Heady Bear's Den- "Choose Your Own Adventure" OG Style!

Link to the poll

We’re gonna go until 7 p.m. my time, so four and a half more hours
It’s so close!!!


just finished up a dragonfruit thai from doc d that i’m really enjoying, have also read good feedback on the other DE crosses so that’s my vote this round. tough choices up there for sure though.


Well family, with 21 votes, juuuuust squeezing out the Swackhammer, the VIETNAM BOMB :vietnam: :bomb: is on deck once the Oaxaca are up and running!
Thank you all for your participation, and for continuing to follow along (and help me!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:).


Day 52F TW
Day 81F MaMaHaze

Reached out to Swami Seeds for info about Vietnam Bomb. The three known phenos are all over the board, so I’m trying to get tips from the horse’s mouth!



Hey I want to update everybody who is wondering why the giveaways stopped: I decided to let the seeds cure and dry for a couple months so that members who receive them have better germination rates.
Anyone awaiting seeds, I apologize for the delay. I’ve been blessed with a lot of business with new clients lately, but as a result I haven’t had a window to get these envelopes stamped and mailed!
We will resume giveaways in June.
Heady Bear: out.


@Dirt_Wizard did you see this?! Your Vietnam Bomb gift is gonna get wet soon!


Woohoo! I hope they rock for you, Heady!


You are scoring bonus points!! :+1: :+1:



Hey guys, I don’t wanna make a big deal, but I’m feeling pretty sad right now.
I was married for almost 10 years, divorced now for 6, and when I moved out I didn’t have the ability to take care of our cat, so he stayed with her.
She texted me today to say she’s gonna have to let him go. He’s got diabetes, and he’s 16 years old.
I haven’t talked to her in years, and I haven’t seen the cat since I left, but I gotta tell you: it fucked me up!:disappointed:
His name is Pippin, and as a kitten he was a real bastard! He broke shit all the time, knocked things over, and tore things up. He would climb your leg whether you were wearing pants or not, and he sure as shit could tell if someone didn’t like cats because he made sure to give those folks way more attention than the ones who actually wanted him around! :rofl:
He slept in our bed from the time we got him until the day I left, and I imagine that will continue until the day he dies.
He never minded other cats, he was brave, and he could access the highest places in any room, even if we couldn’t figure out how he did it.
Anyway, it was a double whammy of unexpectedly hearing from her, and the news, and I just needed to get it out. Appreciate you guys for taking the time to listen.


As a fellow cat owner I can relate. It is the worst part about pet ownership.

All you can do is take solace in knowing you gave him a good life. I have put down two cats and three dogs and it can be very tough. I still own four cats and plan on getting more dogs but dread the day I say goodbye to each one.

They each have their own little personalities. My thoughts go out to you and your kitty.


Thanks brother. I asked her if I could be there with him/her when the time comes; I left him for so long, and I just want him to know I still love him


Poor Pippin, I am saddened to hear this Heady. :crying_cat_face:

I am sending mental scritcheszz and rubszz


BIG HUGS @HeadyBearAdventures !!!



Thats a bummer @HeadyBearAdventures, my thoughts are with you. We had a cat named pooh bear, my neighbors moved in a couple years after we built our house, they kicked him out of the house, thus he came to live with us for about a dozen years living in my barn. I heated it for him and my daughter Taylor loved him. He stayed here the rest of his life. He even got along with my chocolate lab. He wouldn’t catch the mice but we loved him.


Sending good vibes bud!
Onward through the fog


Losing a pet is like losing part of one’s self.:cry:. I truely feel for you and good vibes you way man.


Sounds to me like the cat missed out
Sorry to hear, Brother. As we age, things tend to affect us differently.
Hang in there.


Damn, sorry to hear this friend. They really are part of your family.


You are a good fur papa!


Hey bud, sorry I ain’t been around.
It’s so sad to hear this news. I know it sucks to lose part of our furry family. The wife and I just had to say goodbye to our 14 year old diabetic cat Bella, so we feel your pain. It really blows how we will always outlive our pets. But, I’ll be damned if the time we have with them isn’t amazing. I keep telling her that we should get a tortoise or a parrot, lol.
Rest easy knowing that your furry friend will be in a better place and feel no pain. :disappointed_relieved: