Growing With Mr.Sparkle : 2021

Nice fuzz OTUGzzz. Grow fat fuzzy nugz!


:heart: Thank you @Dirtron!! I will absolutely crush these fuzzy nugs!! I love and grow a ton of Sativa buds anyway, so bud density isn’t something I really shoot for most times.

It’s funny a really good buddy of mine actually just dropped off about a zip of some Purple Satellite. It is some of the loosest sativa buds I’ve seen in a minute, but the smoke hits you proper! :crazy_face:


Friggin desert people. “It’s a different kind of heat”. Get F’d you lizard skinned mofos!

Totally kidding @Dirtron! :laughing:


Irrigate THIS!

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I am interested in some of those :smiley:

You from AZ as well I take it? :smile:

It’s a long story from long ago but if I didn’t get arrested one night back in my wild days I would have ended up there. As in car was packed and I was leaving with friends headed to there the next morning. A week in a cell both changed those plans and part of the desire to get out of dodge. I can’t even remember exactly why we chose AZ other than the lower cost of living but that was the plan.


I’m not from Arizona but I did drive through at high speeds to see the Grand Canyon.

Side note Black Canyon City gave me a freaky “I’m going to get murdered” Rob Zombie vibe.


Alright very small roll off today @DougDawson @Dirtron @Neb

Cut and pastries from above somewhere mm pastries.

Those named send me a Privnote link Via a Private message here on OG with an shipping addy ### Do Not post it as a response on this thread as then anyone can see it ### for those who haven’t used privnote after you create a note it will generate a random link that you can just copy and paste to your PM to me, and it gets destroyed after being read once.


That vibe is cool as hell for driving past, not so much for sleeping or living there.


Me pumping gas - “hurry the fuck up!”


Holly Crap, I won a dice roll. That is so cool, many many thanks @Mr.Sparkle , appreciate all your work and generosity.


Thanks Sparkle!!!
Not the best day at work so a nice pick me up.
PM incoming…


Congrats to the winners! And thanks again @Mr.Sparkle for this great giveaway!! :beers: :clap: :clap: :clap: :pray:


That’s a darn good auto strain you guys got there! I harvested my outdoor gscd plants today. One reached just over four feet. The buds are very frosty and dense. I would definitely start one of these plants when you get these seeds and just put it in the corner somewhere if you have too. Anyway congrats to you winners and very gracious of you @Mr.Sparkle

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I need to go check my mail for my Cinderevils.
:green_heart: :seedling:


@G-paS They’re probably crossing the bridge right now :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah im interested in what these F2’s hold should all be pretty nice bud just don’t know what will pop out as f2’s and all will be interesting, i held on to the seeds from the denser pheno mom only just due to the low number of seeds i got from her so i’ll be running some of those first once im back at it.

Saying that i won’t be doing seed giveaways for the next two weeks at least just will be heading to the cabin with the fam, may just be chewing on smoke from the wildfires though we will see, at least it will keep the mosquitos at bay lol.


Wow brother, nothing beats time at the cabin with family. Have an amazing time bud.


I will for sure tag you when I pop them!

Have fun with different kinds of trees :evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree:

Enjoy your vacation!

Edit. I had a Q for you that I thought about today in reference to your “Another generation to adapt to my environment” comment, but its too long and too late now… just putting this in so I don’t forget to type it out…


will do, ill still do a chop update once the trizzler comes down, though have all next week then gone come the weekend for awhile, i need a well deserved break from work and a retune in nature.