Hoss Learns Hash

3rd or so go at making bubble hash.

Washed this Impure Kush #2. That’s LA Pure Kush x Italian Beef.

Definitely not the place to come to learn to do this. Watch me bump my head.

Tomorrow (~12 hours after washing) I’ll pull it out of the freezer for 15 minutes or so and sit it on an angle so the water can drain to the bottom of the cookie sheet to be collected. Then after another spell in the freezer it should look something similar to this:

(My last wash of RIL D)


Not sure about that.
It looks so clear.
Did you just run 2 bags?


Yeah I’d run 90 and 25 if i had it. This this strain didn’t put much into the 25. If you want the real knowledge refer to @JoeCrowe threads for sure.


I’m going to try it your way this week. I need to do a bunch of trim.


Whoa! Did ypu really wash those nuggs!!! What the… :scream::sweat_smile::raised_hands::v:
I’ll bet thats some awesome hash tho


Damn that flower looks good. Cant wait to pop some of them beans. Hash looks tasty as well.


Nicely done! Looks like a job well done bro, look at that colour :facepunch:t2:

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Seriously, dank stuff!

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174g fresh frozen to 9g bubble. Not sure if I’d loose a bit more water weight with a longer dry but she’s dry enough for me.


It’s nice to read your experience with hash thus far, that last batch looks tasty!


I prefer the less messy way. I save sugar leaves and buds and stick 'em in a 70 bag after a cure. Dump some dry ice in the bucket and wait a few minutes then shake. The tricomes fall out into a clean food grade 5 gal bucket (so there is no cloud of wasted tricomes). Scrape it up, transfer it to a turkey bag and press according to Frenchie’s instructions (found on youtube). Sticky dominos of goodness.

After years of doing this every grow you build a collection of dominos.

Completely different product out the back end. I have some friends who make nice looking temple balls but I prefer the presevance of terps joes freezer dry method brings.


Yeah, I really like his method too. Have yet to try it.
I love how he drys. I’ve gotta learn to whip my own badder! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Fresh frozen is the tastiest possible. And your yield wasn’t too bad either…if the bud would have lost 75% of its weight during drying, it would have dried to 43 grams, that 9.7 grams would be a ~23% yield!


That looks incredible!