2x2 Humidifier Help

Loosing ¼ of my space in this 2x2 tent to the Humidifier. Do you guys have work around ideas?


place it outside of the tent and draw in the moist air with the intake fan or intake vent possibly.


Also depending on temp you can slow down your exhaust to the point where the plants will create enough of there own humidity, with leds if your running them its actually typically more beneficial to run hotter 85-89f


How low is your humidity?

I would consider removing it entirely unless you really really need it.

Footprint is valuable space.



Without it i think it would sit around 37-44. Temps usually sit at 80-82 without it and 78-80 with it.


It depends on who you ask but I’d say 40 is on the low end of acceptable.

The other above mentioned ideas are good ideas too.


C’mon, we’re all thinking it: Bigger tent. :laughing:


I just downsized that light from a 4x4 to a 2x2. Mars hydro fc 3000.

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This is what I did to a portable AC to get it out of the tent, going to do a Dehumidifier this way as well.

Fashion some sort of hood to capture the fan output of the Humidifier.

I used a small tote here, but something similar to this Cone might suite your needs. Not really sure where the fan blows out of the Humidifier, thats where you want to capture it in a hood.

Another option:

Hook up a 4" dryer hose between a duct booster and your Cone

Stick another piece of hose between the Booster and the tent, or just stick the booster output port directly into a tent sleeve…


I like it but do you find condensation pools in the flexduct?

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If your humidifier doesnt lend itself to attaching a hood, then another idea is to put the humidifier in a tote or box and then put a 4" port in the top of the box.

Then attach your dryer hose and booster fan.


More on the outside of the duct than on the inside. Tempted to look at insulated duct.

Also, the pic shows my prototype testing, I will shorten the hoses to improve efficiency.

The AC unit dehumidifies as well and has a garden hose port on the back to deal with the effluent.


Cool I was thinking cool moist winter air hits a warm tent and bingo.

Sometimes one must be creative :+1:


I dont need the AC in the winter, if needed I supplement with a small space heater.

I only need it when ambient weather is above 80F or so in the garage.

In the heat, the condensation occurs on the outside of the duct.

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save up and get a 4x4 tent…no that wont work cause you will have more plants then need a 6x4 tent …and the cycle continues such as life :laughing:

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