Grow light THE Sun on demand

Hello My Friends
This grow light is THE future IF this info is like they. Say .
Could you help me here and look around for info !!?


Well you piqued my curiosity.
Here is their website.


And if this is thru , this is THE future

It does look like the future, but it’s difficult to get current pricing information. They say it’s 1300 watts, but replaces 4 to 6 HID’s. Here’s a demo they did a couple years ago. BTW, the light you see being emitted in the beginning of the video is only half power; watch when they turn it up to full power!


What do they cost I didn’t see any pricing on there web site?


You need to provide information via their site.
Click on Purchase on the upper right hand side of home page.

According to the OP it’s almost 6,000.00 ( don’t know if in Euros or Dollars)

eta–probably dollars, I am not going to give them my info to get price.


6000 american for 1300w light, will change everything you knew about lighting, here’s a 2 cent hand held promo video as proof. LOL Woudn’t hurt if the experts actually showered and had mommy put some proper saleswear on them before the show??? Sorry it’s Monday


OK registered, will see what kind of info they offer…


Can’t wait for the price to go down! Plasma seems to me to be a great source of light and uv. I know my plasma cutter makes steel turn to liquid in zero seconds. Scares me, but so do microwaves. Research and development started on the Philadelphia project :laughing: spf 1000 recommend


Hello :yellow_heart::green_heart::heart:
IF this light is so Good , so i can grow outside strain , inside and get yeld like it should be outside a Good summer.
And this microbs and mykonos somthing ?? In THE rooth system in symbios Whit THE strain is also working toghether , Whit THE grow light .

I am similarly skeptical.

I am fortunate that I am able to use the sun on most of my grows.

Anyway, my first new car cost substantially less than $6,000.


The sun doesn’t lose any intensity whether it’s the bottom or top of the plant. Raise that expensive plasma light even a few extra inches and it will lose a significant amount of intensity the higher up you go. That’s why outdoor yields big.

No one would ever be crazy enough to spend so much on such a thing (I hope) :smile:


Haven’t got to the price thing, (takes another e-mail I think) yet, but some interesting info on the site. Not the outrageous claims foreign led makers claim (thank f>>>ing gawd) but, what I did read was testimonials and basic facts about the spectrum and a few voltage specs. They are basically putting out a plasma light which closely mimics natural sunlight. Going towards indoor organic soil growers/breeders/preservers mindset (like I have, btw) . The closer to nature we get indoors, the better the plants are mindset. And ‘obviously’ better medecine can be produced. (Can it?) I cannot say that’s true, but it is my ‘belief/opinion’ when gardening. I like the idea of a full sun spec light that puts out a ton more lumens per watt, and may look for ppfd stuff and some more info that the tech guys on OG would feast upon. Cost may be prohibitive and My skeptics radar is still active, but I’m putting away the seed pack, just in case. If we were talking 500 bucks well hell sign me up LOL


Should I post the pdf they sent, or do ya think I should ask them?..don’t wanna look like a shill though…look at my somewhat shameful past here, all I got is my integrity lol


It’s not shilling when you have expressed reservations and concerns about the product.

Post pdf if you like… curious.

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Its a pdf thats too big, I don’t wanna post a link to my pc, any ideas to shrink without making it unreadable. If someone here wants the pdf, pm me or visit site. I don’t want to give free advertising to them. Its not a link its just the brochure, I don’t know how to get that on here. Maybe someone can work it, for us.


try this I believe they are a retailer?

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Hello Friends
I am that crazy to buy this plasma grow light , if it is like to have the Sun inside My growroom .
You now , if a outside strain give 2 kg yeld . I think this lamp ,give around 1,7 kg under this lamp .!!!
But i dont now yet if this is thru ??
You now if this lamp is thru , i Will start to make a test place and try to begin selling this in Scandinavia.
Whan i whos put upp this here on OG , i whos looking for you to help me , looking around over there in us ,and cannada or some country some have test this lamp and are og members .
We looking around toghether

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The link is above, google the sun on demand. Some of the information will be sent after you register. I don’t know if anyone is using on OG, the lights are expensive, but the spectrum stuff is interesting. For myself, I don’t think the light is cost effective, nor do I think the company holding the patent is serious about production??? I get the feeling they are looking for a corporate sale, but thats just my 2 cents. I’d buy the light sight unseen if it was in the 500 dollar range, but 6000 CDN for a 1000w equivalent does not make sense for personal med growers IMO. More for production and commercial growers. BTW wait to see what Monsantos’ LED lights will be, they will be cheap (and subsidized by US federal and state tax breaks) and mass produced…


Here’s a screenshot of the PDF brochure from the website, the retailer you linked, as well as a screenshot of the same info posted on the manufacturer’s website. No need to post the PDF. Unfortunately, there is no pricing info posted, so please let us know what they send you.