Hardcore OG generosity

Mine are full of stones so maybe in a couple years lol


Likeā€¦for dinner? :joy:

I sometimes give parts of my harvest away to people who otherwise wouldnā€™t be able to afford it. I donā€™t like watching people suffer for no good reason.

I have a friend who is having a rough time (insert 8 bad things that have happened to her recently.) I gave her a bag and told her to take a day off to watch soap operas and smoke.

I have a million seeds that would be of little interest to seed whores like us but give them to the right people who face hurdles to getting started? Priceless.

Iā€™ve also given clones to previous ā€œauthority figuresā€ who have given us shit for smoking back in the day. Also priceless.

I recently met a guy who said something like ā€œIā€™d love to try breeder X but I canā€™t find it anywhere.ā€ Checks vault. Here you go.

I also like to see my shit in other peopleā€™s gardens so really itā€™s all just a bit selfish :joy:


As a fellow Canadian, I am proud of our international reputation, and hope we as a country and individuals continue to strive to lead the world in tolerance, compassion and future thinking.:canada: :heartpulse:


Iā€™ll second that. Well said @Qtip

Out of likes



Yeah, I hang with that. Through the years, I have had many friends that ā€˜didnā€™t fit inā€™ & deserved to.
Gotta accept folks how they are, not what is ā€˜convenientā€™



You know how I know youā€™re not really a Canadian? You didnā€™t apologize once in this post :laughing:


Just trying to get some of that delicious Canadian cred. Iā€™m sorry eh?


A little known fact is that ā€œsorryā€ in Canada actually means ā€œwhat?ā€ Iā€™ve also used it as a ā€œfuck you.ā€

Versatile. Itā€™s a question of tone :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I explained my rationale a couple years ago:

My goal is to protect my now-legal right to cultivate by creating an army of home growers. Empowered by growing their own herb, this grass-roots force will fight any attempt to restrict or repeal home-growing rights in the future


Yes agreed.

I also like the idea of helping both the illegal and legal markets collapse because everybody including grandpa are sitting on 3 pounds from last years outdoor.

Get enough people growing and nobody will need to buy anything from anywhere (sorry small time dealers Iā€™ve got love for you but itā€™s over.)


agree, pot was or used to be the poor mans drug,like to get back to that, get big business and the gov out of it, just lower prices by enough would end the black market


Cause I remember mail ordering from magazines in the day. Getting a tin of literal beans posted to you from guys like Neville. Mid to late 90s started growing hardcore. Seed breeding came into it and by the mid 00s Iā€™d bred a few personal strains.

Now Iā€™ve got unlimited genetic access why not share?


Noone sitting on anything where #blackmarketsmatter . No corporate weed will ever beat loved homegrown


Traditional market for sure have there place. In Missouri it beats the dispensary for sure.


Like a lot of the others above, I really try hard to pay it forward. Iā€™m the poorest Iā€™ve ever been in my life, atm, but very happy right where I am. So, If I have it, I give a little. I live on an insanely small monthly income for the time being but I always hit the panhandlers and homeless people to give them a few bucks and a bag of good buds. That way they can use their money to buy food and a bottle of wine if thatā€™s what they need. Not my business.

Iā€™ve also been hooking up a few locals as far as seeds and getting them started into growing, the right way, and for the right reasons. Iā€™ll always be available to them and will continue to forward them seeds, as well.

Iā€™m always growing too much because Iā€™m super curious regarding genetics. So, Iā€™ve been enjoying having a surplus to gift to friends when the well runs dry. Weā€™ve all been there. I love it when people are so happy to get a bag of nugs when things are hard, because Iā€™ve lived it off and on my whole life.

Strive to serve others first. Treat them as you would your family or yourself. Youā€™ll be amazed at the rewards from giving without being asked.

If you have troubles being as generous on this site as others have been (I feel you), donā€™t sweat that. Find a way to pay it forward by doing a good deed to anybody else that needs it, or even if they donā€™t; Your neighbors, your friends, or anyone else you know who could use a break. Or just someone that you donā€™t know but seems like they need one. Do the favor and never judge or expect anything in return. Keep your expectations low and in check. Then, youā€™re always happier in the end.

Donā€™t feel like you owe someone or feel guilty because you canā€™t give in the same way that others do. Just find something that makes someone else happy, and you will be rewarded and will have paid your blessings forward, but maybe in a different way. peace


I relate. The 60ā€™s opened my mind and eyes to the possibilities of a wonderful way of life. Not everybody was so cool, but most followed the path of non-attachment. If I have enough and you donā€™t, I give what I can. One of my fondest memories of the 60ā€™s was several people gathering, talking this n that and somebody would roll a joint and pass it around. Then somebody would roll another and pass the other way all the while rapping about life, where weā€™ve been, where weā€™re going, what and how to make the world a better place. Then everybody stoned at the same time on the same weed and we brothers and sisters are pilgrims on the road to higher planes of consciousness doing peace and love in the material world.


I always say I was a man born in the wrong time.


And thatā€™s why @GMan is the most righteous cat Iā€™ve ever known! A friend of a lifetime. Knowing him gives me hope. He makes me a better person.




lol cuzā€¦you took the words right outta my mouth! But I have always enjoyed sharing the love also. Your philosophy is a good standard to live by. It seems Karma has a way of coming to visit when you try to help folks instead of kicking them.
You rock!


We have given it of deer to the hungry also. Gave away most my brick seeds and wish I wouldnt have now, supposed to got Durban poison back but who knows. Still trying to figure out these forums. Lol. Feels good to give back.