Grow Journal


Hey there OGs,

i just recently found this forum and my run is allready at day ~43 but i thought i will post this and all my future runs in here. Happy to see what and how everyone is growing.

My Setup is a 240x120x225 cm or a 4x8 tent with additional height, sry im bad at imperial units :smiley:

2 NFT (nutrient film technique) tables/tanks. each can hold 9 plants. thinking bout lowering the number of plants to 6 each per table. wish i new earlier about this growing technique. its the easiest of all i tryd yet and i tried allmost everything. Organic, Mineral, Coco, Rockwool, Soil, Build a Soil, Hand watering, automated etc. this is by far the easiest method

2 Lumatek/Photontek 600w LEDs one is the older 2.6 version and the other the new 2.9.

Obviously i have a climate controller and a controller for my lights.

Most of the time i grow from clones i either get from a clone store here in Austria or something my buddy has selected from seeds we bought together. ok one time we flew in clones from the us and it worked :grin:

This time its clones from Premium Genetics

For this run i have the Rainbow Belts #20? supposed Breeder Cut from Archive
and the Grandi Guava from Grandiflora Genetics.

Here is a pic of Rainbow Belts on Day 41 ill post new pics later



Welcome to the club. :grinning: :+1:


Very nice! Welcome to OG ! You’ll fit in great over here. I’m down to follow along your setup looks very intriguing! How are you finding the lumateks ? I looked at them many times , seem well built, have controllers etc. and the few people I know who have tried them liked them a lot


Thanks ! It was a lot of trial and error (also set up wise) but i think im getting there. Cannot complain at all about the lights. I had some issues with the controller. there is a dim setting on the lumatek controller and i thought if i set this to 0°C it will be off, but instead it dimmed my lights to 60% all the time…but even with that i had more than decent results, also yield wise ^^. this run im maxing them out for the first time and it shows on thc development i think, will see about yield soon.

What i dislike is they are a bit too pricey , same goes for the controller.

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Heading into day 45

Rainbow Belts

Grandi Guava



rainbow belts

grandi guava

Grandi Guava Day 54 :heart_eyes:

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Day 56 of :white_flower:
Grandi Guava

Rainbow Belts

started flushing , although the Athena feed charts would recommend otherwise. im a fan of flushing, how bout you ? Not sure if i started to early. Plants should flower around 63 days.



Plants lookin great!

I don’t believe in flushing the plants at all unless they’re in toxic levels of nutrients. Lockout or nute burn. I’ve tried it a few times as well as feeding the whole way and decided on sticking with the latter. I feed until chop day. I might pull them out of the tent and run some gypsum water or calmag water through the pot 12-24hrs before I chop. Just to drop the salt levels in the pot, but that’s the most I do. Smoke comes out smooth and burns to white ash regardless.

The plants bulk up the most in the last 2-3 weeks of flower, so it never made sense to me to starve them of all their food for that time. Just robbing yourself of weight and cannabinoids imo. Could always try feeding one till the end and see how it comes out for you, for science :man_scientist:


well the theory behind my doings is. that you want to starve your plants for the last few days.i read an article about it but cant find it right now and the thc acutally increases with plants that get flushed.

i would need a monocrop run to be able to test flush vs no flush properly. But maybe i will do it next run and be wiser at the end of it.


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got some new toys today


who is this little fella :thinking:

i think you could do even better snaps with a better i-phone, mine is an old iphone 10


day62 rainbow :rainbow: belts

grandi guava



some lowers after 11 day drying (full plant hanging) , vacuumed everything up and cure for a bit



Looks like you got some nice looking bud there.

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thanks! the genetics did all the work :grin:

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here we go again
12 x permanent marker doja/seedjunky cut
11 x apple fritter lumpys cut

they broke 1 af which doesn’t matter because only 9 per side will make it in the end

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