Haze flavours and where to find them

@MAHAKALA’s Mindblower Haze ( Hawaiian PakiThai x THH ) was very nice. Metal shop, creosote, and fermented fruits. @Fitzera sample some a while ago and found the similar smells on his palate.


Indeed I did!


That haze is already listed, in a podcast with karel, he said that it’s an old haze cut that’s been held since the end of 80’s. I haven’t seen any evidence that it’s pure haze yet, so i listed it under hybrids for now.

Pz :v:t2:


I’ve added a few more from White Buffalo, feel free to remove any you don’t think fit the bill. I’ll add links in a bit.


Awesome man! I love initiative :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Pz :v:t2:

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at first i was like “oh no, please not another haze shit how”, then it was “what the fuck is haze flavours?” and finally, “oh, this is very nice”.


@the_bot Got the term “haze flavours” from DJ Short in this interview. I found it as a great way of looking at a pedigree :smiling_face:

Pz :v:t2:


nowadays … no, sorry.

soma and hypro from seed are 50% at best, that was on day one.
who knows what they even produce with/sell today 30 years later.
soma himself made “new selections” a few times (= lost his own
clones a few times :wink: ) and hypro lied about being involved from start.

but you will never find people agreeing about
amnees, since no one really knows sh*t, lol.
everybody just goes by what they believe …

ANY type of named lineage = invented.

look for crosses made with the real clone.
i hold what esko gave me (-> 1st cupwinner).
everything else was different, more satty.


@santero Good input! If you ever find out about someone doing a backcross reproduction of the cup winners , it would be very kind of you to update it here so everyone can find it :heart:

Pz :v:t2:

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maybe someone grows one of the crosses i made and sends me back some pollen (?)
i have no bx or so planned … hazes are not what we need atm, i am growing idicas for
RSO for my wife and hazes are waaay back on my schedules atm :frowning:


I kill males instantly, but if you really want some pollen from something of yours, just let me know. I can collect it and send it over to you.


i bet it would make a TON of people happy.
i would be game for dusting her up, bro … :wink:

not many growers had the chance to smoke this lady yet.
most smoke those long-flo sativa monsters seedmakers
turned her into. (those just can’t accept that she is not one
of “those” hazes, haha.)


the real amnees is a hybrid and only the people from back then
remember what was said about the real deal amnees: “she grows
like an indica and hits like a mean satty”. she stands 9-10, not longer.

everything else would not make her as atrractive to
commercial growers as the original did at the time :wink:

yeah, let’s stick our heads together, bro (… nice !!)
we can try and make a few people here verrry happy.


I will do it. I want to try some hazes and sativas in general. Let me know what strains you have.


in that interview he says he doesnt grow anything but his own stuff ,
so how can he have every flavor of a variety called haze since we know he didnt make haze??
seems a little contradictory …


Totally agree, DJ Short is a bit of a figure :sweat_smile:
Only said I got the flavour of hazes from that interview :wink:

Pz :v:t2:


was definitely worth a listen lonely,
first time ive heard the guy speak ,
i dont really understand his haze claim though …


Yeah no disrespect intended as I enjoyed the video but when I heard that my first thought was that everybody grows other people’s stuff.
Everything came from somewhere right? Also I don’t think it’s the case in general that the weed from the past was anywhere near as strong as today’s, but it’s all relative to what is around at the time. The memory plays tricks.


DJ has been over dramatic about his Blueberry for more than 20 years now. I remember long articles in HT about how the Dutch seed makers stole his genetics and how great of a breeder he is. Then we find out maybe he didn’t create blueberry after all and it was stolen from someone else. Both him and his son are egomaniacs of the worst kind


i have to admit i did get that feeling from listening to him too ,
says he got 100 k for it from dutch passion , but seems sour they have gone on to make good coin from it too , i think thats how business works though and no need to be sour about the deal since he also says he has not released his best stuff or has plenty more up his sleeve ,

remember this is the guy who helped perpetuate the opiated thai sticks myth by saying they used some wash, water left over from making heroine to dip the thai sticks in …


didn’t he also promote using males with hairs in his books?
i always felt this to be an intentionally placed ‘wrongformation’,
so everyone trying to make their own seeds fails (?) so mean :rofl: