So quick question, I made some bubble over the weekend, it was older material so it’s a little on the darker side. My question is , how long would one typically wait to air dry ur bubble hash affter it’s been microplained. I’m in an argument with a friend and he told me 5 days was too short of time to use the wine bottle tech to roll my bubble and that it would be too wet still and would mold on me .I personally believe the fact that I sifted it with minimal effort through my sifter after a few days drying , that the material should have been dry enough.
Edit: my temps for drying was a consistent 11c at a steady 40%rh for about 4 and a half days before bottle tech.
Here are some pics of what I did and my final outcome ! Please , any kind of critisism will be not be taken to offence ! Tia