Heady Bear's Den- "Choose Your Own Adventure" OG Style!

Sweet smoke report my man. Onward through the fog!


Fantastic LBF f2 smoke report! Thank you for the vivid details.


Nice smoke report, I’ll have to dig into the LBF jar and compare notes hah.

Some chili seeds really take their sweet time. I dropped a bunch of citron seeds the day I sent them out, and they only started popping at the end of last week!


Dude, I’m so glad you said something; I let them run for 3 weeks before I gave up and started 9 more! I will be patient with them.
@potpotpot did you have yours on a heat mat?


Well that couldn’t possibly be a better description… It always seemed to me like I WAS organizing, but in truth it wasn’t. More like consolidating. Might not technically be helpful, but it makes the area appear more organized.

Just ran across these checking out the ones you posted. Only a couple more bucks and are glass instead of plastic.


Nice find! Thanks for posting it up!

1 Like

No problem. The caps look kind of shitty, but I like the idea of glass. I bought like 200 of the real nice PYREX vials a couple months ago in preparation for organizing and starting a collection. Very nice, but very not cheap. I’ve been a huge PYREX fan forever (until they stopped using boro glass, which is when it went to Pyrex instead of all CAPS). You can sometimes find deals on ebay from people who ended up with a medical lot and are selling it all off decently cheap.


I didn’t, though I have in the past and it will probably help. Purely anecdotal, but I have found that a couple things will get stubborn seeds moving. First, daily heat cycles. So, the temperature of the soil would change day to night, as the sun hits it, it heats up. As the sun goes down, the soil cools. So for me that means keeping the soil in an environment where they will get experience a temp swing everyday. Meaning not under 24 hour light. And also, dry cycles. I will leave the soil covered for a day or two after I plant the seeds to make sure they have rehydrated well, then I take it off and let the soil get pretty dry, but not totally dry. Remoisten, repeat. Might not do anything, but it makes me feel better anyway haha.


Thank brother. I cycle the moisture levels, but not the heat. I’ll give it a go!


It works for cannabis…why not other seed? Wet /dry cycles wear down protective coatings on some seeds. Certain seeds also need/ would like this to mimic springtime/ wet season…your temp swings are a nice addition. Northern region seeds might even benefit from going in the fridge for a couple days before germination. Let seeds naturally come to room temperature a bit before sowing


Little update here:

Charlie is almost there, trichomes are clouding up here and there, and bud are still stacking.


And the Douglah peppers are cruising along.


Chopped the rest of Alpha today and pulled the visible seeds! We’re well over 100 now, and I’m only keeping 20 of these for myself; the rest of the seeded lowers are drying in a cardboard box, and I’ll probably find a few more once I can get into the buds. So that’s 8 packs of LBF f3 guaranteed to go out if I get good germination when I test the pale ones.
This is just Alpha… I don’t know if Charlie was successfully pollinated. The pistils went frizzy and brown, but I don’t see any visible seeds.


Very nice my man. Glad to see the fruits of all your care and labor. Love the tiny jar as well


Ivan, Jammer, and Kelly at 31 days veg
Fox at 46 days veg
Charlie 32 days flower (this is what I have recorded, but honestly, I think I lost the count at some point, based on how she looks)
Echo 20 days flower

I moved Fox back in with her sister, Echo. Flower Cycle starts for her tonight.
The Trainwreck ladies have some more space to stretch their legs now. Definitely going to stake them when I up pot.
With the extra space in the veg tent, I think I’m going to start vegging longer, and popping 4 seeds at a time.
F generations will be easier to pollinate if all seeds of a strain are started simultaneously, and/or, I could potentially start a full pack of something in 2 stages instead of 4-5.


That middle one looks a lot like the one im growing now.


Hey, @deeez99 : I was just looking at this cannabinoid test, and I only looked at the VB when you originally posted, but wtf is that Eraser #2 that’s showing positive for basically everything?!
Inquiring minds want to know! (Me)


@herojuana.tom thank you! I haven’t spent any time in that corner of OG, and you know I always love a new rabbit hole!


Yes, indeed, welcome HeadyBearAdventures! And the same here… I had to read through the thread myself once I saw those visual TLC test results. I would have thought that one would have had the most kick but maybe the CBD tamed it down so as to be not so potent? Cheers!


Hey @potpotpot 8 days after (the second) sowing, I got my first fatalii above ground! Just 8 more seeds to go :laughing: