Art Vandelays Grow foshow

Okay terrible at these but I’m going to try to keep this updated regularly mostly for my own learning and memory. I’m already a month + behind so it’s time to get busy! Happy Holidays to all and here we go!

I got these beans from the all too generous @Budderton they are 707 SVF Kush that he took to F3 I believe. Thank you again! Started 12 seeds at what I thought was 3/8” or so but they all had helmet head. And not being myself I left them alone for a week or so and they just kept getting taller and the shells were really stuck on there. So I started jackin with them and lost half or so and one didn’t pop.


As stated above not good at journaling but these were on transplant day to one gallon containers. I’m using jacks 321 recipe with Tribus, Agtonic humid acids, fulvic acid, Agsil16 Silicon, Micobial Mass, Kelp and recharge here and there also with R/O water in a 4x4 Light up by a Raging Kush 2.


Okay we should be all caught up now. Here we have before and after topping.
So far so good and starting to smell good. Need to clean out the Autopot and Rez before I switch to flower and transplant this weekend. Cheers all :v: and :pray:


Right on @Art_Vandelay . Kushes are looking nice and healthy. Best of luck with your run!


Your plants look great!
How do you like that woozoo fan? I’m thinking of getting one for my tent.


Ooooeeee these plants are looking good. Excellent job.

Same to you compadre.

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I was listening to the PotCast interview with Sha and I believe he gave you a shout out? Thanks again for these!


Thanks Mr Christmas good genetics. See if I can give them a good representation!

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I love it! Had two one quit. There are replaceable fuses in the plug so hope that’s all that’s wrong with it. But 5 year warranty through seller woo zoo has no stock and super $ on their site. Got mine at Costco for $40 but being winter I’m down to one. The fan truly kicks ass lots of bells and whistles for a fan, goes up n down and all around.! Thanks for stopping by!,

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No, wasn’t me. We don’t know each other but those beans are based on his SFV OG Bx3 that he released a few years back. Now he just calls it 707 OG I think. It’s a solid seed line, to be sure.


Right on could have been Budular it was a buddsomeone. Question for you. You pop a lot of beans I see. As for looking for a keeper goes would you suggest popping lots keeping them small and flower take clones then run heavy with selections? I’m pretty certain these are what I’ve been looking for….pine lemony lime goodness. Anyway thanks again. Still browsing through the tomfoolery lots to dig into there!

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Yep. I usually start 3 times more seed then I want and cull hard from seedling thru ready to flower stages. I take cuts from all the female contenders and then flower them out. Mrs Budders is my chief tester but I like to give blind samples to seasoned growers and smokers in order to use their feed back. If it’s something I’m really trying to nail down, I’ll run the winners from round one a second time, to make sure they’re as good as I think they are. Anyhow, once you find the ones you like, clone the hell out of them and fill your flower space for a killer sensi run or make a batch of killer beans with the males that match up to the female(s) you kept. Best of luck with the SFV OG, I hope you find something that works for you.


Thanks so much for the time! Have a Merry Christmas/ Happy Holidays!

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Okay 14 days seems like it’s been a month and a half! Lots going on. My plan is to not defoliate until the mid lowers catch up to the tops and get “strong like bull” by the time they catch up.

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Totally kidding just because I like your name but @Art_Vandelay is the focus more on imports or exports??


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Well importing latex mostly for my new sales job for Vandelay industries. :stuck_out_tongue:. Also thinking bout writing a book so much so little time. Thanks for stopping by!

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Okay it’s been a minute and feels like it’s been months. I’m holding off on any defoliation to make the undergrowth struggle some to catch up with the topped portion for a more even canopy.


Okay I need to take these guys out to photograph the light is messing em up well Happy Friday!

Feed Jacks 321 full strength 2.5 Calmag,Agsil16 1.5 grams per Gal. Tribus 1 ml. Per gallon. Kelp,fulvic 2/3 times week PH.5.7. 1200/2400


I just did the darkness test with the fan. I taped over the lights with gorilla tape and the fan throws a pretty bright glow from the underside. So I wrapped it like a present in duct tape not too bad now. One of my fans stopped working and trying to take the bottom portion apart is a beatch.

Love those chonky leaves looking good! and I feel ya on the updating part this is the first time I’ve been organized enough to be able to do mine for the first time lol.

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About a week into flower and time for some defoliation out of 5 plants left for gems and 1 male. Is it time for a five way gang bang? Nah I’m almost out of sensi! Anyway plants average 25”. Started bloom formula and upped the cal mag to 5 1/4 ml per gallon and have greened back up. Things are going way too smoothly for me this run :joy: temps at night night 60’s sun up 75. More Coco on the way and will transplant end of week to 3.9 gal. Autopot. Lots of tennis ball smells. Light set to 80% and were cruising along…Have a great week!

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