Hand Trimming V.S. Machine Trimming

Where I live, when the winter time harvest comes, the air is pretty dry. So leaving the leaves on there slows down that drying process and creates a little microclimate within the bud itself. Also I’ve seen some videos on YouTube of these trimmer machines for macro scale grows and it just beats the hell outta the buds. They have all these screens so the resins can be collected but wouldn’t the end consumer prefer the resins to stay on the bud and not sold to you separately? In the grey market, appearance is half the price. Now that I’m out of that world and only growing for head stash, old habits die hard. When I open up those jars, I wanna see that disco effect. I want my smoking buddies to know I took my time. And in my opinion, you can absolutely tell the difference in a mass produced bud compared to a small personal grow bud. Idk man I just like to think I sleep well at night feeling that dry hand trimmed bud is a better experience overall.

I hope all that made sense lol I’m fried :smile:


bingo! after dry trimming a few times I couldn’t stand to see all the kief flying in the air, getting lost on the trim table, etc. Not to mention allergies :sneezing_face: Wet trimming is nicer because you build up a beautiful ball of scissor and finger hash by the end of it, as compared to a lung full of dust


oh yeah, and hand trimming for sure. Gentler on the trichs, and I’m not anal about having my bud dispensary trimmed. It’s not like I’m buying it and the stems and leaves are adding to the weight, I can pick those off before rolling no sweat

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Best part of trimming. Even with the pistils stuck in it.


you are so right i boy a gram here and there from the local dispos to see what they have to offer and it aint shit in either bag appeal or smoke sensation…i like to see ahts out there so i can grow what they dont have and stay in the “greey” market shit i even get rid of some to people who work in dispos including owners…lol

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I love to trim my self gives me time with one of my hobbies that gives back. No fancy machines for me it’s hand trim all the way. :evergreen_tree:


These can do a good job but they have a tendency to heat, gum up and smear buds with plant juice hash which makes them look dirty.

Also finding the right angle to slide the branches can be awkward at first haha

Clean often , take breaks and you should be good to go

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Thanks for the head’s up @Mithridate !

I have mine arriving today and it’s gonna be for outdoors only so the “dirty” look may get mitigated as I’ll be trimming outside and then bringing the trimmed branches inside for a 4 bucket wash. :smiley:

Aditionally I figure that the really ugly stuff will just get tossed into a freezer for bubble now that I have the mini-washing machine so I really don’t have any excuses now to do that work… :sweat_smile:

The goal with this tool was always to cut down on trim jail for the bulk of the fan leaf removal where all prime nugs will still get hand trimmed.

I noted this with people’s shitty demo video’s :rofl: I figure if I can use my hand-eye skills to sort seeds with a cut bottle and vacuum cleaner then so long as I faff around with the first set of branches I should figure out a good enough technique.

I was thinking 99% ISO and a cotton rag would let me clean off the blades in between plants or when visually needed. Breaks are a must as the thing is gonna be LOUD. :sweat_smile:

@Mithridate , do you have any other suggestions regarding cleaning the unit?


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Anytime, man :call_me_hand:

Yup, ISO works great. Just a quick wipe will do it. Never forget these blades are like razors, so no back and forth while cleaning, nice long motions. Top grill tends to get crusty too, a sponge with some ISO works like a charm.

I don’t think I mentioned this but fresh limbs is a must, if leaves go limp then trimming becomes a lot more involved.

These trimmers do a fairly good job.
The only way for buds to get “dirty” is to neglect cleaning it (5 minutes every hour or two?)

So don’t be lazy and enjoy your new toy :wink:

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Thanks @Mithridate ! All tips sound beyond reasonable!

I also always trim from the plant into a bin, and work that as fast as possible to prevent wilting leaves and flat buds so sounds like my OCD is in my favour come fall! :smiley:

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Yes sir, it does have its limits… usually fluffy buds and anything too small gets eaten by the trimmer.
But hey, we used these to trim our outdoor for many years and still use it from time to time.

You’ll get the hang of it in no time I’m sure!

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