Hawaii growers - operation green merchant

Ah, this brings back Kauai memories of laying face-down in the lantana & cat’s claw hoping they don’t spot me! I lived at the last house before the start of Powerline ‘Road’ on the N. shore…the cement road ended in a cul-de-sac where they parked the dumptrucks for the heli’s to lower their netfulls into! Used to ride a horse up there after they left to check…they NEVER dropped a single bud outside the dumptrucks!

Hope you guys get a break. Right now in Tland it’s decriminalized but there was no preparation beforehand so it’s a free-for-all at the moment…hoping the good times keep on rollin’! :call_me_hand:


I know some people from here in the dispo world who were in Thailand this last week! Thought they were cool and then saw them sitting with Berner and was reminded that money talks and some people love a different green more

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Haa, haa, haa! We were just joking about that…somebody said Berner was here, somebody else said he was probably hunting for the guy that’s been handing out the free London Pound Cake seeds! I locked the gate and told the security guards to call me before allowing any visitors to pass! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



I got some big plans for those London pound cake cross! I recently got a pack of Rhino’s Flapjack at a Growcast living soil class if I can get an f2 yield from each I plan to do a hunt and take them to f4 or 5 to cross breed


I Know nothing

Looks like I had better get to mixing up some STS quickly :wink:


What is a good site to keep updated on HI cannabis laws? Cheeze, I was hoping they would separate veg plants from the plant count.
Like ten plants in flower and 20 in veg. Hahaha wishful thinking… just hope the feds legalize it and be done with all this BS


Fr Paka I feel that, I don’t really know about keeping up with it, I just keep an eye on it but technically any bill or statute up for decision can be seen by the public and if there’s any major changes most of the breeders and growers in island stay posting it in their IG. I’m only 25 so I’m young still and on social media.


I’m not sure if this will be relevant to you but this passed today


Not sure if this is relevant to you brother but they passed a bill called HB 1217 and I posted a screenshot of what it boils down too.

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Aloha @Sodapop

It is & it isn’t :sweat_smile:

I’d like to see the laws fixed & made fair but have almost zero faith in that happening. The people involved are a mix of ignorant, corrupt, & greedy, all of them virtually useless to us.

The way the state handled Covid & just about everything else is an embarrassing failure.

News & media in HI are completely corrupt propaganda, the local-born, average education is very low, so the possibility of “things getting fixed” here are slim-to-none, IMO.

All of my 1.5 years here have been on Hawaii Island so I’ve got a limited window into the islands but suffice it to say I have very low expectations for governmental progress.

There’s a lot more to the discussion than my grumpy comments, of course, & I won’t start a whole essay on it (here anyway :sweat_smile: ).

Am curious to hear what Kanakas in Vegas have to say about it after seeing the differences, whether or not they share my cynicism.

One more reason to ignore stupid laws. :blush:



I was stationed at Schofield Barracks in the mid 80’s, and from ‘86-‘89 was a part of “Operation Green Harvest”. They would fly us in, and we would rappel down into the fields, it was such a shame to have to cut down as many plants as we did and see them go to waste, let alone how it affected the “locals” with the destruction of their crops, for some, it was their only means for income.
It’s sad to see that 30+ years later, they are still doing this crap, all because they get “funding” from the Feds. I was against it then, and still against it now. There’s corruption within the local Government, especially back then, as they used us for labor, and the helicopters and pilots got to log “flight time” so in essence, it really cost them nothing, but they were always crying for an increase in funding.
I truly hope that things turn around in the Islands, as it has caused a loss of some truly unique genetics due to their “eradication” efforts.
I’ve been on the hunt ever since I was discharged for something that would even come close to the smoke we could get back then.
Hears :pray: and hoping that you folks in the Islands get some relief from the insane political views and can get back to alone type of normalcy without the threat of incarceration!!!


Haa, haa, haa Yo @Kgrim ! We may have been within mere meters of meeting each other (multiple times!) if that was you on the North Shore of Kauai in those years! :rofl: I was that crazy haole with the big hoop houses up above Princeville Cattle Company’s land, living as close as you could get to what was at the time the “Wettest place on Earth”!

Glad to hear you’ve escaped the dark force and come back to the light bro! :joy:



I got to visit the Island of Oahu in '76 or '77 while in the Navy. We were there for a month and I loved it. You’re right, I don’t think I’ve come across any smoke quite like what I remember, but who knows. It was some of the first real special sensi I had ever smoked. I’d had Thai weed and that green bud stuff out of Tallahassee but nothing like what I smoked on the island.

A funny story while I was there… A friend on the mainland of mine had me look her Mom up on the west side of the island while I was there. I took a bus over there and just tooled around for a coulple of hours because her mom wasn’t there.

It was a real sparse village with a small high rise apartment building and right on the beach. Since nobody was home I decided to just walk around on the beach for a while and just goofing off. I was walking by this wooden lifeguard tower and two young boys were both siting up in it. I’d say 10 years old or so… They were hiding up in the tower while they were smoking and ended up selling me a bag of weed that blew me away. :joy:

I’ll never forget that moment. Too bad those days weren’t allowed to continue.


LMAO!!! I do remember seeing your “hoop houses” on the way to the Kahuku range area!!! Hell, probably snagged a few of your crops!!! LOL
Yeah, had no desire to “re-up” 3 years was long enough for me, and it seemed to me that we were just there for “eradication” more than anything. 9 drops in 3 years out of Blackhawks, we had the moniker of “dopes on ropes” due to taking out crops.
We were shot at, in the air, on the ground, while rappelling, had to Med-Evac 2 guys out due to booby traps, it was a bunch of BS to me personally.
Wife and I went back 3 years ago to get married, and was really taken back at how much things have changed. Did a bunch of storefronts in Waikiki a few years before that, but things have really changed, especially with the new rail system they are putting in, and all the High rises being put up.
Still one of the best places for some authentic Filipino and Asian foods I’ve ever found.
I was lucky enough to get to your end of the world (Thailand) during Cobra Gold ‘87, 45 day deployment, I was part of the “early” group rehabbing the old Air Force Barracks at Korat Air Base, which both my uncles served at during Vietnam.


Oh that Sensi smoke was something!!!
Brought some home during Christmas of ‘87 and it blew everyone away. 1/2 OZ didn’t even get smoked in 3 weeks, and we were smoking every day, all you needed was 2 tokes and were fried, a whole joint would lay 7 people into space!!!
Really miss that smoke, only time I’ve ever been “paranoid” smoking weed.
As long as I live, I’ll probably never find anything like it, but I can still keep up the search!!! LOL


Exactly. I got some from a couple of other sources and it was all so good. Two toke, and lip smacking tasty.


Cannabis legalization (or at least reform) is becoming quite a trend in the political world. There seems to be a competition between politicians and political candidates of who can virtue-signal the loudest about cannabis reform. Good. Hopefully, supporting prohibition will become the new “blackface”, meaning if you’ve ever done it, someone is going to dredge it up and use it against you.


Wow @Kgrim - I didn’t know they commandeered armed forces for that shit. Like using NASA to go after crack houses. Duh.

The so called legalization of so called recreational use is being discussed anxiously in the statehouse but it’s just hand wringing by greedy politicians over how to siphon as much money as possible without legal or re-election trouble.

The BS was on full display recently:

5 people discussing “what should happen” and none of them have more than a superficial gnats’ ass worth of knowledge or experience with the subject. :person_facepalming: sad.

@Tlander - I know one of the cattle ranch managers by random chance. :sweat_smile: small world :call_me_hand:



Yes, they did, that’s why I said there is some corruption going on. “Funding” was supposed to pay for the use of their men and equipment and we did 80% of the eradication because we were “Air Assault” qualified, and very few police officers were. It was a freebie for them, no funding spent on labor, helicopters, fuel, maintenance. Then would push for more money the next year touting how much was taken out. They would fly is in and we would drop out, or on occasion, we would hook up and dangle from ropes 100ft or so below the Blackhawk straight off the tarmac. They only did that if we were going into a known “hot area”, they didn’t have to wait long, we were already hanging, just drop us to the ground and take off, if we had to rappel, it would take a few minutes. At 1st they issued us Black uniforms for eradication, then after numerous incidents, back to Camouflage.
I really didn’t like it, but didn’t have much of choice. It was crazy how much, and how big some of the plants were.


Haa, haa, haa! Like I said, I used to watch them/you loading cargo nets full of plants into the municipal dump trucks from my greenhouse (I was the nearest ‘house’ to the end of the Powerline Road) and ride a horse over there to check it out after they left…never a single bud on the ground!

Guess it was considered a ‘Hot’ area as the guys were always dangling from ropes every time I saw them. Gotta admit, besides any groundfire, it did look like a really cool ‘ride’! I do remember the switch from black to camo! I had another grow spot on the edge of Kīlauea above ‘Secret Beach’ where I had a commercial farms…that’s where you guys really surprised me! I was down a deep valley that blocked out the sound of the heli’s until you came over the ridge…always meant a ton of Cat’s Claw bush gashes from diving head first into them! Was actually only a matter of meters away from one of you guys on the ground at one point, heart pounding away like a jack hammer! :rofl:

I mentioned at one point the growers had their own ‘Air Force’ of sorts with a friendly tourist company helicopter pilot doing drops of fert and folded up waterbed bladders way in deep above ‘Hole in the Wall’ above Anahola! I’d bet you guys didn’t even bother looking up there!, thinking nobody be THAT crazy!
