Why does all dispensary smell and taste the same

Why does all dispensary weed smell and taste alike? My homegrown, organic, living soil cannabis all have distinctive smells and tastes.


Chopped early , dried fast , time is money
: )


Most dispensaries, in the US at least, have to pass extensive contaminant testing, and they opt for drying quick with little to no curing in most cases. What is more surprising, is the levels of contaminants allowed in some states. Some accept an enormous level of mold in the product, which is alarming, and also contributes to the smell.


I don’t agree. All dispo weed does not all taste alike, at least not at the dispensaries where I shop. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying carefully grown, carefully dried and carefully cured homegrown has any equal. In my opinion it does not. However, that doesn’t mean all dispo weed smells and tastes the same.

Just another stoner’s opinion. Now…

Where’s my bong… ezgif.com-resize(14)


Bulk grown, bulk recipe, bulk drying

Not all taste the same but there’s a formula they follow, they don’t adjust per plant, they adjust for max yield across the board

Sure they want good bud, but they want yield more! That’s what is the measure of units sold


Also, wet trim and rack drying! It’s very poor treatment of high quality product


They focus on yields and appearance more than quality


I reached out to 3-4 of them in my state (NY) last year when they started popping up and I purchased a few to compare with my living soil/slow-dry/slow-cure methodology, and all of them told me they hang whole plants for 7-10 days, send them through a trimmer or manually trim, and then bag. I was shocked to say the least.

But yeah, mass produced products don’t have the care and attention us home-growers can give. Grow, dry quick, bag, repeat. Time is money, after all.


Lol @resimax at least they hang dry…

The facility I worked at we just did it full send wet trim… week rack dry…

Primo plants turned into fuckin hay basically


Because they are all growing the same gscxgscxgscxgscxgscxgscxgscxgsc cross with boof nutes and no care.


A lot of them are old school growers, too. Back in the day sun-dried was the best weed! Now we know better. Compounded by the fact that they don’t want to lose product due to the rigorous state testing. Gives a whole new meaning to that dreaded term, mersh.


Even the best cure isn’t going to fix that crap!


Another thing is they will basically drop anything that doesn’t test high in thc% if they’re trying to stay competitive…

I found out that’s why only certain og or sour cuts get run, and the fast majority is high thc cookie crosses


So they don’t care how “bland” it is if you buy it


Probably depends on your state. Dispensaries in DC seem hit or miss till you spend big and go TOP shelf.
Same experience in NY. Maine has their shit together. Every dispo from the fancy modern ones to the hole in the wall shacks seem to have the fire son


Sure but most people aren’t gonna wanna pay top shelf prices. It’s called top shelf for a reason


:frowning: Dispo not only tastes bad, different, i’ll give you, but it’s all harsh, and I have not found any after 7 years of buying more than 150 varieties that provide any kind of memorable euphoric effect. It is always harsh, burns throat, to one degree or another, and the best i have ever had provided nothing more than a midrange buzz. I have not smoked any of what I have now in more than three months because there is no point to it. I wish I knew a good home grower, but then i’d be buying illegally, wouldn’t I? They should consider making it legal someday instead of the current policy of handing the production off to their corporate cronies. I’m very disappointed. It always looks, smells great, and half the time has a good taste, but always is harsh, ALWAYS, and never, NEVER provides even an adequate high. :frowning:

Prices i pay have been consistently averaging $30 to $35 an eighth for 7 years. WHich seems fair to me. However, the shit i have to throw away is costing me.


I keep hearing good things about that Maine weed!

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Early harvest, crappy nutes, and PGR’s in my experience

Are you in a red state or government job?

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