Gumbert's First Grow Log -- FRANKENSTEIN

good morning @Gumbert and OG !



Greetings Gumbert,
Congrats on a fine grow, seems like you’ve got this dialed.

Your comment on managing mold caught my eye. I’m helping a friend with his first grow in Hawaii, where mold problems are common. I wonder if you’d care to explain how you understand and manage the problem in Florida?

Thanks in advance for any advice you’d care to offer, and best wishes on your Frankie grow!

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Good morning brother Gumbert, and all OG


Sure, can you tell me or show me which kind of mold your friend is is experiencing and why it’s a problem?



Good morning OG!

Ms Trish and I celebrate our 49th anniversary today….

God I love this woman! How in the world sh has put up with me for this long is beyond me but I sure am glad is has and is…

Slept in this morning. I tried some Bubba Kush last night and after 2 hits and lying down, I was out and slept all night. Foot pain las nigh was minimal. Need to do some research on this strain.

Today I will try more of the Stranerry Cough while working in the GH.

More later, chores need to be done…


White Powdery Mold seems to be the main problem in the Islands. Here in Cape Cod we get hit with Bud Rot Botrytis every Fall.

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Good morning @Gumbert !


Not meaning to “like” this. But this is a good tidbit of info.
Since you are in Florida, you will need lots of air movement. LOTS. Specially in that Greenhouse. I did not have enough air movement in a small 2x4 tent. I bot massive bud rot. It ruined my entire batch of weed. And you won’t notice till its too late. It starts deep in the buds and works its way out. Just have lots of air movement and you should be good, in my opinion.


do you have a picture of the white powdery mold?

What stage of growth or are you talking about, during the drying process?

Pictures, close ups are needed and do you own a microscope?

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Morning @MoBilly , Have a good weekend.

Sure, Here’s the sad tale of my most recent battle in late flower, mostly Botrytis, not WPM:

I Fought Botrytis (and got my ass kicked!)

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Sorry for your loss, I can only imagine how you feel.

This is my first cannabis grow I don’t know if this will work however I have experience in tomato, pepper, cucumber, squash, and all greens.

I made JS, from the Jadam original book and it has proven to be very effective on my farm in NW Florida.

Use it along with JNP and JWA. All made here on the farm for very low cost.

Food for thought. Good luck going forward.



Outdoors, the ‘secret’ to fighting the occurrence of WPM is to ensure that the plants get AM sunshine. Dew collects overnight and having early sunshine will help get the dew off of the leaves sooner which mitigates the risk for mold. Having good air circulation is also helpful as this is another evaporation aid.


Look into milk and whey for fighting powdery mildew. Both have proven to be very effective for outdoor use and especially for greenhouse use.

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I have heard that. What dilution rate do you use?

My wife makes yogurt every week so whey is plentiful, but have not tried it in the garden.

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Product (Application and concentration) Crop (greenhouse or outside) Fungus that causes powdery mildew Effect on powdery mildew Ref.
Milk (1-2x per week, different dilutions of 5-50%) Zucchini (greenhouse) Sphaerotheca fuliginea Progression is reduced by 90% when treated twice a week with a dilution of 3.8 – 11.4% 7
Milk (1x preventative before infection, 30% dilution) Zucchini (greenhouse) Podosphaera xanthii Reduction of progression by 88% 3
Milk (every 7-12 days and after 25mm of rain, 50% dilution) Pumpkin (Outside) Podosphaera xanthii Reduction of progression by 50-70% 8
Whey (2x per week, 10-30% dilution) Cucumber, zucchini (greenhouse) Podosphaera xanthii 71-94% less diseased plants depending on the whey concentration used 9
Milk (20 and 50 days after infection, 5.10 or 20% dilution) Soya bean (greenhouse) Erysiphe diffusa Reduction of progression by 40-72% 10
Milk (weekly, 10% dilution) Kale (greenhouse) Erysiphe polygoni DC. Reduction of progression by 30% 4
Milk powder (once every two weeks, 30g/L ~ 20% dilution) Grape (Viognier) (greenhouse) Erysiphe necator 15g/L reduces progression by 65-96%, 30g/L milk powder prevents powdery mildew contamination 1
Whey powder (1x every two weeks, 15, 30 or 45g/L) Grape (Viognier) (greenhouse) Erysiphe necator 15 and 30g/L reduce progression by 58-79%, 45g/L whey prevents powdery mildew contamination 1
Milk (1-2x every two weeks, 10% dilution, 300-600L/ha) Grape (Verdelho) (Outside) Erysiphe necator 79% of the harvest is acceptable compared to 87% when treated with sulfur (3g/L) 2
Whey powder 1-2x per two weeks, 45g / L, 300-600L/ha) Grape (Verdelho) (Outside) Erysiphe necator 76% of the harvest is acceptable compared to 87% when treated with sulfur (3g/L) 2
Milk (1-2x every two weeks, 10% dilution, 300-900L/ha) Grape (Chardonnay) (Outside) Erysiphe necator Reduces progression by 40% at harvest 11

A 50/50 ratio seems to work for most plants. Remember though this is a preventative measure and not once the plant has already developed PM.
Many do use it to fight it also but I personally haven’t so can’t speak to that and why I put up the first chart.


Oh MY!! Look what my son just sent me for my Anniversary!!

This is the finest tasting scotch I have ever had, 15 Year old single malt double cask…

I would never buy this for myself, thank you son, this rocks.

Here is a quick glimpse of the newest bean popped.

THCV gifted from @Magu Thanks for the beans! I found the sheet on this and have created a grow sheet for it. Stay tuned.



Great gift! Though I know little about alcohol products.

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I have a 12 year old single malt double cask but this is way smooth by comparison. This is likely to only last 6 months where the other usually lasts me a full year. Christmas to Christmas and its time for a new bottle…

Might have to start a new tradition….