Heady Bear's Den- "Choose Your Own Adventure" OG Style!

Do you have a typical preventative IPM routine you stick to throughout veg and into early flower?

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Negative Ghostrider. I’ve been living on a wing and a prayer
Open to your recommendations


Haha, I stick to a weekly IPM foliar with neem oil and Agsil 16H as the wetting agent although sometimes I will add a little Dr. Bronner’s peppermint soap as well until the first week or two of flower. Every space is different but this routine works well for me and I have yet to have any issues with pests.


JADAM wetting agent is Castille soap…so add some peppermint essential oil, and I’m set on that ingredient! Thank you :bear::+1:
I’ve heard Neem can give buds a wierd flavor if appled late: agree or?


I would imagine so, I f#+%£ing hate the smell of it!!!
Right up there with cilantro :nauseated_face:


Ya dude my bad brain fart I specifically saw you say that then I put it in anyways even though I wasn’t going to.🤦. Carry on lol I’ve used bt on my mushroom substrate to control flies and worked great and no I’ll effect.

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If you stop using it by the 1st or 2nd week of flower it doesn’t have an effect on the flavor of the flowers and it’s not recommended to use it later in flower, it is best to use it as a preventative/routine measure than a “fix it” type spray.

Haha, neem is an acquired aroma :rofl: but I actually enjoy the smell of it, same goes for cilantro, haha, does cilantro taste like soap to you or you just hate the smell of it?


Oaxaca will remedy that lol. Forces patience


It does. Smokeable, but you notice.


Neem spray for me is week 3 flower at the latest. If I’m bugged up after that, I use heavy btt, and btk, both of those affect more animals than they are given credit for, imho. Bugs hate that shit.

They say btt only affects catties but then why can’t we spray it midday while bees are flying around? So I think it hurts a lot of critters good and bad, especially when freshly sprayed.



It tastes like something much more offensive than soap to me but I’m not going to say what it is here. It would be hard to appropriately explain without sounding a little weird @ElGalloBlanco lol :crazy_face:


Hey Heady, I misspoke in my previous reply, the soap is definitely a wetting agent but the potassium silicate (Agsil 16h) acts as an emulsifier for the neem to more readily mix into water, although the soap can be used in the same way.

@BeagleZ Haha, that is too funny!


Nice looking garden you have here sir! If that’s your first pest I’d say you’re doing great work! Looks like thrips to me too, and it’s pretty minor so far so they might be hard to find. And with a clean room and good airflow they don’t ever get much worse in my experience. I bet if you got a small fan blowing underneath your canopy around the lowers parts of the plant and soil it would do a lot. Personally I’m always hesitant to spray anything in flower.


That’s how I feel too. They got absolutely hosed twice yesterday with JADAM wetting agent and grapeseed oil (2 tbsp ea in 1 gallon pure water).
I’ll hit them once more tomorrow, and then keep an eye out. So far it’s 2 plants, and just a few leaves, so I think it’s been caught early.
Bonus: they loved the the foliar spray and were praying hard by lights out! Probably a little K bump from the soap


Many thanks brudda! Glad to have you around.


That’s why you need to do routine IPM during veg and into very early flower, then hopefully you won’t need to do anything else throughout the flowering stage. What do they say, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.

And this, the plants always seem really happy and healthy after getting a good foliar spray.


I’m going to incorporate weekly JWA/oil sprays, as listed above, into my veg cycle. It’s mild, effective, and natural, and it beats having to hunt for pest solutions after the fact. I’ll save the JADAM pesticides “in case of infestation”… gonna have to whip up a batch of foliar sulfur just in case.


Watered today with LABS, and applied Chernobyl pollen (@BCC !), as well as MaMaHaze pollen to each of the Trainwreck ladies. One lower branch per male, maybe a total of 25-30 budsites pollinated.

To manage expectations, I want to say that the Chernobyl pollen didn’t travel great, and was a little clumpy. I’m not counting it out yet though, it only takes a couple grains!

The MaMaHaze pollen definitely was viable for its application to Echo, and it looks like we’ll get a bunch of seeds for the effort.

Trainwreck girls have been flowering for 17 days
Echo has been flowering for 46.
Word on the street is that MaMaHaze takes its time, so I won’t be surprised by another 3-4 weeks of flowering for her, plus a couple more for the pollinated branches to mature.
Oaxacan is gonna be delayed by the anticipated longer flowering time of the current run, but I’ll still be planting them sometime in May.


If I can ever make time for a complete photo update, I’ll show you, but Jammer is the most stereotypical Trainwreck! She is growing every which way (including loose!), and a couple branches kept growing into the lights, so I flopped the tallest branch.
I know for a fact she’s not gonna give a fuck, but maybe it’ll slow her down a shade.
My girl Kelly, on the other hand, has 8 perfectly even branches, forming a perfect canopy.
Ivan is essentially 4 main branches, a couple floppy lowers, and that’s it. Virtually no side branches.


@HeadyBearAdventures That was my first time sending pollen in the mail. Hopefully you get a few seeds. If you have any suggestions for how I could have packaged it better, please msg me.