Growing the Purple Widow: A High Stress/High Yield Training Program

Hey, I downloaded the light meter app, Photone. It’s free, but I found out that all of the lights that growers use are all for “purchase in app”. I think it was like $4.99 for HID, and I think $6.99 for LED. I may spring for the money since it’'s so useful. I use HPS still.

Anyway, I just wanted to mention it in case it’s changed since you got yours, and to let peeps know. I actually still have the LUX app they make. It’s in my cloud, lol… I’m hoping I can move to LED before long. The only benefit for me is that I live in an old house and cold winters, so the light helps keep the room heated. I put a small heater in the room, and a small humidifier, so I’m slowly getting closer to being able to control my VPD. We have extremely low humidity levels, here in southern Colo. but my electric bill can get out of hand in winter, and I’d love to get some LED.

Thanks for the link to the metering app. It’ll be one more tool in the crib for dialing my place in. Best vibes on the finish! peace


Hey @GMan, I’m totally stoked that you found Photone useful.

TBH, I’m not sure which version I have, but when I click on the “LightType” button it seems to have full spectrum LED as the “free” version default. Some of the other light sources may not be free, but the small money for the Pro version is probably well worth it. I use the thing every day during harvest watch.

Not Shilling, jus sayin.


Harvest Time is here

A top level cola showing signs of The Final Push as a new white pistil pushes out in the upper right quad.

The next morning, the Amber Dawn expressed itself as an overall “Browning” in the trichome stalks and bulbous heads. It looked more dusty than Amber colored, but was widespread and almost overnight in appearing. Pardon the lighting and lousy focus, I had a hard time capturing the color change with my shitty old iPhone.

And if that wasn’t enough of a hint, I found a single mondo dizmo nanner glaring obscenely out at me from one of the lower buds! LoL.

So, as my mentor liked to say, “I’m not sure if this plant is done growing, but I know I’m done growin it!”

And, our little Widow might just be something really special.



Harvest Day, bright and beautiful. As you can see, a few first tier buds have already been harvested to further explore the “Clear/Cloudy/Amber” potency and character changes. That allowed the understory to develop further. The lower buds immediately begin to bulk up when exposed to LED rocket fuel.

Over the last few days in preparation for the chop I have ramped down both the intensity of the lights and the duration of “Daytime,” to inform our Widow that the end is nigh. Some folks turn off the lights entirely but I’ve had better results with this approach. I also cut off further watering to begin the drying process.

I have a structured drying process, and this is one stage of it. After hanging for a day, these are ready for a wet trim. (I really like my CannaBrush, but it demands fully dried bud and so it would be useless in this pic.)

Modest buds, typical of the ILGM White Widow, but rock solid & frosty. And tray after tray of them.

Time for some good music, a tasty bowl of CannaMeds and a self-imposed sentence to Trim Jail.


Looking good you got some high tech trimming tray compared to my black garbage bag and cardboard box I use . Looking excellent.


Funny thing about the trim tray, that thing came with the nice brush and two trim clippers all for $20 on Amz! Works great and I usually collect a couple of grams of kief without trying.

Big win for a Grouchy Cheapskate!


First, a trophy shot: The Purple Widow. If you squint your eyes she looks like a Grouchy Old Bud with a sugary face!

Every Grower has a favorite and this one is mine.

I reckon it’s time to bring this to a close, so let’s sum up.

TBH, this was a pretty good grow, but I coulda done better. The beautiful colors and the potency of the final smoke made the Purple Widow well worth the effort, but it CouldaShouldaWoulda been betta.

Was it “High Yield?” That’s a fair question and I’ll leave it to you to decide. I am travelling now, and I don’t have my grow log notes with me to state the yield with authority, but I recall the dry weight was a little over 200 grams. I filled six quart-sized Ball Jars with the choicest buds, sieved 4 grams of decent bubble hash from sugar leaf & a pile of smaller buds, and made 10 oz of very enjoyable GD tincture with another dozen little buds.

So, close to half a pound all up. I can’t claim “High Yield,” despite the title, but even 200 grams from one plant, using 150 watts of LED is still 1.3 gr/watt. By that measure, not bad.

The smoke was top shelf, herbal nose, pine-scented menthol in the mouth and potent in a balanced mind/body way. If I sat down with some music I happily spaced out. If I tried to do something more cerebral, like writing, well, you are reading the result! LoL. The Purple Widow is still my favorite with many to choose from.

Lessons Learned

  • Re. ILGM White Widow: It was unfortunate that this plant suffered a setback early on, but in the end, the method worked well and the ILGM White Widow was a very admirable partner despite my dereliction of duty nearly freezing her to death.
  • Re. Method: The “Structure” of this high stress method was mostly accomplished without any special expertise required. Anybody can push this structure on a cannabis plant. Some plants will accept it readily, others will need some convincing, but in the hands of an experienced HST/LST grower, this isn’t anything special. Just a time-tested plan thoughtfully executed.
  • Re. Yield: You’ll have to believe me that my mentor regularly nets a pound per plant from his DWC tent. If you want to max out the yield of a plant that is amenable to this type of training, try this out.
  • Re. Purpleness: there appear to be two ways to grow a Purple plant: Genetics, or Mistreatment. In my opinion, the Purple Widow was an example of the latter. Freeze your plant, zap it with “Bud Candy” nutes and fry it under intense LED lights… Guaranteed some purple, so, Yay? She turned out very pretty but more by luck than skill or intention.

Thanks for listening
You folks are talented, experienced and open to new ideas. That is rare and refreshing in these trying times. So, thanks to all for sticking with me on this. I submit humbly to questions and suggestions intended to improve the technique or clarify any misunderstandings. I welcome that discussion.

If anyone intends to give this method a try, tag me in!



Fantastic job all around man :+1: and look at that final money shot :heart_eyes:


Awesome grow log. I will be referring back to it often. I am 30 days from emptying out my tent, will try this on my next grow.


Cool beans Mr. Wiz. Drop me a note when you start and I will follow with alacrity!


Great tutorial on training Grouchy!
Nothing slack about pulling down half a pound…

One thing I’ve been trying to decipher - to no avail, is your code, is that actually a date code?




We begin on 120121… and, yeah, I’m gonna go and make sure I got all those dates right! Sorry if it was confusing.

All Fixt Now, Thx @Gpaw.


Great recap Grouchy! Your going to frame that money shot, right??
Beautiful job!


Pssst, check this shit out!
The master grower who developed the training method I used in this grow, just produced a sweet 3D model of the plant structure I was shooting for in this grow.

(reproduced with permission, 1st posted on

Scroll up and see if you can see that basic structure in the pics?

Anyways, I thought it was cool and so here tis.

@Gpaw, @MrWizard, @GMan, @MWgrower, @G-paS, @ShiskaberrySavior


That’s cool, it definitely makes the structure really clear. Thanks for sharing


Tagging along brothers…
Thank you for your time and effort and also convey my thanks to your friend too​:heart::heart::heart:


Thanks for share your grow with us.


Was struggling hard to understand that picture for at least half an hour until I realized its the top view of the plant LMAO…
Now that’s out if the way, I’ll keep on reading further…


Ditto this @GrouchyOldMan
I now understand the lights better…

Also, the app you recommended is awesome…
Gonna be using that a lot…
Final edit: finished reading (was busy day lol)…
It was very helpful, definitely learned more than I hoped for and I enjoyed every second of reading g it…
Hopefully I’ll get a chance to try it…


Hi @GMan, I just noticed that I’d never gotten back on your question.

I think the best answer is that this method really benefits from a 6-8 week veg period with photo period seeds. The real magic is the vigorous growth after all the training is done. That is what sets things up for flowering. So, if your expectation is a six to eight week veg, then the training fits right into the program.

I hope that makes sense.
PS, I haven’t tried this with an AutoFlower, but I’m gonna…