Heady Bear's Den- "Choose Your Own Adventure" OG Style!

More info about a contender for the Breeder Pack run:

Vietnam Bomb
These were gifted to me as a surprise extra, in a package from @Dirt_Wizard , thank you brother!

Genetics overview:
Blue Orca/(Vietnam Black x The One/Panama) x Talk of Kabul/Vietnam Black

About the breeder (from Seedfinder)
"Swami Organic Seed is the embodiment of “pura vida” in organically produced cannabis seed. Utilizing the Living Organic Soil methodology we helped establish in cannabis gardening along with Brotherhood of Eternal Love genetics we were gifted by a former BOEL member/associate, we breed for various outcomes in cannabis.

Preservation of Heirloom Cannabis Genetics

Preservation and future development of these heirloom and BOEL genetics are among the priorities we take as a responsibility to cannabis. I personally remember what it was like to enjoy cannabis of the 70’s, and as cannabis activists we are dedicated to bringing these forgotten human pleasures to the modern age. We bring lifetimes worth of cannabis history, cannabis gardening, and cannabis genetics together in Swami Organic Seed.
Why Do We Do This?

Because multiple combinations of poorly selected breedings over the last few decades have produced disease prone types that often lack the desired effects in both indica and sativa preferences. The stronger indicas that were ever present twenty years ago are all but extinct today. Sativa types have been selected to near monotony as well. Overall, the more important genetic aspects of cannabis are often overlooked and bred out. We’re on a mission to change this and make available to future generations that which is truly great cannabis."
Swami Organic Seed :: Breeder Info & Cannabis Strains.

What do we know about her?

Well, here locally @TokerJayG grew some out a while back, and posted about it!
If you scroll from the first link, he includes more info and pictures pretty much for the rest of the thread.

Blue Orca is supposedly: Kandahar Afghani x '76 Thai Stick

Flavors & Smells: Earthy, Pine, Skunk

Medical Uses: Depression, Euphoric, Fatigue, Pain

Then we have two appearances of the Vietnam Black; The first is as the mother crossed to The One x Panama.
According to Swami’s description the father plant in that cross (The One x Panama)carried these genetics:

This is a 3-­way landrace polyhybrid. Expressions range from indica to sativa with many keepers. Coot’s Afghani x Thai pollinated with our worked Panama line.

Known Phenotypes:
Kandahar Afghani,Thai stick,Panama landrace.

Plants tend to be shorter than expected,but some sativa expressions dominate a smaller percent of the population. Plants pick up color in cooler temperatures,dark purples and blues.

Fuel, OG, spice

Flowering Time:
56 – 65 days

Breeder’s Notes:
This was the breeders intention to put the Central American line in the Afghani and Thai

The second appearance of his Vietnam Black appears as the father paired with the mother, Talk of Kabul.
I found one reference indicating that Bodhi’s Talk of Kabul is what was used, so that bodes well (get it? Bodes?). Beyond that ToK is one of those Afghani’s with stories about warlords and military vets, etc. Legendary indica blah blah blah

Now, that leaves a couple nebulous areas.

  1. I can’t find info about his Vietnam Black, except that it may have come from Coots at some point, but that’s a shaky correlation.

  2. Swami also calls Blue Orca “The One”, and it is linked as such on Seedfinder. This would mean that the cross is:
    (Blue Orca x (Vietnam Black x (Blue Orca xPanama))) x (Talk of Kabul x Vietnam Black)

So at its core, it’s a landrace polyhybrid consisting of 2 Afghan strains, 1 from Panama, 1 from Vietnam (potentially hybridized), and 1 Thai, and technically A Blue Orca BX, A Panama BX, and a Vietnam BX. Feels like a really fun dice roll.

Again, if anyone has, or finds additional info, feel free to post it on up!