Grow tent 30-27° How to refrigerate?

Hi guys,I am puzzling my mind.My grow tent Is 2x2 tent,pretty small,200watt light,1 portable fan pointing at led and 1 portable fan stuck in the inline vent home of my tent.
I Always get 30 deegre even of It s starting Winter here and the temps are 19° degree.What can I do?Buy a bigger fan oscillating ?
Buy some Fab that used ICE cubes?
Very low on budget,I spento everything on led light and soil,amendants.
Any suggestion?

You need to actively vent the tent with an extraction fan.

There is no other way around it.

The cost and hassle of adding ice just isn’t feasible…it’ll also raise the tent humidity to unacceptable levels. Once plants begin growing in earnest you’ll need to vent anyway to manage humidity. Stagnant air is the enemy.


100 mm inline extractor for my tent that Is Little,Will It Be good?

Hey @Andrexl , take a read here:

Bottom line: you need to get a fan that will completely exchange the air in there so the heat doesn’t build up the way it is currently.

As an example, I needed to vent outdoors or the air extracted from my tent heats up the room to a point of diminishing returns where the air outside the tent is as warm as the inside so venting does nothing after a point. This is for my 4x4.

My 2x2 has a inline fan removing all air and has forced air in; this exhaust though just goes back into the room because the heat doesn’t build up.

Edit: the fan you posted looks to be about the size I have in my 2x2x3 propagation tent; and in that example it’s NOT enough for the lights I’m using in there so I leave the door open. :laughing:


Oh shit ahahahahah,well,got to Say the room has great Windows that I keep open and best Is not going to build up,I Just Need to extract It.I’ll have a read

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Never forget open windows may invite pathogens. This is another reason I vent out so the air coming into the space is from the rest of the house. If i drew from outdoors I’d pre-filter that as a OCD safety measure.


Oh no,I got spider mites last grow…I d Better Watch for the other solution

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im with @Pigeonman on that one I’ve sealed every hole to the outside i can find lol I figure it’s even more important right now while temps are dropping and the bugs look for warm homes for the winter.


Yes a 10cm fan is enough to extract a 2x2 tent. Leave it running 24/7.

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Sometimes I have no choice but to run at 30c and it’s not ideal but not the end of the world.

You are getting good advice above.


Good advice here. @vernal you should write a quick fix cannabis book. Nothing like fresh air exchange




Try to suck the air out right at the light rather than let it circulate in the rest of the tent. Not something that is completely effective given compromises that sometimes need to be taken. I also have a door open to my flower space as I do not have enough exhaust to remove the heat and moisture. Even then I hit 30 C daily.

Maybe a Humidifier Is good to keep my plant strong against warmth.Also,algamic biobizz that Is algae extract would help, that’s why I am giving Them 1 ml in 600ml of water to my seedlings and they seem ti like It