Growing With Mr.Sparkle : 2021

Missed the roll but your plants look great as always!

Nice win OTUG, karma is alive and well!!!

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I won again?! Thank you @Mr.Sparkle!! I needed this 🥲 You just started my week off right! :grinning:

I love this gif so I have to post it just one more time. Don’t hate me :laughing:
Ironically, I used to dance just like this when I was a kid. Now I watch my own kids with their crazy dances :rofl:


Yeah just send me a DM with a privnote for an addy you know what to do.


Wednesday Update

Slowly finishing up, defoliated the trizzler last night to help try and accelerate things as this has a max week and half before a mandatory chop, unfortunately the smell i got off it when defoliating was well just kinda blah or not pleasant to my nose, just green with a arid astringent nose to it maybe an undertone of pine just generic is all i can really describe it as. Well guess we will see what the seeds do from it though im not expecting much.

And sunflowers being sunflowers, i culled one just cause of leaf issues and having no time.


Looking meaty!


Well then Saturday mid day post cause well working…

Trizzler finally starting to show some later flower coloring with me feeding it water only for the last while, smell has improved actually so bonus to that.

And sunflowers that will be guerrilla planted somewhere this week.

As for “Seed Saturday” three packs of GhostRoseCookieDevil F2’s up, now forewarning being f2’s no idea what will come out saying that especially there may be a very slight chance that a latent minor hermi trait from the Ghost Rose may pop up in this f2 though was working at getting rid of that as it didn’t express in the Ghost rose i used and or the offspring from that and the cookiedevil i out crossed to.

Recent discussions and events on @ReikoX side he believes it may actually be from the SugarBlackRose originally as he had one herm on him.

Anyways You know what to do if interested “comment below that you are interested” and ill do a die roll of later tonight.


Throw my hat in the ring, forewarned about the potential hermie traits.

Funny, I just checked in a few min ago and nothing going on here. Thought I was lost again!


Good luck to the winners this week. I’m not putting my hand at the moment as I’ve got enough to play with at the moment.

Cheers Johnny


Well I sure hope the Trizzlers come around for ya and aren’t just a hyped up generic cultivar


Yeah quite today, mid summer and people off doing stuff which is understandable.

@HaRdRoC yeah next gen will be more telling as then they will have at least one gen to adapt to the growing conditions here


Mid summer in your location, mid winter here. Snuggling under a blanket at the moment trying to keep warm

Cheers Johhny


Will be interesting to see how you develop the strain as time goes along. I am sure most are interested in seeds from @Mr.Sparkle , I know I am.


yeah saw you were getting some cold snaps, couple of car youtubers i follow was like wtf being able to see aussies breath on vid and that you all are probably thinking hells freezing over


They are definitely on my radar but I have some Cinderevils and need to grow out at least one before I can justify jumping on these. The good news is that the auto run I have planned next features some Cinderevil so it’s just a matter of time…


Afternoon and evening everyone! And if it is still ok, I would like to throw my hat in for this nice giveaway!! Thanks @Mr.Sparkle!!!


No they said only people who’s names start with B-Y are eligible this week. I hear the A’s and Z’s are starting a class action suit if you want to hop on that but no seeds in here for you AZ’s this week.


You’ve been toking again my friend, you don’t sound very logical, that is, if one adheres to common sense!!

How many said that!? Telling you, the sheer number of bs in my name grant me that pot of honey, of course if I win!! Besides, this ain’t Dibsy Town, fella!! :cowboy_hat_face: See you in the western corner of this site, friend!! (All respect to @Mr.Sparkle!!)


OHHH. I don’t have that but would love too.
:green_heart: :seedling:

Edit Never mind I did just get those :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :relaxed:


I’m good on this one, I just got something special yesterday :smiley: actually make that 2 something specials :wink:

Thank you @Mr.Sparkle!! :grin:


Why so much hate for people from Arizona? :man_shrugging: