Hand rolled joints Unite

My old hands have been having trouble with grinding buds. I read about the Mamba Grinder on another site and ordered one. It arrived May 23 and I started using it the next day. It works well so far and it held a charge for about four weeks. I am uncertain as to how durable the grinder is but I like the texture of the grind especially for rolling joints. Not too fine a grind is my preference.

I spend a bit more time separating flowers from stems and then I load the budlets into the chamber. The Magma has a rocker switch that reverses the direction of the grinder. Working the switch back and forth will begin the grinding process. Once it breaks up the budlets the bits and pieces drop through the cone and onto the rolling tray.


My clone only Strawberry Cough cross, which I created 20yrs. ago…it was grown outdoors last year and very potent and hand rolled of course.


Just wanted to give a shoutout to this thread for reminding me about Power hitters (both “official” and homemade) and making me get one. It was a nostalgia purchase but then I used it and yeah, I’m using this all the time now.

I mostly use cones at this point just because it’s easier but with a little practice I can still roll a pretty perfect J with orange label zig zags. Mostly because one night years and years ago I ate 5g of mushrooms and while waiting for them to kick in I watched a youtube video from B-Real (of Cypress Hill) talking about how to roll a joint. I started practicing and woke up the next morning with a pile of 40 joints lol. And about 25 of them were picture perfect.

This thread has also inspired me to start hand rolling from time to time just to get my fingers back in shape. So cheers to all that.


Glad you enjoy this thread man…it’s hard to find power hitters nowadays but hell you can make your own with mustard bottles, they work just as well and can be incognito…I have expensive glass bongs which I haven’t used in over 10 yrs. just gathering dust. All I do now is smoke joints and use my homemade Mustard bomb power hitter and it gets us way fucked up…make yourself one and post a picture of it…


Well, I said y’all inspired me and I have to say, your boy hasn’t lost his skills. This is the first joint I’ve hand rolled in years and it was pretty spot on.


Nice rolling tray. Joint looks good also.
Must be old and made in France? @Jobu


No filter cuz f all that!!!


Well it couldn’t be that old since it also has this printed on it :joy:


Couldn’t see the web address lol no you’re right .


Vietnam Thunder Fuck w/dab of hash oil, the joint was hand rolled of course…


Get the day, week, month started right.

Instagram ads finally got me and I broke down and bought an ashtray from Seth Rogan’s Houseplant company. I have to say, I really love it.


Interesting! I haven’t seen those. I’m not a social media cat, but they look cool. I like how it sits.

To Monday :metal:t2: rotten pineapple and hot mints


I really love it. Here’s a link to it.
It’s supposed to look “classy” and more adult than ashing in a coffee mug. Sits on my desk and is perfect for using with joints. Big fan.


old post, but do you know what strain that is?


I like how ashtrays survived all this tobacco disgust, and now a newfound resurgence with weed acceptance. It’s like we evolved around it and the ashtray has remained the same, lol

Here’s some joints


I’m a fuckin scumbag, and just ash in the kitchen sink haha.


Most of the time my joint ash just falls off. If I try to ash it, it sticks. If I let it go long it falls short. :man_shrugging::sweat_smile:


I mean, it’s unseemly how much ash just falls on the table/desk/my lap vs how much ends up in the ash tray even when I have one to use. I swear I’m trying to get better at it haha.

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It’s called ooze, looked beautiful, but it tasted like shit😂


i know i’ve said it before, but i love your joints man