & Sunday Punch. This is at the end of veg @ 15 weeks old. 10 weeks under HO T5 & 5 weeks under Optic 650s @ approximately 65% power or 400 watts.


As New User of the Month (May) , I @RasGandharva vow that …

  • I will do my best to post regular updates & maker all the way though. :crossed_fingers:
  • I will try not to take :poop: too seriously
  • I will encourage humorous word play & witty banter when possible :100:
  • I will be thankful, cooperative & receptive :pray:
  • I will be on the look out for what’s next & who knows? :eyes:
  • I will lean & share :palms_up_together: :cheese:

PS: I know I’m Gonna Make It!

:heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart:

One Love


What an impressive post to start things off! You have set the bar very high for yourself and the rest of us. Looks like a great set up, good luck and good growing :grinning::+1:


Amazing formatting and links, I got lost in there for a long time!
Geeked out on the light specs, nice bit of engineering.

A pleasure to follow along :sunglasses: :call_me_hand:



what do you think, guys? should we let him join the club? lol. just kidding man, welcome to overgrow.


tuning into this as your growing a strain i have been wanting for awhile the sunday punch i have seen a handfull of grows with it and there all amazing colorful plants. the other genetics sounds amazing also


Agree completely!

Gonna tag along and stealthly (is that a word?) learn how to format an opening Thread :peace_symbol:


Wow! What an openinng. Im in. :smiley:


@RasGandharva I hope you don’t sell cars, cause I’d have to buy one….and I don’t need one. Nice intro!!!


Thanks @Qtip. I got “High Hopes”! :blush:

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Yesi mi lyon :jamaica:

That kaya looks fyaah :fire:

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Looking nice. Got all the big kid stuff already, no pussy footing around.

Check out coast of Maine lobster compost if you haven’t already, it’s awesome stuff

I have a single chair in front of the door for my tent too

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Thanks @Gpaw. Glad to have you bud! It was fun. 1 Part OCD + 1 Part Respect for OG = 1/2 Decent Post. Haha. I spent more than a few hours researching before buying this light & I really like it so far.

@invisible your more than welcome to Stealthily :male_detective: learn all you want. I’ve been lurking all around OG a lot lately trying to do the same! :smirk:

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Stay tuned :tv: @204medismoke. Hopefully I can bring out all their true colors.

@Floyd & @Bostonbud you flatter me. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: It kinda felt like it was a application & I really want the job!

Blessings @FattyRoots :pray: Giving Thanks & Praise

Best seat in the house eh @anon93244739? Right up front! I will definitely be checking out the Maine Lobster Compost. I think the girls would like it. Hopefully it’s available in Canada. :crossed_fingers:


The Stonington blend from them is doing quite nicely too. Going on 6 weeks and haven’t seen any deficiencies only feeding PhD water and calmag, molasses a few times and coconut water once.

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pls breed them and create something fire !


All those first you are going to kick butt at.
:green_heart: :seedling:


Excellent start to your 1st journal man!! :love_you_gesture::love_you_gesture::love_you_gesture:
Will be tagging along to watch the rest of this show unfold, should be a good one!!! :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:
Plants look very healthy too man, keep up the great work, and thanks for sharing :+1: :+1::+1:


Thanks @G-paS! I’ll at least giver a try.



10-4 @HaRdRoC. Much appreciated. Glad to have you around. I’ll try to do ya’s proud!

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