Growing With Mr.Sparkle : 2021

I know im like a week out and you explained it but, I have to verify everything, in a manner that I makes easiest for me. :sweat_smile:

To produce a auto of my own I would need,

P=Photo Female
A=Auto Female Reversal
Pa=First Gen
pA=1/4 auto trait
AA= Stable auto

P x A = Pa seeds

Pa x Pa = pA 25% auto trait

pA(auto trait) x pA(auto trait) = AA

The legend i hope helps because all used letters are just for my personal memory.

Maybe I added a step :face_with_monocle::sweat_smile:

I know I can just reverse a female auto and hit another female auto but meh

Thank you in advance :green_heart::pray:


Your plants and setup are gorgeous :heart_eyes: @Mr.Sparkle


yep pretty much how it is.


Monday update

Made my selections yesterday down to what i wanted out of the PRxCD’s and C9D’s, cleaned everything up and there on 1.6ec feed had to turn up the watering frequency and duration to 8se every 6hr vs the 8hr and 6 secs it was as all the extra room is making them thirsty.

Right cab, little ones moving along and the Darkspark working at finishing some pollen which ive already had some usable sacs, though im looking more for mass collection right now.


Looking a bit messy in there, the seedlings leaves are all over the place :wink:


ill wait till their bigger to rotate them for you :wink:


Really cool stuff going on in here, @Mr.Sparkle! I’m gonna tag along


Really enjoying this thread…thanks


Looking great. I love how clean your set up is. Looks like a lab man


I notice myself rotating them to match one another, since seeing here. Not quite as mr.SPARKLEy in there thou.


Day later… C9D’s wanting to be sunflowers or something, hopefully this STS works on the front plants no signs yet though.


Well it grew too tall so onto “Flopping”

For those who have never done this here are some quick pics on what i do, and its best to do this before a watering rather than after one as the plant is more malleable when low on water.

First pick a node where you want to have the top flopped over at, this is typically where the rest of the plant can catch up and make a more even canopy.

Next plan and think which way you want the top to flop over to typically this will be whatever direction that will allow that top to fill a hole of empty space or just to get down and out of the way with out blocking any side shoots till it pops back up.

Once i’ve determined that i pinch and crunch the stem for a couple centimetres worth typically causing the stem wall segments to split vertically and when flattened the flat of the now pinched stem will be perpendicular to the direction i want to lay the top over.

You usually have to massage and roll the stem a bit just to make it relatively limp so it stays down on its own and to avoid causing any snapping or horizontal stem damage which can be detrimental, also tucking the top below some lower fan leaves is a handy tip to help it stay down a bit longer as it has to work to get past them, if your plant is healthy and mid stretch it will be literally back up and going after your light source in a few hr to a day or two.

And here’s how the plant looks after being flopped, it will be back up in the next day or so and ill grab a picture then to show how it rebounds and the other side shoots start to fight for light.


Gréât explanation and pics @Mr.Sparkle , will certainly help those who haven’t tried this method before. Big thumbs up :+1: :+1:

I quite often tie the flopped top down to hold it horizontally to encourage equal growth.

Enjoying the new 21 journal too, keep it coming as we all learn a lot from you.

Cheers Johnny


I flopped a Spotted Lime Auto recently and tied it down. After 3 hours I saw she was already way up again.


Just shows you how resilient these plants can be. And also the apical dominance.


Excellent tutorial.
I have not seen better! :sunglasses: :+1: :tophat:



As point to the flopping last night here is that plant this morning

On to the Wednesday update whether needed or not.

Left side doing alright, still working on spraying sts on the front two plants unsure on the left one just as its far enough along flower wise to cause issues with too much ethylene production.

Right side im gonna start plucking ripe pollen sacs and collecting the pollen, little ones doing decent and aligned somewhat all for @Shadey :wink: lol


You collect the pollin after you pluck the sacks? Interesting. I would imagine that would be less messy.

Got that note pad out of list of how to keep your space sparkly!

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well depends on what im doing if i have plants to pollinate i just pluck ripe and open/opening pollen sacs and dab and shake them over the target plants in this case though i dont have any plants i want to hit with this pollen so i’ll be collecting it for the time being and just pulling ripe pollen sacs as they occur other wise they are just gonna release on there own and it will become messy.