1 year here has restored some of my faith in humanity!

I got here a little over a year ago, lurked at first, then signed up last October.

At that time I had bought a few packs from Seedsman as I tried to navigate this new world of hybridized genetics with designer names. It had been 40 years since I was last in the scene and I was shocked at how it had evolved. The weed of my youth was now almost unheard of, I had to learn this new world. One thing i knew for sure was that paying $10 a seed, for strains I didnt know, just didnt feel right.

In my teens we got bricks of AG, CG, Thai sticks, Panama Red, etc. I remember sifting seeds out of the stuff in a frisbee and just tossing thousands of seeds over my shoulder. Now people were wanting big money per seed. I was actually kind of shocked to see how things had changed.

I came here as I had just started a tent and was looking to learn the latest developments in hydro.

What I found was a community that was comprised of mostly mature individuals who were willing to offer advice and help with my grows. When I saw how freely this community shared their seeds, it really restored my faith that good people still do exist in this realm. I soon thereafter became a seed whore!

Between the spontaneous giveaways, and co-ops I acquired a variety of genetics, usually rare or especially sought after strains. The best part is that there was usually a grow log to go with them, and their provenance was usually well documented. AND NOBODY ASKED FOR A THING IN RETURN!

I kissed the seedbanks goodbye. I gradually learned what happened to the strains of my youth, and am sad about the loss of that “genetic scene”. However a whole new world opened up and this place helps me navigate it.

One day I will be able to pay it forward, but right now I am very grateful!
And thanks to all of the people here who share their knowledge, and sometimes their genetics.



Cool beans man.

Those lost genetics you seek are still out there :+1:


Hell yea! Love to see we have some old timers here to share the knowledge you have learned in your years with some of the younger folks. And I totally agree with your stance on seeds. I do hear a lot of complaining going on about the federalization of cannabis, and I can understand that, especially if you were making BIG money off the governments failed war. BUT, in my opinion, as a cannabis lover, is that weed should never have been so expensive. Comparatively speaking, cannabis has huge yields compared to other flowering plants. And she reproduces so easily.
I think cannabis was meant to be grown and shared with friends and community, not profited from, to help us to heal from within.
I have been so incredibly fortunate when it comes to this plant. I have never paid for one seed (unless you count the bagseed that I found in nugs over the years). I was gifted some clones after a burning man event, and ever since then, I’ve been off to the races!
Thanks for your post


Hey Mr.Wizzard,
I could have typed out your post myself, when I got here 22 years ago now.
It was bit more rough around the edges, less friendly, but it was a fountain of knowledge and many, many great folks, as well!!
I love to see all the diversity of folks that come here, honestly, I love getting everyone’s opinion, I love growing our fav’s, in many facets and styles and ways.
Joe has done a fantastic job with his Phoenix ritual, resurrecting this place from the ashes, of the big crash, years ago now.
All the best to ya!!


Yes indeed, I learned that here and acquired a few.

I am also learning to appreciate the hybrids, as I learn my way around the genre.

This place is awesome!!!


Love your handle, that is the same place my handle came from.


Just to give you a Heads Up, and to show you “how we roll”, be sure to stick around for the planned “Mister :honeybee:'s Winter Giveaway”…Seventy-five/75 Strains/Varieties/Fifty/50 Member Signup**. Donated, traded for, bought seeds!!! It’ll be a chaotic mashup, some fun, but an enjoyable experience…maybe. About TWO/2 weeks before, the “Buildup/Hype” starts. I’ll periodically post 10 - 15 Strains/Varieties to be given. By the day of the event, ALL paying attention will have an idea of what will be available. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


LOL, case in point, this came in the mail about 2 hours after I posted this thread:


I for one am glad you joined up bud, you bring your own positive vibes to the community. Good to know you fellow OGer :v:


Nice post. I feel the same way…joined last March, best forum I’ve ever been on. Not just weed forum…best forum period. There’s A LOT of genuinely nice people on here. I’d like to name them all, but I haven’t got all day!


Surely you have 5 minutes…

1 Like

Well, after that comment I only need 4:55


What a heart warming post @MrWizard ! Thanks for the good read! :grin::peace_symbol:


Heya @MrWizard
You sure took the word of many others mouth
Big UP to all of you OverGrowerzzz!!!
:v: :+1: :handshake: :metal:


I hear you bro. Funny enough the death of message boards has made us a mature community. If you are old enough to be looking for message boards then you probably remember an era before smartphones.

If people only understood that there are more seeds than there are growers to grow them, then they would understand how silly the seed market is right now.


I’ve been here less time than that and I have to say I feel much the same! I was a regular on another site for years but the only thing they have in common is the plant. The OG has been much more than a breath of fresh air and new faces for me to learn; the community has been OUTSTANDING, the kindness palpable and the enthusiasm infectious.

Like you I’m pleased and somewhat overwhelmed by the generosity and knowledge of OG Members. If you want to grow, want to meet other amazing, talented, patient and good people who are good for no other reason than it’s the the right thing to do - The OG is without a doubt THE place to be!


You have your own FBI agent prone to exposing himself? Is that in the manual?


Must have got 'em pretty Bent and Twisted to do that… :rofl: :+1:



I’ve been here for only 3 days and am feeling the same as this community just likes to write down not only advices but also cheers you up. It’s not easy to not share with friends what I’ve been growing since it’s illegal in Brazil. One of our forums has been recently dying due to unknown reasons… No more posts, no more activities and then tiocranius recommended thia forum as an alternative and I’m really fascinated at how you are active, a complete new world. I had this kind of experience when i grown psychodelic mushrooms, that brazilian community shared so much spores without even asking anything in return and what I did was to give out more than received. Time passed (8 years) and hadn’t had cultivate anymore shrooms since then. It’s been 2 years since I returned to grow weed and things will sprout as much as possible.


Welcome to OG, Zen.