Finally going to take this serious

Hi there everyone name is
terpycollection I’ll been here for a while just haven’t been posting much but it time for a change.

IG has kept me occupied for the last few years but it is time for a switch wanting more interactions with other growers

A lil bit of my growing background

So I started my grow journey in 2011

Main reason behind it was my dad he loss his leg in a accident and suffered from phantom nerve pains which was relieved by cannabis so down the rabbit hole I went .

Within the first couple years I got to experience different highs and taste and got addict to growing

as time when on I kept growing and expanding my knowledge and size of operation, eventually I got a job at a recently open hydro store so I could cut my cost and continue to learn while getting paid.

So the following 8 yrs I worked at the hydro store allow me to experience many different styles of growing and the people behind those grows a lot of them are now my close friends

Recently I decided it was time for a change and decided to leave the retail industry and move into commercial cultivation

which has been a blast but I definitely miss the long conversation I had with other growers I learned so much from those moments

And that pretty much why I’m here now lol I miss those time so im here to learn, show people what I know and experience other people’s finding

So I hope you follow along and enjoy !


ok so let’s get this started here the first tester tent

Tent vivosun 4x4
Light 2 cmh 315
Seaflo 33 booster pump
Running a netafim 1/2 gph drip line

2 Purple diesel from matt riot
2 chem d
2 gushmint
I got these from Eric minor from hbk genetics before he when to Thailand
The other three are
Face off og #4
White runtz
Maiden voyage(Runtz x East Coast Grateful Breath) from keys to the kingdom

Promix HP
Mix with
2 types of rock dusts
A dusting of craft blend from buildasoil

Drip hydro a/b,flow(hypochloric acid) , cal-mag during veg
Cal 106 (micronized calcium carbonate) for flower from slow on IG
Pk booster (anything that has a higher potassium number)
Regan a root (potassium citrate)
Soybean amino acids
Floralicious Plus
therm x 70(wetting agent)
Grow genius monosilica acid


I’ll pull up a chair and load the party bong. :vulcan_salute:



I’m pulling up a chair.


I got caramel popcorn, I’ll sit on the floor and watch.


lil updated

I cleaned up the girls a bit and started to work them in the first net and got the second net ready to go when it’s time for it

Things are starting to come together a couple more days and we will start flower this tent


Ok second flowering run part 1 will be

No tent

Light is diy chilled tech logic pucks 600w led
With 660nm and 730nm booster board

Everything else is the same as above

5 amrita (jalalabad star 5 x strawberry milk )by bodhi from seeds

Four similar heights but slightly different branching first picture

one aggressively tall one on the right in the second picture

1 waking dream (wifi x ssdd) by bodhi left one in the second picture

Still need to transplant ,clone ,clean up,and shape the plants for flower


Welcome back man, that waking dream looks like a great cross, tried it before?

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Thanks and not yet unfortunately it was the only female to survive I water a bit heavy and a bunch damped off :sob::sob:
got luck with two plants of it a girl and a boy (probably going to reproduce it since I have a boy)

i completely struck out on the sunshine head and the black triangle no female but boys


Hey! @Terpycollection
Interesting set up.
So the fun is really just getting started in here, everything looks pretty good so far, I am down for a good show.!

How are you using the booster board to your advantage?


Quick update sorry been super busy at work and currently dealing with a slow drainage in the main drain but here let’s continue with the show starting with the 4x4 everything is filling in nicely going to flip next weekend


Well here a copy and paste on the topic

Robert Emerson used his work with red and far red light to deduce that there must be two photosystems, called photosystem I (PSI) and photosystem II (PSII). These are named in the order of discovery, but for photosynthesis the process starts with the PSII first. Monochromatic light has a sharp drop off in photosynthesis at 680nm or so (red drop effect), but this does not happen if far red light is added with about 720nm being most efficient in driving additional photosynthesis.

Adding far-red photons (up to 40%) to a background of shorter wavelength photons caused an increase in canopy photosynthesis equal to adding 400-700nm photons. Far-red alone minimally increased photosynthesis. This indicates that far-red photons are equally efficient at driving canopy photosynthesis when acting synergistically with traditionally defined photosynthetic photons.These results suggest that farred photons (701-750 nm) should be included in the definition of photosynthetically active radiation. Shuyang Zhen and Bruce Bugbee, Far-red photons have equivalent efficiency to traditional photosynthetic photons.


Thank you for your response! :grinning:
Ah yes, thee old Emerson effect of course.
Have you seen this info as of yet?

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the 4x4 is coming along upgraded the light to LEDs so I can run the plants closer since it getting a little bit crazy but I like crazy 6 days in so far almost time for a stripping