Heady Bear's Den- "Choose Your Own Adventure" OG Style!



@BeagleZ @DesertHeartGardens and @Upstate
What about the repercussions of running a no till, as described above, when I cycle landrace sativas in?
Too hot, or could it be mitigated by skipping any reamendment following the preceding grow?


Personally I never go crazy on nutes I prefer to use a bit less nutes more often so I assume maybe cutting back a bit from the recommended amount and a little less frequent would be a solution to that but someone who’s run more sativas might be better to answer as I’ve mainly done hybrids up to this point :call_me_hand:


Lol, I’ll just run @JohnnyPotseed 's hungry ass Frankenstein crosses before every landrace… there won’t be anything left in the soil then!


That’s a tough one brother. I’ve been running into the same kinda problem so I’m intrigued to hear what others have to say on the subject.

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Not a dirt grower . The more equatorial the less N you’re gonna want / need . I’d go with a seedling mix as between top - dressing & foliar you should be able to address any issues . Soil to me has always been somewhat frustrating . In that if any issue arises it seems to take forever to fix & I feel behind the curve . Hydro you just flush the dogpiss out of it & once you get PH / EC back in range , give it a fresh batch of nutes . Easy peasey you in control plant gets what you give it . I feel that to be a sucessful " dirt " farmer you need to be intuitive & a crystal ball wouldn’t hurt .


Post 666 :point_up_2:. I have a question I have an auto that is all female except 2 nodes making pods I’m pretty sure. Can I pull off the pods and flower out? In theory no pics. Week 5


What week flower? regardless, I would kill it. shit, I just took two out of the flower room cuz they looked at me cross;), they have a history of ball dropping, and I have a clean run going, so i wont jeoprodize it for a plant or two.


The pods will contain feminized pollen. It can be used on a normal female to make beans. If it is far enough along in flower, then it should be good. But if it’s early it may want to continue to try and pollinate itself. Good chance that it will pollinate the whole room.


It sounds like you are talking about Alpha (the sibling) and Charlie which … reading back through the posts… seem to have only been flowered for ~50 days??? If that is correct, I would say they should have been flowered longer and were pulled way too early… In the last pic of Charlie where you notice it has some cloudy trich’s and mention that it is almost done the flowers don’t appear to have swollen to their fullest.


…I was referring to this pic/post


Here is where you say that Charlie is at day 26 of flower… only 26 days ago… so it seems to have been flowered for less than 50 days before getting the axe


Thanks so much for taking the time to reply @herojuana.tom I respect your input
Yeah, I lost the count on Charlie, but fixed it later. She flowered for 55 days, but had as much amber as I like (about 10% on the lowers, and quite a bit more on the apical). I really planned on taking her to 9 weeks (standard LBL flower time), but she just didn’t make it that far.
Alpha came down at about the same day (55) of flower, but I agree that one was very early. @upstate mentioned his practice of chopping them before most folks, so since I had never done that, I gave it a try. Smoke was/is phenomenal, just not a lot of it.
Your comments are sage though, because, like you guys have seen at other points in my grow, I haven’t developed my cultivation patience yet, and I tend to get reactive. Remembering 1 came down early allows me to recognize that I’m only making a judgement on 1 plant, and my first grow in this setup. I’m gonna chill.
I’m going to run the MaMaHaze and TW to completion, and then maybe revisit my yield concerns if they don’t do great.
I have 6 more LBF F2s to run in the future as a redemption run, and I have over 300 F3s between Alpha and Charlie, so I have as many opportunities as I want to do it right on my do over.
My particular flavor of neurodivergence makes everything feel urgent, and like I have to “fix” or “do” something all the time if it isn’t exactly perfect.
I really appreciate all the wisdom, but also the voices on the forum saying “Hey, you’re doing fine. Slow down, you got this”.
I’m very grateful to you all


You can. You’ll have to keep looking the plant over and you are risking a seed crop. If the balls are on the main stem it should stop making them. If they are mixed with the female flowers that’s not good and there is likely to be more of them soon.


What was said about picking early? I’m curious since most people on here run things much longer than I do.
For og type plants you really need to develop them to get the yield. With no development I usually only get a stick with a couple golf balls

Here you go:


Understood, it is all a learning experience and there are as many opinions as there are growers… maybe even more opinions because some growers can have a few different opinions :laughing: I have seen a huge variance in amber trichome development in my grows. I have many plants that just don’t seem to amber up for me while other people growing the same clone get amber reliably. I have also had plants turn amber very early, which I attributed to errors in my feeding regiment, so I am slightly weary of rules written in stone and prefer to feel it out on a plant-by-plant and grow-by-grow basis. I know that amber trichomes are a more sleepy stone and that plants that get too much amber all seem to degrade to a generic ‘meh’ stone so I personally don’t want too many amber trichomes. I have also seen that the Europeans have always harvested around 2 weeks earlier than Americans but I do see a lot more commercial American grows pulling early nowadays… I just like my nuggs to swell up and look plump versus being airy and light…and that usually takes a good 70 days in my experience. Although I have a couple Diesel plants and Orgnkid’s Skunk Tangerine plants that take 12-13 weeks, I personally stay away from plants that take longer than 70 days (10 weeks) but always always give all plants at least 66 days if I can’t go the full 70… the increase in weight over those last few weeks seems to make or break a grow both weight-wise and in bag appeal. Cheers!


All valid opinions. Some of us are looking for sleepy buzzes and some are not. Some of us like to experiment all along those trails, me being one of them.


I like to harvest at mostly cloudy. I need to function. This is how I gauge my plants.


Me too I like to try and catch it when there are less than five% Amber