Grow tent AC venting issue

I am getting a Bigger grow tent, 4x4 and A cheapish stand alone AC unit for it. The AC unit has an exhaust hose, I am wondering Is there any reason that I should not hook the exhaust hose right on to the exhaust fan blowing out of my tent? I am gonna splice the exhaust from the tent into the dryer exhaust for the house so it blows outside.

Of course the AC wont be ran durning the winter months but it will be easy to unscrew the clamp and remove it from the tent durning those months.


You’ll just need to make sure that your airflows from both devices are somewhat balanced.

What you want to avoid is the ac exhaust blowing so hard that it would overwhelm the output from your tent exhaust (or vice versa). That could potentially restrict one of your outputs.

Other than that, should be no issue.


Well the exhaust fan I am getting is 275CFM so I dont THINK that the ac is gonna exhaust more than that, but it does not say on the unit. Its enough to cool a 350sqft space, so more than enough for a 4x4 grow tent, i would hope. Now I just need to google the Ideal temp for cannabis lol

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My first thought is you need a Y connect before dryer vent. Both outlets need a vent flap so you do not push moist dryer air back at the tent. I believe most dryer vents are gravity driven. Design accordingly.

Also to note. May be better to place AC outside tent. Still can vent into dryer but not needed to go thru filter if using one.AC will produce heat.


I have a portable ac unit which I use in the lung room. The exhaust fan sucks that "climate"into the tent via the flapped vents at the bottom of the tent.

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I checked the temp in the room I am putting the grow tent in, and right now, in Mid summer Ohio Heat, the Room is 73.4F degrees. I am Opting to save the money and not Buy an Ac, If what I found Online is correct, and the temp inside a Grow tent is roughly 6 degrees higher than the Lung room, that will put me at 79.4F which means I should not need an ac unit at all.

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Well, it’s a bit more complicated than that, but regardless, if you can keep your lung room in the low 70’s you should be okay. If you are running LEDs you can easily get by with daytime temps in the mid 80’s, which honestly is preferable to the 70’s. Set it up and see, go from there.

So that’s part of your equation. Watchya doing for humidity control?


I am running LEDS I wont run anything else due to effeciency, nothing is as effecient as leds. Low 70s in that room should be fairly easy since I dont have anything in their producing heat and the window is blacked out. Humidity in that room due to being connected to the Sump in the basement puts me in the perfect VPD range for from about 64.4F to 89.6F for the Green on the VPD chart, and in the yellow from 59f to 93.2 as the humidity stays about 75% in that room.I will have to Hang to dry in a different room, so I really should not have to do anything with the humidity luckily.


Sounds like you’ve got it nailed for the veg phase.

I’m kinda assuming you are a new grower? If not, I apologize for basics, but just plan for your humidity to shoot through the roof once your plants get bigger, especially as they flower. The rh %’s that you have now will be way, way, way higher when you start flowering. I know you’ve mentioned a small dehumidifier for inside the tent. Honestly, that’s not going to cut it, not in Ohio during flower. I run a 50 pint whole house dehumidifier in my lung room, 4x4 flower tent. I remove about 2.5 gallons of water per day via my dehumidifier in a 12’x12’ lung room.

Just be prepared, good luck!


Facts. And whatever they do in there at night is sweaty. There is condensation some mornings.


I think you are asking the correct questions. Good on you!

Just consider the whole grow cycle needs that @Tripl3fastaction has mentioned.

Speaking from little experience, you should plan on at least a 6000 btu ac (assuming 12,x12 lung) and biggest dehumidifier res you can buy. Bonus if you can direct drain near tent.


I am new, I have been growing less than a year. I was under the impression that VPD applied to the whole grow not just veg? I will look into a dehumidifier, if Its needed for flower stage, but as I said, I was unaware that VPD does not apply through the whole grow.

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This is the chart I was going by, and I was/am under the impression that it applies to the whole grow, not just veg stage. Is that wrong? Does VPD only apply to veg stage?

I should clarify, I have been growing Cannabis less than a year, but I have been gardening and growing food crops for over 30 years.

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If you check the vpd link I sent you will see you can choose vpd for all stages. Also not a bad idea ro measure leaf temp vs ambient temp via $20 laser temp sensor.

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If you can swing it, the window ac is a better option IMO


You’re correct, VPD applies for the entire grow, lights on and off, but some go for rh below that stated on the chart in flower to prevent mold, I personally keep it to the minimum stated and use oscillating clip fans to keep air moving.


The way the room was build, sadly there is no way to get a Window Ac in the window in the room, its behind a dropped celing. You cant even open that window.

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I have a tower fan that goes in my grow tent that moves quite a lot of air and I am getting a Clip on fan to go with it for this new tent.