Heady Bear's Den- "Choose Your Own Adventure" OG Style!

Chopped the rest of Alpha today and pulled the visible seeds! We’re well over 100 now, and I’m only keeping 20 of these for myself; the rest of the seeded lowers are drying in a cardboard box, and I’ll probably find a few more once I can get into the buds. So that’s 8 packs of LBF f3 guaranteed to go out if I get good germination when I test the pale ones.
This is just Alpha… I don’t know if Charlie was successfully pollinated. The pistils went frizzy and brown, but I don’t see any visible seeds.


Very nice my man. Glad to see the fruits of all your care and labor. Love the tiny jar as well


Ivan, Jammer, and Kelly at 31 days veg
Fox at 46 days veg
Charlie 32 days flower (this is what I have recorded, but honestly, I think I lost the count at some point, based on how she looks)
Echo 20 days flower

I moved Fox back in with her sister, Echo. Flower Cycle starts for her tonight.
The Trainwreck ladies have some more space to stretch their legs now. Definitely going to stake them when I up pot.
With the extra space in the veg tent, I think I’m going to start vegging longer, and popping 4 seeds at a time.
F generations will be easier to pollinate if all seeds of a strain are started simultaneously, and/or, I could potentially start a full pack of something in 2 stages instead of 4-5.


That middle one looks a lot like the one im growing now.


Hey, @deeez99 : I was just looking at this cannabinoid test, and I only looked at the VB when you originally posted, but wtf is that Eraser #2 that’s showing positive for basically everything?!
Inquiring minds want to know! (Me)


@herojuana.tom thank you! I haven’t spent any time in that corner of OG, and you know I always love a new rabbit hole!


Yes, indeed, welcome HeadyBearAdventures! And the same here… I had to read through the thread myself once I saw those visual TLC test results. I would have thought that one would have had the most kick but maybe the CBD tamed it down so as to be not so potent? Cheers!


Hey @potpotpot 8 days after (the second) sowing, I got my first fatalii above ground! Just 8 more seeds to go :laughing:


Niiiiice! You’re gonna love em!


Thanks for linking that up to answer @herojuana.tom

This was kinda the reason I started messing around with THCV as I’ve read anecdotal reports on the effects being potent (without any lab report to confirm THCV) but the articles I’ve come across state that it is non-psychoactive unless taken in a very high dosage (unsure what that dosage actually is though).

Here is one description:

Unlike THC, which is psychoactive and an agonist at the CB1 and CB2 receptors, THCV is a non-psychoactive, neutral CB1 antagonist / reverse agonist and may act as agonist or antagonist at the CB2 receptors depending on its dose. It is thought that THCV prevents the psychological effects of THC however; the mechanism by which THCV antagonizes the effect of THC is unknown.

Still trying to wrap my pea brain around the science but figured I might try to get firsthand experience with it.


I’ve got a pack of CBG dominant beans from Hoku seeds for basically the same reason: I want to see what is like firsthand!
Also, I know the Clone Home 1.0 is still in the forefront of everyone’s mind, so here is that modern technological marvel again:

I’ve got 2 cuts each of Jammer and Kelly in there, and 1 of Ivan. Several days since the snip, and they’re still looking perky! I’ll be accepting Clone Home orders via DM :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::bear::rofl:
If you take long branch clones, please ask for the “Extra Tall” model…aka “E.T. Clone Home” :laughing::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl:


When heated, THC-V converts to THC so it hits pretty hard when fired in a bowl :yum:


That’s something I hadn’t heard before so thanks for sharing I’ll have to look more into it. You’ve also made me think of another variable I hadn’t considered because I vape at lower temps (~380F) instead of lighting it on fire, I wonder what type of difference that also makes with effects.

Right on, which one did you pick up? I have a CBG plant flowering now from Monarch Hill Hemp and I think it’s a pretty good looker for a hemp plant. Has a very green unripe fruit smell, not terribly inviting.

lol well it certainly looks like its doing a fine job from here, better jump on that patent!


@Dirt_Wizard hooked me up with a pack of OC V2 CBG. Hoku has some really interesting stuff IMO, and if I like the OC, I’m going to get their variety CBD pack: choose any 3 of the regular CBD dominant strains, 10 seeds of each, $75.

About the OC:
The OC CBG is not your average CBG cultivar. We created her from the “Original CBG”, Bernabeo, which has been used as a breeding variety in Italy going back to the 90’s. Completely open source and unique in her own right, Bernabeo brings CBG, Early flowering, and vigor into each of these modern hemp hybrids.


Absolutely dead wrong about how long Charlie has been flowering btw.
Apical trichomes are ambering quite a bit, and lowers have maybe 3-5% amber. Water needs are vastly decreased. Most fans are yellow. My current count? 38 days… no idea where I lost track🤣.
It’s good news though, because the Trainwreck girls are quickly outgrowing their space, even after being topped twice; it didn’t even slow them down!
I’m gonna push them as far as I can in veg, but the light is maxed out, and they’re putting on an inch or more every day.

I’m gonna give Charlie 2 more days to dry, and then :axe:


Charlie looks like its gonna be an easy trim with not so many leaves. Gotta love that


Looks like it! She’s an everlasting gobstopper of aromas too… today: pure acetone nail polish remover. Who knows what it’ll be in 2 days?!


Echo has some baby buddage!

I got a bag of ProMix and when the Trainwreck girls get up potted I’m gonna cut the BAS 3.0 50/50 with it for flowering.

Final count of the Alpha x Beta LBL F3 cross is 162 beans.


Yeah buddy! That looks like a great time