Heady Bear's Den- "Choose Your Own Adventure" OG Style!

Lots of preferences here, and you better believe I’ll be exploring them! Thanks for sharing your styles everybody.


It’s outside


I find this fascinating! I mostly hear the “trichome color is king” rhetoric, hence my strict adherence to that standard. You mentioned bud structure and size, are there any other indicators you look for other than trichomes?

See, this is why I ask questions. That right there is a damn good piece to be able to add to my understanding, and how long would it have taken me to figure out in the absence of OGs like this guy.
Hell yes, thanks brother.


I’m not a dick well I’m not a total dick.lmao. I’m surrounded by federal owned lake bed desert not many neighbors. I’m not sure if it was a couple pollen sacs,I might have misidentified, since I’ve never grown out a male. If the two I thought were male parts nothing has grown back there and I check 2 a day

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What I look for is completely subjective. I could generalize based upon the plants I keep in my stable, e.g: Wait for all the hairs to pull in, the calyxes to swell up , and a few amber trichomes, but that is my preference for the buds I grow. What if you get a long-flowering landrace that never stops producing new hairs, whose calyxes don’t swell up into buds with bag appeal, or your trichomes never turn amber? (I have intermittent problems with trichomes never turning amber and have read on other sites of others having this issue when growing in coco too :man_shrugging:). Once you have a few grows under your belt you will better understand when you like to harvest nuggs that best suit your style.
I grow lots of heirlooms and there is only one that I would pull at 8 weeks. And that one is still better and has a much larger harvest if I just let it go for 10 weeks :raised_hands: I hate tiring weed. I have ditched great cuts that were too tiring because I am old and don’t have enough time to be sleeping my life away :joy: But everyone’s body chemistry and how they react to any particular strain is different. Some strains that are said to give people energy make me really tired, and some that are claimed to make people tired give me energy :sweat_smile: Only you can know what works best for you.
You can experiment for yourself: Try cutting, for example, 1/4 or 1/3 of a plant at an earlier date and then wait a week and cut more… and so on until you have cut the whole plant down. This way you can make a side by side comparison of your finished product and best determine at what point in flowering that you prefer to harvest that particular plant. I had an acquaintance that grew a Silver Haze that needed 16 weeks to “finish” (with ~5-10%amber) but he pulled it when it was still a LOT smaller at ~10 weeks because it was straight sychedelic rocket fuel that lost its psychedelic touch if it flowered any longer. He would watch for the trichomes to shimmer…for 3 days before they turned cloudy you could notice a visual shimmer across the trichomes… and he swore by that as his queue for that particular plant.
Anywho… just noticed I am yammering on semi coherently so I’ll bow out. :joy::v:


Trainwreck ladies are streeeeetching.
Jammer literally grew almost 4 inches yesterday. She’s gonna be the monster of the 3. Kelly is my favorite plant for no particular reason, except that I like her vibe.
Ivan has some stout branches, and isn’t putting out nearly as many secondary branches as her sisters (yes Ivan had revealed herself to be a lady).
Echo is happily trucking along.
Last feeding was farro SST, and today was LABS and water.
Also of note: with the 50/50 cut of the BAS 3.0. the plants are super healthy, but don’t have the dark green N tox appearance the previous ladies had.


Kelly looks like its loving life.


Agreed! I’m messing with my phone camera, because I don’t know why it has a blur effect around the periphery… it’s not on portrait mode


I wish my phone took any pics as good as yours you are complaining about.lmao. Looking good :+1:

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Okay guys, break it to me easy:

Something appears to be munching my plants, small white flecks in the leaves, and under the loupe, there are some little black granules on the top of the leaf.
No signs of damage, or foreign material on the underside.
No visible bugs.


I’ve checked them as best I can, and I’m thinking the damage looks like thrips, but I can’t find the bastards.


That’s not so bad brother. Did you spill something on it accidentally like a spray maybe?


Yea, I was thinking the same thing. I’ve read the black specs are the poop and they can be really hard to spot even with a loupe since they can hide under leaves and in crevices. The damage is often noticed before the thrips themselves are seen.

Edit: I had not heard of this before but was just reading that blue sticky traps can be used to attract thrips. Then I see this on amazon


It isn’t bad yet, and it’s just on lower leaves ATM, but I want to be proactive before it gets worse.
Initially, I did think it was some splash, but looking at thrip damage, it often appears like a slimy or glossy spot, and/or the irregularly shaped bites out of the leaves. That’s exactly what I’ve got.
It’s showing up on 2 plants now, so I pulled a leaf, and under the loupe, there’s definitely leaf material that is damaged, not stained. It also doesn’t wipe off.
I’m gonna hit it with some dilute JADAM wetting agent, and whip up a batch of JADAM Liquid pesticide with some Oleander leaves.
@BeagleZ have you messed with any of the pesticide solutions?


Luckily I have not had to yet(knock on head), I just use the maintenance solution which for me is FPJ or FFJ, LivingVinegar and OHN for overall health and defense.
Sending the good vibes your way!


You’ll usually find stuff on the underside of the leaf easier from my experience


That’s what I thought too, so I was lifting up their skirts to hunt underneath, and next to the stem, but didn’t see anything.
It’s watering day, so I can get a closer inspection as I’m spraying them down with the wetting agent.

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I would get some bt (mosquitoe bits) and water just make sure kills any larva. Looks kinda like some splashing of the nutes.

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Again, not nute splash.