Growing with Mr.Sparkle : 2024

depending on which way your holding them its easy to tuck them under a leaf tilt upwards and get a leaf easily down its stem when buried. :wink:


Absolutely, I found myself flipping them back and forth depending on what I was doing. Very handy, never touched my straight ones once. The large opening in both handles even fit my mits which is great. Thanks again.


Day 54/39/26

Went in and removed a bunch of leaf mass on all, the eldest i did hit with some more pollen thursday last week with the strawberry banana pollen liking being not viable, also quite late to be trying for some more seeds but we will see.

As for the youngest the one front left plant i may be removing just cause its having some later life leaf mutations going on which is either just it as a plant or a viroid or something, just keeping watch for now.


Day 59/44/31
I had to shuffle around the youngest plants as they were stretching badly and still are, really need to get some not ready plants chopped and make some space but im not doing that yet.

otherwise things are moving along, been noticing this run though that my feed levels have been on the high side as issues seem to creep up quicker so thinking of a 15% cut back on the next run though saying that the next run will be running different nutrients as ill be running out of my Jacks likely by the time this run is done and i jsut cant get it reasonably up here so will be running the 2 part megacrop but just the main nutes as i already have calnit.


Wow, your setup and plants never cease to amaze me. :v:


Wow! Way to grow. :+1:


ended up re-potting the 3 lone plants that had reservoirs to themselves, saying the the one plant thats in with the oldest plants… lets just say it has some mutations going on on one part of the plant that could be something else going on “virus” but seeings how im not reusing the coco and or will be making seed from said plant or any of the others apart from whats already been done to me its “safe” to run till i deem otherwise.

normally it would of been tossed at first signs of unwanted mutations/issues but if wasn’t this time to keep the spaces full, as im not in an opportunity to just cull and start new seeds this time due to time constraints


Damn, those plants are thriving!

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I really appreciate the way that you not only explain in detail what you are doing, but the “WHY” behind it!

Very enjoyable and educational Mr. Sparkle, thanks.

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Thanks for the compliments everyone, and @GrouchyOldMan i try whether its so others can learn something or just so i can learn something when i look at something in retrospec


Well took a look at the plants today when i had time, and the one plant i threw in with the eldest plants that was showing the mutations/issues had hit the light and run out of space and still was not yet in flower mode so decided to just pull the plant and move the one in the other chamber with the middle age plants over and give it an up-pot, saying the the one i pulled also had a couple lower node pollen sacs on it so no complaints though i would of just plucked them and let it run otherwise if a more conforming plant.

So yeah always one of my two issues, limited headroom and or space.


Day 64/49/35

Well eldest plants the forum stomper is ready to harvest apart from the seeded branches, the strawberry banana is doing its last burst still.

Mid age plants obviously hit some excess issues but im not to concerned just cause im literally at the last of my jacks and things likely were a little off plus im figuring i could dial back the feed about 15% or so, couple are starting to purple up though.

And top cab plants are moving along.


Day 68/53/39

Eldest got the chop except for the seeded branches and are drying, the other plant in here i spread out as much as i could but it has flimsy stems so one needed a little support.

Middle age ones well they are honestly just done, very quick considering not even 8 weeks yet from seed but im running them out until the chopped plants are dried as i only have so much space for drying.

Like two things id change if not changing dimensions is having a bigger air box for better drying rack space, and maybe having a t4 fan instead of the t6 i have which for the low speed i have it at and noise its great but i have found that you need a bit faster airflow than my speed setting of 2 for the carbon scrubber to work effectively during flower, plus essentially day 50% more every time i need to get a new filter.

And the top cab is filling in, now once those middle aged plants are chopped ill be moving one of the plants to this chamber just to give them all space.


That’s an interesting observation, increased back pressure improves the performance…


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When you think about it the air gets pushed or pulled harder causing a bit more turbulence or forced contact, likely when too low you get more into the whole path of least resistance and get a laminar flow type situation as much as you can through a carbon filter.

But yeah speed setting 2 which is more than enough for me for cooling and what not it starts to stink and pass smell, bump up to speed settling 3 then the smell dissipates. Im likely at that threshold where the filter size doesn’t provided enough resistance for the fan level im at.

Like if i could trade my T6 for a T4 and didn’t have to make a new filter box to suit it i likely would change. Im just in that situation where i have something working pretty decent and the changes id like to do requires essentially a fresh rebuild and likely id change my mind on what i want later anyways.

i would have to or want to get a T4 with 4" carbon filter, make taller cabs going from a 30" door to a 40" door, and possibly ditching the multiple cabs and just having one bigger one, and having a suitable airbox with better drying space, and id have to relocate an electrical outlet higher up the wall as otherwise the outlet would be in one of the cabs, and then make new shelving for the closet.

So a bunch of work and cost for some minor tweaks.


Made a mess tonight , had some bag blow outs all entirely my fault, the light stuff on the right being from the Strawberry Banana plant just cut, the stuff int he middle is the second pressings of the blow outs and mess that i just stuffed into another bag.

And the stuff on the left is the Forum stomper, was bummed on the color but the stuff is so viscous unless it solidifies over night i should be able to put it straight in a cart as its more liquid that stuff ive decarboxylated .


It must be good, because I swear the light stuff is on the right. :grin:


:astonished::exploding_head: impressive bro


I just don’t know my right from left it’s a common problem lol


Well done, man!

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