Heady Bear's Den- "Choose Your Own Adventure" OG Style!

Ah, good clarification.
Yeah, he does like to throw heavies into his crosses, I’m with you on that.
Honestly, I’ve been so “indica” averse, I’m kind of curious if I would like them better now as my own homegrown, or if it would just amplify all the effects I dislike. I’ve only ever gotten strains like that from homies that grew them out, or at the dispo.
There are some potential face melters coming up in the breeder pack voting, so it might be put to the test soon!
Edit: I’d also like to keep a stash of high quality “narcotic” smoke, in case of the need for some heavy medicine. I don’t have any chronic pain conditions (a blessing, I know), but I know folks who do, and I’d like to be able to offer my support, even if it’s not something I would personally choose, smoke-wise.


Around here all the younger ( which means the other 90% ) bunch are pretty much balanced or indy dom . All sittin’ around on their phones or playing video games . All the geezers outside runnin’ round doin’ stuff . Shit don’t need no leadass weed . Yes it is nice to also have something for arthuritis days & sleepless nights .


My guess is I’ll enjoy broadleaf landrace strains more than 100% “indica” polyhybrids… if that’s the case though, I’ll just gift or trade the few “heavy” packs I’m holding, to friends here on OG!
Either way I’m doing my part to Overgrow the planet :grin::+1::bear:


@boatbum325 you’ll start seeing me in the trading thread, and I’ll just quote your posts:

“Looking for sativa, or sativa dominant strains 70 days+ flower”

Edit: I’ll add a line (no autoflowers please :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::wink:)


I don’t think there’s any doubt . Landrace still has a broad spectrum of cannabinoids & god know what else . New stuffs all been Monsanto’ed . Same with sativas , a solid 12 - 15% full spectrum vs 22% flavor of the month will suprise you . At first you think ho - hum , but notice visual or audio effects , your eyes are friggin’ stop sign red & everythings amusing , ffwd a bit & you actually have the munchies . Shouldn’t smoke & type …


I will always prefer this, a milder thc ganja that i can smoke a few times a day and never burn out or “crash” mid-afternoon.

All day long feeling of well being is better than the “up and then down” i get from more potent varieties.


Don’t get me wrong I like the space rocket heart pounders , I’m too paranoid to go in the store stuff too . Better after the works done or off the street . Functional feel good for everyday use for most of the time .


Well, in general, I’m hating on high THC as the metric for good weed too.

But, I’ve been working with a sativa that tests out at 26% and it’s some serious business let me tell you.

Not knock your dick in the dirt potent indica but it’s intense, different, and fabulous.

Sometimes it’s too much even.


The budtenders in the early days of medical here were passionate about our cannabis knowledge. Literally, we would sesh, and just hunt for info to be able to support our patients.
We tried so hard to end the “high THC is better” mindset, but it was us against the corporate cannabis marketing giant.
Even old timers would come in asking for 20% or better strains, and then complain that it wasn’t like it was in their day. Meanwhile, we tried to offer them the 15% Hindu Kush, and they scoffed that it wouldn’t be “strong enough for me!”
Misinformation is a fucker.


Agreed. I enjoy a Sour Diesel “white out” feeling like a rushi, my hands go numb, face gets hot, ears start echoing, tunnel vision, bright light, almost blacking out feeling.

But not if i’ve got stuff to do. Like walking the dog, washing dishes, helping a neighbor, etc. i just like some peaceful, easy “it’s all good” feeling.


Sorry was absent for a ton of posts. Been a busy day. I didn’t convey tho that the seven that popped had big thick radicals and were very vigorous after three days in the paper towels. All but two have popped thru the soil and I’m sure the two will make it. I go a little deep when putting them into soil. Lol DEEP.



Most excellent brudda!
Heads up, almost all of these showed twisty or crinkle leaves to some degree when they’re seedlings.
I’ve got one of the f3s going myself, and it still shows it.
Also if they have a “thumb”, a leaf that points back toward the petiole, that’s from the Longbottom leaf according to Jeff.


Photo update for watering day!
My photo compressor is being weird, so Adolfo for the color issues, but you can see structure, and some early bud porn.


Alright my friends, the vote was clearly for getting these seeds out into the wild, so here are the names and numbers I’ll be using for the RNG.
If you voted no, don’t worry, I took you off the list.

I will give away 4 packs over the course of today and tonight, because that’s how many stamps I have.

There will be 2 packs of the Alpha pheno, and 2 packs of the Charlie pheno.

Alpha struck a nice balance between the Starfighter, and the Longbottom leaf. Notes of fuel, strawberry candy, and light lemon. There’s no berry in the LBL side so that’s Starfighter all day.
Effects were clear but dreamy, calm, anti anxiety, and also had me all in my feelings. I posted something about @oleskool830 and damn near cried!

Charlie smells like Jack Herer, with a little more chem, which leads me to believe it’s a Jack’s Cleaner pheno. If it were truly an LBL presentation, I would expect a little more funk, but this stays pretty bright.
Smokes like Jack too. Clear head, get up and go, laugh out loud, brighten up your day. I ended up having a bunch of super social, really fun conversations each time I smoked it.

Two great, but very different phenos. Structurally they were basically identical Christmas trees. I think it would benefit greatly from topping or other training methods to break apical dominance.

  1. @Oldtimerunderground
  2. @Upstate
  3. @BeagleZ
  4. @HumblePie420
  5. @Pigeonman
  6. @420noob
  7. @THCeed
  8. @DesertHeartGardens
  9. @potpotpot
  10. @blowdout2269
  11. @Big_Yeloe
  12. @CocoaCoir
  13. @Gpaw
  14. @DougDawson
  15. @GMan
  16. @Greenfingers
  17. @YoBigdaddy
  18. @deeez99
  19. @Emeraldgreen
  20. @Rhai88
  21. @herojuana.tom
  22. @Maddawg
  23. @piter
  24. @patsnumone
  25. @OrganicGorilla
  26. @Jimdoors
  27. @Tlander
  28. @Bobgrows
  29. @BudWhisperer
  30. @BRMTreefarmer
  31. @Weednerd.Anthony
  32. @CrunchBerries
  33. @ColeLennon
  34. @Mi-1000
  35. @Faithisyours
  36. PineTarBastard
  37. @Wuachuma
  38. @chronix
  39. @Kasper0909
  40. @Cormoran

Thank you for the chance at this tasty strain @HeadyBearAdventures !


So let’s kick it off right away with our first winner of LBF F3 Alpha pheno:

Number 23: @Piter come on down!!!


And the winner of the first Charlie pheno seeds is…

@Weednerd.Anthony ! Kudos brother!

Winners may PM details at your leisure.
Next drawing closer to supper time here in AZ!


CONGRATS @Piter & @Weednerd.Anthony !!!

Great give-away @HeadyBearAdventures !



Thanks pidge!
More to come.