Growing With Mr.Sparkle : 2022 Fall/Winter

Day 38/10/1

Bigger plants are doing so so think they barely went dry in the last day, the old sts spray likely wasn’t effective but used up the last of it today, and young ones continuing on, one of the seedlings had a user issue :man_shrugging: , Otherwise moving forward.


Day 40/12/3

Removed a male from the lower and brought down that other younger plant, actually looks like the sts worked plants just needed to grow past their root issues it seems.

Also started some more seeds.


Day 42/14/5

Ready to move on from the older plants, but ill try and get some pollen and make some seeds though im really pushing time frames so may be unlikely also not like these ogreberries are surprising me so im not gonna be disappointed if it doesn’t work out, just leafy and lower resin amount currently comparable to some of the other plants in the other cab and the smell is alright so kinda if it happens it happens thing.

Also new seeds planted in the recycled coco + perlite also just to see im trying a time released nutrients with those so will be straight water for them till they go sideways.


Day 44/16/7

Youngest who knows on why the stunting just those seeds probably as no reasons not to be fine in fresh coco.
The new seedlings i said would be popping up now had done so but the recycled coco im using is to aggressive bacteria wise and that got to them before they could get going so i pulled them all this morning one of the four would of been alright, just goes to show me i can’t forget to sterilize the starting coco if its recycled as seedlings don’t have a chance before they start going, Started some more seeds and already watered the center of the pots with a water/bleach mix so they should be good in a couple days to try again in the same pots.

Oldest plants are going, well see how long it takes for some pollen on the one, i expect to move the other over in maybe a week or so culling one of the other flowering plants in my other chamber, and then leave this chamber to the younger plants which are doing well.

Ready to start a new thread come the new year and get some good grows going.


Day 47/19/10 The middle age ones are taking off the 24K x Glos their apexs stopped a ways back but in the last two days have just thrown out all their side shoots, the youngest i’ll likely only carry over the two largest, as for the oldest in these cabs, would be nice to see some pollen within the week maybe 10 day which might happen, and threw in some new seedlings thought they are buried kinda deep.


Is this a side by side test of aeration vs. none? or just happened that way? :sweat_smile:

:evergreen_tree: Aloha

nah just the lid for the smaller pots, just threw it on there, and the white reservoir is just cause the black reservoirs don’t fit 4 of the bigger pots but those plants will migrate to black reservoirs eventually


:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: der…uhh i meant the perlite :sweat_smile:

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Lol yeah threw that in with that recycled coco as this last bag is a bit to fine to start which compounds when reusing so trying a 10-15% addition.


Day 49/21/12

Moving along, little ones about to emerge im doubtful all will make it just as one was spiralling .


Day 23/14/0

The oldest plants got removed one was composted after providing some pollen in the last two day and the other got moved to the Marshydro lit cab in my other thread, saying that gave room for the youngens just starting to go into flower mode, as for the others may end up only keeping the big one of those younger ones which are kinda full of gnats at the moment which is odd being fresh coco and also being run on the dry side in comparison to everything else, they will get some coco level pyrethrin sprays though.


Can you elaborate on what you mean by “coco level pyrethrum sprays”

Is that a specific mixing strength? Or are you saying you are going to spray the surface of the coco?

:eye: :eyes:


Yeah just surface spraying and not spraying the plants.


Day 26/17/3


Day 28/19/5

Throwing the pictures of the other cab in here now that ive moved down the plants, saying that also will be starting a new thread come the new year and not break it up like i did this last year i’ll go back to the single grow long for the year thread.


Crazy to think this will be my 3rd year following the adventures of your sparkle cab!!!

Keep on rocking! May this new year bring many fat, sticky, dank, colorful buds!



Time flys by, and i do plant on getting some decent grows down instead of messing around or being neglectful, may just dedicate one cabinet to experiments , and the other two focus on stuff i like instead of the assortment of randoms as of late.


Day 30/21/7

Another Wednesday, have some seeds forming on the ogre berry which is smelling nice.


Day 60/32 Taking off for the holidays, decided to not run the little ones as it was more just me playing and took the smallest 24k x Glo out that was gonna be a mold hazard with how it was growing so that the ogreberry thats working on some seeds and finishing out could be moved over, also lowered the light to about 52W which is about 45% less power which is a educated guess compared to last time and filled up the reservoirs to past bottom licking level to have enough water while im gone and lowered the watering length cause of the reduced light.

Guess we will see how they are in a week and half from now.


Nice man, taking a seat :clinking_glasses: