Hawaii growers - operation green merchant

Yes it was definitely an interesting ride, dangling 100ft below a Blackhawk for quick “insertion” is not for the faint of heart. We only went where we were told to go, Police choppers did the actual “scouting” then we would fly in and chop it down. It’s amazing how MJ looks from the sky, especially 100’s in a small area, and some of it you really couldn’t tell, so more than likely an “informant” was involved. Those 3 years taught me what the “eye in the sky” could see, which completely changed how we grew when I got out.
We used to go deep into the corn fields and pray we could get it before confiscation or farmers taking the corn down, hell as teenagers we didn’t know any better, and a LOT of premature bud was harvested, LOL


What all do they look for from the air? I know breaks in vegetation and plants in neat rows, as well as gardening material (wrappers, pots, etc.) and evidence of human presence are telltale signs.


@Herrsquidward its mostly the color, Marijuana sticks out fairly easily, even in Green vegetation it sticks out from the air. If it wasn’t a big plot, and broken up more, it’s harder to spot, but some of the fields we dropped into, it stuck out like a sore thumb.
We lost plenty in my early teen years planting out in corn fields, especially when an airport was only 12 miles away, once the corn started turning yellow, there was no mistaking it from the air, sometimes you could even see it way off from the ground because it got taller than the corn.


Stay safe Hawaii

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Buddy J and all of Care Waialua is pretty devastated rn hopefully the raid is the end of it but I’ve heard through the grapevine that they may be pursuing racketeering charges on all of his unpaid taxes from the purchases the patients make at the farm.


All of the boys down Wahiawa and North side have been tagging their plants and putting up covers, the air surveillance has been non-stop this last month.


of course it’s about the money. gov’t didn’t get their cut, so they raided and took all the plants to be “disposed of”. it will get sold in someone else’s dispensary who’s playing ball with the feds. interesting how it all happened around harvest time.

all done on the taxpayer’s dime and fully “legal”.


I think some federal employees were just wanting to come back to the islands since they got 1000$ a night hotels in Maui

Hawaii govt no can handle this & will probably just be lagging until federal rescheduling happens

And I hate that dang helicopter



We haven’t seen it much here on the east side but yeah it sucks knowing it’s going to be around


I sure DON’T miss those days in the mid 80’s dangling off a rope from the bottom of a Blackhawk dropping into a field. It truly sucked how many plants we killed, and how much it really hurt the Islanders.
Unfortunately until the Islands go “Fully legal” will the Federal oppression stop. It probably wouldn’t be a bad idea for some of those corrupt old codgers to get the hell out of their political office either. I know damn well a LOT of them lined their pockets with the Federal funding for Operation Green Harvest, because they used the MILITARY to do eradication.
Hope all is well in the tropic part of the world, @cannabissequoia, won’t be back that way until end of Feb 2025 unless I get sent out for a jobsite visit 1st.


I just hope corporate greed lobbyists don’t push to outlaw legal home grow and force us to buy the inferior products.


This has been tried already, but I bet they will continue to push for it.
Good luck HI.

The war on home growing is real… :wink:

Keep fighting the good fight.


Wasn’t there just a major push to outlaw homegrown here that was defeated.
I believe it’ll continue just because homegrow will almost always be better than dispensary simply because of size.

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Yes, then they do this petty shit…can’t have competition for the stores.
Likely acted upon a complaint…WTF?

Controversial medical marijuana farm raided, thousands of plants seized

Updated: Oct. 25, 2023 at 10:00 PM EDT

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I seem to remember a tax issue being tied to this. Am I remembering correctly?

Yep the state was not getting their taxes from this guy.
One of the major reasons there is a war on home grows.
It is difficult to tax home grows and they are in direct competition with tax paying stores.
Home grows are also seen as contributing to the black market.

I can hear them in the meeting now…
They don’t pay any tax and they contribute to the black market further undermining legal weed.

That shit has to stop right now, make it happen, here throw this money at the problem…LOL


If part of the legal market, gotta pay the tax man for sure.
Homegrow definitely doesn’t pay tax. I think a lot of people would rather buy it out of convenience unless financial constraints are in play


That’s exactly what happened Shag, Care Waialua has been actively undermined by the dispensary system here. It’s believed that our dispensary owners were the major cause of the lobbying for large bill rollout they tried to pass last year to limit the medical caregiver/patient problem and in every statement provided it did imply that the medical caregiver/patient program was included in the stats for the “black&grey” markets listed. When in actuality they work within the standards set by the state and the only way this happened is if the state passed jurisdiction off to the feds.


The issue that came up is that the owner of CW, J, was charging patients for the products provided. So the medical dispensary had an issue with that and have been pushing the state to act on it. The patients and J had an understanding that the money they were paying towards their medical provisions were keeping the lights on and the grow alive.


The misinformation continues :unamused:. It’s amazing how good the corporate pr is for this. How clean they are, efficient.