Growing With Mr.Sparkle : 2021

Monday update.

Left side going through a second flush though still a ways out on seeds.

Right side, did a water flush on the Cinderevils saturday night and let them sit till around till mid day before going back to a fresh res.

Also trimmed back the pollen donor trizzler after this shout and adjust the other one to take up more space, once the pollen sacs on the one start getting closer it will be punted to the third cab where the sunflowers are.


Looking good

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Got some Cinderevils in the mail a minute ago! Thank you again sir and thanks for the thermometer as well!


sweet good to hear


Big thanks @Mr.Sparkle

Mum thought the packaging was pretty


After work Wednesday update.

Left side got 1.0ec res fills today so they will start consuming themselves eventually, i’ll transition them to water only mid next week or so.

Right side, ended up having to clean up a bunch of water this morning as the feed hoses for the right side likely got bumped last night so one line for sure was spraying the wall avoiding the res lid all together, wasn’t to bad as it mainly just clung and stayed under the reservoirs.

Waiting on pollen on the trizzler and will move it likely by the weekend, the other is still growing, though slower than my other plants, im just gonna say the others are acclimatized to my growing style, where as this one isn’t so next gen will likely be better.

As for the Cinderevils Apparently were at Week 7 from sprout as of today.

Some closer up shots of the Cinderevils of what to maybe expect for those whom have seeds of them.

And the lady took over the Third chamber with some sunflowers for a work thing, he comment on the one was cause she broke the tap root on the one though obviously it didn’t care.


Well i got my Wednesday fix watching the Cinderevils grow , lookin good Mr.Sparkle !


Looking great as always
:green_heart: :seedling:


Those Cinderevils look super friggin dank! Looks like you could beat someone up with one of those colas, but they’d just ask you to keep going :laughing:


Do we get a Saturday up date :slight_smile:

they sure do bet it’s fire big fan big fan lol

We gotta see how the girls are growing!

Lol I will though likely after 12:00pst, on call this week and got called out at 6am and am now running errands


Posted above then had 20+ hrs of OT and had to throw in the towel, heat wave were having is killing stuff work wise, I’ll update tues most likely as then I’m likely to have my own time back, and do my weekly seed give away then.


It’s Tuesday! I’m a fiend for an update! Sparkle me!


Me too! I love watching them grow

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Good afternoon everyone, and yes, @Mr.Sparkle, please, put me down for the giveaway as well!! Thanks a lot!! :sunglasses: Happy Tuesday!

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Well had 25+ hrs overtime over the weekend due to a heat wave and equipment breaking.

Tuesday update it is.

Left side, due to a high humidity high temp problem a couple weeks ago “turned off the fan and forgot to turn it back on” the one GRCD developed some bud rot which i just cut out, other two were fine.

Though i left that one on the left side and moved the two others over to the right, in order to do so moved the trizzlers over and the pollen producing one is now producing pollen so ill start dusting tonight through to friday.

So far im neutral on the trizzlers, they aren’t impressing me though could just be first gen in my environment , so ill be more concise on if its worth the time on the next run from seeds made from these plants.

Right side looking good, just due to the heat had dropped them down to 50% or lower light levels over the weekend, also was mid defoliation on the cinderevils when i had to leave, so back one is untouched front one had some work done. Oh and the GRCD’s are going onto water today.

As for the ladys sunflowers, we threw them on the deck over the weekend just to kill any extra heat in the house, the proceeded to stretch and grow still, shes gonna have to decide which one goes on the deck and which one stays shortly, or until there is some space in the lower cabs.

As for seed you know the deal, cause of missing the weekend and the unfortunate bud rot and changing it up, figure id offer up the slightly green seeds i harvested from the bud rot sections of the one GRCD, gave them all a h202 quick path and they should be plenty viable, just ideally should have another couple weeks drying even more also thus why the paper stickers on these ones.

Anyways comment below if interested and ill do a roll later tonight after work.


Always interested in your gems. Ghost Rose Cookie Devil sounds awesome.
Fingers crossed.
I have been gifting my regs. So have lots of room in the vault.
I am loving the SF plants there.


Sounds like it’s heating up in there @Mr.Sparkle

Hope you manage stay cool

Beans look :fire:
:ghost: :rose: :japanese_ogre: :cookie: